电场(electric field)和磁场(magnetic field)的区别


The magnetic field is produced by a flow of electric charge. Stationary charges can also produce magnetic fields but essentially the intrinsic motion of the charges themselves c***titute a magnetic field. At the atomic level, the origin of magnetic force arises from the tiny electric loops. For example, in atoms, the magnetic field is produced by the electron loops (i.e. the electr*** revolving in orbits around the atomic nucleus theoretically c***idered as a flow of current). Magnetic field force is related to an intrinsic quantum property called spin that gives subatomic particles a magnetic dipole moment. Electric fields give rise to the magnetic field and that is apparent in magnetized metals. Artificial permanent magnets are produced by aligning all the electron loops in the metal in one direction i.e. a common orientation. This process is known as magnetization and that is possible only with ferrous metals (see 黑色金属与有色金属). The net magnetic moment of the magnet is equal to the sum of the individual magnetic moments of all the oriented atomic loops. Magnetic fields are related to the changes in the motion and orientati*** of the electric charges. Electrical appliances and electronics have functi*** mainly depending upon electric and magnetic fields. See the (电气与电子). 

007Ys3FFgy1gsemiblnomj60aj03pt8s02电的(electric)和磁场是指电场强度的平方反比定律只适用于静止电荷(magnetic field is that the inverse square law for the electric intensity of the electric field applies only for stationary charges)的区别同步电机与感应电机).

一个在一个电灯泡之间(one between an electric)和磁场是一个热门话题的讨论是,一个电单极(单电荷)存在,但一个磁单极(无论是n极或s极)不存在的性质。如果我们把一块磁铁分成两块或多块,每一块都会形成一个磁场(magnetic field that is a popular topic of discussion is that an electric monopole (single charge) exists but a magnetic monopole (either n-pole or s- pole) does not exist in nature. if we break a magnet into two or more pieces each one of them develops a north)的区别

电场与磁场之差 电场 磁场
自然 产生于电荷周围 围绕着移动的电荷和磁铁产生的
单位 牛顿/库仑,伏特/米 高斯还是特斯拉
与电荷成比例 与电荷和电荷速度成比例
电磁场中的运动 垂直于磁场 垂直于电场
电磁场 产生变量(电容) 吸收变量(感应)
杆子 单极子或偶极子 偶极子

Also see: 电流与电压

  • 发表于 2021-07-13 00:18
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电位(electric potential)和电场(electric field)的区别

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磁性材料(magnetic materials)和非磁性材料(non magnetic materials)的区别

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磁场(magnetic field)和磁通量(magnetic flux)的区别


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感应电动机(induction motor)和同步电动机(synchronous motor)的区别

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电场(electric field)和引力场(gravitational field)的区别

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