



出于好奇,为了确保我们最喜爱的游戏节目不会自行消失,Verge提交了一份《信息自由法》(Freedom of Information Act)的请求,要求FCC对Jeopardy提出投诉!因为法律只要求FCC将投诉存储三年,所以我们收到的文件都是2013年至今的。危险!,作为一个近乎完美的电视节目,在这段时间里,只有7起针对它的投诉。




"In a $1,000 answer in regular Jeopardy, the answer was about the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Financial Aid). The question was ‘What is required to apply to college?’ which was accepted as correct. This is incorrect. The FAFSA is only required to apply for financial aid."




"During the past several years some contestants have been on the show continuously for a period of time and won large sums of money. Obviously interest in the show increases. Then all of a sudden the contestant who has won the large sum of money gives no answer or an incorrect answer and the winning comes to an abrupt end. This gives the impression that the producers of the show have a limit on the length of time a contestant can be on the show or the amount of money they can win. Kind of reminds me of the old $64,000 game show.

My question is has the FCC had any inquires concerning Jeopardy! and looked into the matter, and if so what were the findings?"




"Tonight, the CBS / Jeopardy! improperly used its entertainment platform and unfairly used PUBLIC airtime to promote and propagandize the federal government ACA / Obamacare program. Under the guise of being a gameshow, CBS / Jeopardy! violated apolitical TV standard to pimp ACA / Obamacare with slanted questi***, misleading answers in the "HEALTHCARE" category. If I wanted to watch ACA / Obamacare TV COMMERCIALS, I would OR JUST CHANGE THE CHANNEL. I read the entire ACA / Obamacare legislation, I OBJECT to Alex Trebek / CBS using the Jeopardy! gameshow to invade our home with even more ACA / Obamacare propaganda."


  • 800美元——根据奥巴马医改,大多数65岁以下、收入低于贫困线133%的人都有资格参加这项计划(什么是医疗补助?)
  • 1200美元——医疗保险的处方药福利覆盖范围有一个缺口,即支出从你的口袋里掏出来,也就是这个可食用的名字(什么是甜甜圈洞?)
  • 1600美元-高级实践注册这些专业人士之一拥有硕士学位,并提供直接的患者护理(什么是护士?)
  • 2000美元——这是1996年的MHPA中的“MH”,该法律规定其保险水平与其他医疗保险相同(什么是心理健康?)



"During tonight’s airing of Jeopardy!, the profane exclamation of "God Damn" was audible from one of the contestants. It occurred during the start of Double Jeopardy after the clue about a movie where Steve McQueen drives a Mustang. The answer to the question was "Bullitt," and right before the answer is given by the contestant, another can be heard saying the phrase "God Damn" at a low, but audible level. This is a pre-recorded primetime show watched by thousands. Such a phrase to be left in the airing copy is inexcusable."




"Captioning from something Alex Trebex said still remained on the screen covering the question Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor was asking, twice. There was no captioning a Cardi’s furniture commercial as there has never been captioning in any of their commercials. [And] even in the ‘captioning provided by’ spot, none of the companies that supposedly provided sp***oring for captioning even captioned their particular ads in that spot. This has actually happened in every Jeopardy! program I have watched and there are no capti***, by the way, in any of the WPRI Channel 12 News promos, nor are there any capti*** in the weather briefings during the commercials on Jeopardy! ever since I started watching the show with captioning."


"I don’t pay much attention to the commercials although almost none of them are captioned even the Channel 12 weather reports and news promo, they are never captioned. [As] if people who are hearing disabled and deaf don’t matter in Rhode Island, or would have no interested in the news or the weather or whatever other reason Channel 12 always refuses to place captioning in their commercials directly involving their news coverage and weather reports...

...Since I’ve been complaining about poor captioning on the part of Verizon, either to Verizon, itself or to you, since last summer to no avail, I’m really finding that all of you are like brick walls, except that no brick wall has ever lied to the public about desiring to help them. But, if someone worth his or her salt is reading this, I will, (sigh) again, tell you in the form of a hint about what needs to be done so that corporati*** like Verizon will never ever again ignore the needs of my fellow 60,000,000 and growing hearing disabled American citizens by refusing to caption their programming and phones accurately, if at all. Simply take the simple hint that follows and you will make that change. Just as agencies in the US government won’t change unless their power is threatened significantly, businesses in the capitalist world won’t change unless their profits are threatened significantly."



"KABC Channel 7 TV Los Angeles was airing Daytime Jeopardy! today. Alex Trebek announced what the Final Jeopardy answer was... but then that Final Jeopardy segment wasn’t aired on that TV station. At 3:54 PM local time, the station elected to go to a silly newscast about a fire. HOW STUPID IS THAT. HOW RIDICULOUS IS THAT. IT’S DISGRACEFUL TO SHOW A JEOPARDY! TV SHOW AND NOT SHOW THE SHOW’S LAST IMPORTANT SEGMENT. THAT TV STATION IS A DISGRACE TO COMMUNICATIONS. THANK YOU."



  • 发表于 2021-05-08 01:16
  • 阅读 ( 204 )
  • 分类:互联网



...电气安全第一”的非盈利组织发现的。这是国家电气安全委员会的一个分部门,负责围绕有关这个话题的问题展开竞选。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-25 10:08
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...法部门证实谣言“迫使当地消防和警察机构转移资源扑救火灾和保护公众”后,平台正在采取行动。他没有说明会影响多少员额或账户。 美国联邦调查局波特兰分部星期五在推特上说,“有关极端分子在俄勒冈...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 21:53
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...担任电信律师的内森·西明顿(Nathan Simington)为联邦通信委员会(Federal Communicati*** Commission)下一任专员。 上周,《边缘报》首次报道说,西明顿已成为取代现任共和党委员迈克·奥瑞利的主要候选人。美国国家电信...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 23:15
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...比以往任何时候都更清楚地看到,对于美国教育、就业、医疗保健和商业的未来来说,强健和负担得起的宽带是多么必要。” Markey的《2020年国家宽带未来法案》(National Broadband for the Future Act of 2020)将迫使FCC评估其是否达到了...

  • 发布于 2021-04-19 07:02
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  • 发布于 2021-04-25 07:34
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  • 发布于 2021-04-26 15:09
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...遇难。如今,在波音747坠毁近18年后,美国国家运输安全委员会(National Transportation Safety Board)拒绝了一份要求重新考虑调查结果的**书,这份**书的起草者认为,这架飞机是恐怖主义、导弹,甚至是秘密微波武器的目标。

  • 发布于 2021-04-26 19:54
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  • 发布于 2021-04-28 00:15
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联邦通信委员会正在对另一家广播公司处以罚款,因为它在不该播放紧急警报系统音调的时候播放了这种音调。今天发布的最新罚款是iHeartCommunicati***支付的100万美元,iHeartCommunicati***在10月份播出的一个大型乡村音乐节目“Bobby ...

  • 发布于 2021-04-29 23:28
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  • 发布于 2021-04-30 07:26
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