



Sonos**家用扬声器——正是亚马逊的Echo和(到目前为止程度较小的)Google home颠覆了这个空间。说Sonos被家庭中数字助理的崛起蒙蔽了双眼,这也许并不完全公平;但可以说,该公司还没有对它们突如其来的重要性做出足够迅速的反应。



Sonos已经在计划与Amazon Alexa进行一些整合,但似乎其他服务也将紧随其后——假设Sonos能够以某种方式保持独立,并以某种方式说服所有这些潜在合作伙伴共享扬声器空间。斯彭斯提到了这一新的平衡,并表示索诺斯将进入“大联盟——与亚马逊、谷歌(Google)和(可能)苹果(Apple)等全球领导者合作和竞争。”



I am humbled and honored by the opportunity to serve as your CEO. I joined Sonos four and half years ago for two reas***:

First, I was a passionate Sonos customer – it changed the way my family and I enjoy music around our home. It was awesome to see my friends sharing their favorite musical memories around our dining room table and to see my two kids dancing their hearts out in the kitchen. Our company matters because music matters, and bringing that into more homes matters more than ever.

The second reason I joined was because of the people. The first person I met was John, and he was even more wonderful than the product. And then I got to meet the talented team and was blown away. Every day I leave work inspired by the passion and ideas I see from all of you. My passion for why we're here, for what we build, and my love for all of you has only grown over that time. For these reas***, taking on the CEO role is incredibly exciting, and I’m all in.

I’d like thank John for his leadership in bringing Sonos from an idea to a company of more than 1,300 people that has filled milli*** of homes with music. He’s done it by leading with clear mission and strong set of values. He has taught us what is possible when all of us show up every day ready to pursue our mission and carry out those values. John is a special entrepreneur, and one of the most selfless and high integrity people I know. We will build on this great foundation and relentlessly pursue the mission he set the company on fifteen years ago.

With the full arrival of streaming, the advent of voice, and the promise of the connected home, we are at a pivotal and defining moment – this is our time. The next few years will define our future as we step into the big leagues – partnering and competing with global leaders like Amazon, Google and (likely) Apple. It requires new thinking and a different pace than we had in our first fifteen years.

We know that life at home requires the support of a variety of services since each family member has their own preferences. We have already proven the ability to do this in an elegant and reliable way with music services. We are going to do the same with voice services, bringing all the services that matter to every home. This, combined with our strength and breadth in music streaming services, our commitment to building a software platform that partners can easily build on, our variety of awesome products that fit every room (vs. a one-size-fits-all approach), and sound quality that makes music come alive unlike anyone else, sets us up for a strong future.

We must challenge ourselves to stay ahead of the curve. Being great doesn’t always require being first, but when it comes to the home music experience, we must be the pioneer. More companies are jumping into our space because they see the big opportunity ahead. What got us here won’t alone get us through the next phase. Given this, there are two important areas we need to evolve:

First, we must have a bias towards action. You are all talented and bring diverse perspectives. You have ideas. Please share them freely – especially before they’re “perfect.” Take a risk and share them with others. Listen to the new ideas of your colleagues with the goal of learning about what could be, and help them make them better. Apply yourself to putting ideas into action and being nimble enough to adjust along the way. The pace in which we do this must be faster than the rate of change in the world, and the world is getting a lot faster.

Second, we must innovate boldly. When Sonos began, it was all about product innovation– and while we need more product innovation and pace than ever, we also need to expand our innovative thinking to the way we market to customers, the way we sell to customers, and the way we service customers. We need to be bold about where we believe the world should go, and then we need to lead it there.

I’m fired up to go after the opportunity in front of us, and bring the joy of Sonos to milli*** of new homes. I look forward to doing it together with all of you.

Best, Patrick

  • 发表于 2021-05-09 12:56
  • 阅读 ( 202 )
  • 分类:互联网



...歌现在还提供了由谷歌助手提供动力的智能扬声器。这些发言人包括2016年谷歌主页、2017年谷歌主页迷你版和2017年谷歌主页最大版。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-15 08:25
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...示会反击;在最初的案件中,它已经反诉了索诺斯。谷歌发言人Jose Castaneda说:“Sonos对我们合作的历史发表了误导性的言论。”。“我们的技术和设备是独立设计的。我们坚决否认他们的主张,并将对他们进行辩护。” 索诺斯...

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...以随意购买市场上最好的智能扬声器,而不必担心它是否能与我们的智能照明系统配合使用。在美国,音频公司Sonos起诉了谷歌,因为他们涉嫌在构建同时集成了谷歌和亚马逊语音助理的产品方面存在争议。 欧盟此前曾多次进行...

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...是谷歌首次为任何合作伙伴公司提供这一功能。” 谷歌发言人Jose Castaneda在一份即将发表的声明中说:“Sonos对我们的合作和技术提出了错误的说法,我们对此感到失望。”。“我们不情愿地维护自己的专利权。在我们寻求解决...

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...逊的一次媒体聚会上,我和林普谈到了公司与索诺斯关系的新裂痕。 你今天早上读了《****》的报道。索诺斯说:“如果我们有足够的资源起诉谷歌,我们也会起诉亚马逊。他们窃取了我们的技术,想把我们挤出市场。“你的第...

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...。我们对这些说法提出异议,并将积极为其辩护,”谷歌发言人对《边缘报》表示。 这场诉讼不仅仅涉及个人专利,它是对科技巨头日益增长的反竞争压力的回应。Sonos仍然依赖于与谷歌和亚马逊的合作,这两家公司为智能音箱...

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...更新。原版播放:52009年推出的Sonos是名单上唯一的一位发言人,因此成为第一位在软件支持方面走到尽头的Sonos发言人。该公司目前仍在销售的所有产品(包括老化的Playbar)都应该有一段漫长的软件更新之路。 Sonos告诉我,从5...

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...好的麦克风。 至于买回声而不是Sonos音箱的人呢?斯彭斯希望他们最终能升级到索诺斯。 为了清晰和篇幅,本次采访经过了编辑。 似乎索诺斯生活在家庭音频的高端,然后亚历克莎进来,只是做家庭援助的东西,人们只是购买...

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