




Digitize your gratitude journaling

I’m using the Three Good Things app, which might just be the simplest way to start gratitude journaling. Every night at 9 p.m., it asks me, “What went well today?” (It’s the only phone notification that I tolerate.) I then type in three good things. My good things have been **all—a text convo, listening to a favorite podcast, laying on the floor in luge-position with my daughter and pretending we’re speeding down a slope of ice with the Olympians. Once this week, I even wrote “drank a lot of water.” Man, my life is boring. But good boring.

michelle woo, parenting editor

Step up your home sandwich-making game

I realized that I have the power to make sandwiches at home any time I want. Look, making a sandwich is a hassle, and keeping a bunch of fresh ingredients in my fridge in the right amounts is also a hassle, so my upgrade is just remembering that it’s worth it. Here’s my fave sandwich recipe this week: I put two slices of sourdough in the toaster oven, with sliced gouda on top of one. When the cheese is all melty, I spread mayo on the other slice, and fill the sandwich with salami, maybe some turkey or some salad greens, and a big handful of sautéed peppers and oni***.

beth skwarecki, health editor

Escape into virtual reality

I bought a Playstation VR bundle last weekend, so goodbye real world. If you need me I’ll be fighting m***ters, shooting aliens, and getting the crap scared out of me for kicks.

patrick allan, staff writer

Ease back in to an exercise routine

I joined a gym and started running again this week after a brief hiatus (thanks to knee and ankle troubles...yay aging), and I’ve got my eye on a half-marathon in a few months. It’s frustrating not to be able to run the distances I could a few months ago, but my body needed the break, and it feels really good to be back at it.

alicia adamczyk, staff writer

Free yourself from timepiece tyranny

My watch broke and I have yet to replace it, so I’ve been going timekeeper-free. Mostly I’ve discovered that I didn’t need to keep checking the time every minute, and it’s ok to not worry as much about punctuality. But my wrist feels weird.

joel kahn, sr. video producer

Tote a tote for emergencies

With my favorite pair of backpacks in the repair shop for a zipper replacement, I’ve been forced to commute with a nice but unwieldy shoulder bag, wishing I had a bit more width to store everything I usually carry to the job. I knew something had to change when I saw my colleague Nick materialize a tiny, self-contained nylon tote from his own bag during a conversation. So now I carry around a folded up tote emblazoned with the name of my partner’s company to add some extra carrying capacity to my person. When I get my normal bags back, I’m most definitely sticking one of them in there, just in case I need to do some heavy lifting of some farmer’s market greens.

patrick austin, staff writer

Keep your self cozy while you convalesce

*Feebly raises head from sick bed* My upgrade is this heated blanket! It makes my life cozy and my mornings less hostile.

claire lower, food & beverage editor

Don’t let dishes build up in your sink

In an effort to improve my overall cleanliness and build up new habits a bit at a time, I’m trying to become a person who washes their dishes as soon as they’re done using them. Living alone it can be tempting to let the sink pile up all week, but my apartment is so much more inviting (and I’m so much more likely to cook) if I keep it clean. And generally, except for one night when I was sick and exhausted, I’ve been able to stick to it pretty easily—it really only takes a couple extra minutes when you only have a few dishes to deal with, and not several days’ worth. Who knew.

virginia k. **ith, managing editor

  • 发表于 2021-05-15 06:10
  • 阅读 ( 234 )
  • 分类:互联网


什么是android rom?你需要知道的三件事

你可能知道ROM代表只读内存,但它在Android世界中有着完全不同的定义。在Android上,ROM是指运行设备的操作系统。让我们来看看关于rom的一些基本事实,你应该知道。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-25 09:49
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...并获得访问几乎任何你的在线帐户。 为了防止这种情况发生,您需要更改您的重要帐户的密码—电子邮件、网上银行以及您从受感染的计算机登录的任何其他重要帐户。为了安全起见,你可能应该使用另一台你知道是干净的电...

  • 发布于 2021-04-11 15:06
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  • 发布于 2021-04-22 00:38
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instagram首席执行官凯文·西斯特罗姆(kevin systrom)说:“我不是一个真正喜欢仪式的人。这样生活更有趣。”


  • 发布于 2021-04-24 17:36
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  • 发布于 2021-05-17 11:33
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  • 发布于 2021-05-18 02:52
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  • 发布于 2021-05-18 12:40
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  • 发布于 2021-05-19 13:52
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  • 发布于 2021-05-19 14:00
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  • 发布于 2021-05-21 07:52
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