




Keep your headphones from becoming a snarled mess

I started wrapping up my headphone cords in a figure-8, so they don’t tangle or twist. I recommend making a Spock hand instead of the devil’s horns method we posted in 2006. And always put them in a pouch, or they WILL break.


Go on a true crime TV bender

If you were enthralled by The People vs. OJ Simpson, then you’re definitely going to be swept up in The Murder of Laci Peterson on A&E. If you didn’t live through the news frenzy or didn’t follow the story when it happened 15 years ago, this docuseries gives you all the terrible details, as well as a very interesting look at how the media covered it just as the country was entering the Iraq War. I mainlined it in one horrifying sitting.

melissa kirsch, editor-in-chief

Pile on the iPad accessories

My girlfriend just got me an Apple Smart Keyboard for my iPad Pro as a very early birthday present. I think it’s great! The keys feel nice, it covers the screen, and it all can still fit in my leather carrying case along with my Apple Pencil. Now I don’t have to travel with both my laptop AND my iPad Pro unless I’m doing something for work.

Patrick Allan, staff writer

Skip store-bought and make your own puff pastry

I don’t know if this is cheating, but learning to make rough puff pastry was definitely an upgrade. Making your own with real butter rather than the store-bought, which is made with shortening, really does taste better. It’s not as puffy, but the palmiers I made with the homemade rough puff were next level, and really easy to make. You may want to cut down a bit on the butter, though.

Claire Lower, food & beverage editor

Tame your tabs with a Tamagotchi

I’ve been using Tabagotchi, the Chrome extension that gives you a little Tamagotchi that you must try to keep alive by not opening too many tabs. It was fun at first, keeping it healthy and happy (“Yippee!” it says when your tabs are under control). But then over the course of the day (okay fine, the next five minutes), I kept killing it, which guilted me into closing some tabs and bringing it back to life. I like having it around. What else can virtual creatures help me do?

michelle woo, parenting editor

Simplify your USB setup with more cables

As the owner of a MacBook Pro outfitted entirely with USB-C ports, I have to say #DongleLife is really wearing me out. Most days involve me choosing which device to charge first, my iPhone, or my headphones. C***idering Apple’s USB-C multiport adapter and its $70 price point, I’d much rather bite the bullet and outfit myself with some cables that have a USB-C connector so I can get with the times as painlessly as possible. So I did. I bought two USB-C to Micro-USB cables, perfect for my Bluetooth headphones and my iPhone, usually protected by a battery case. The cables are short and let me ditch the adapter more often, which is nice, but the lack of USB-C cables with Lightning connectors from a known brand at a reasonable price forces me to keep the bulky and awkward-looking dongle in my bag just in case I need to combine the past with the present. I’d much rather live in the future though, where cables don’t cost an arm and a leg.

patrick austin, staff writer

Do a deep dive on the Mountain Goats

After squeezing 7 podcast recommendati*** into my 5 favorite podcasts earlier this week, I’m sorry to say I have another one. It’s a brand new podcast called I Only Listen to the Mountain Goats, which I discovered this morning. The guy from Night Vale interviews John Darnielle (singer/songwriter for the Mountain Goats) about his songs, one per episode. And then they have guests on, and everybody talks about what it’s like to create awesome things. The first episode features John Green and they discuss the song The Best Ever Death Metal Band in Denton. The rest of the season will look at the other songs off the same album, 2001's All Hail West Texas.

beth skwarecki, health editor

Use your social time to multi-task

This almost feels too obvious to use for an upgrade, but I’ve been finding myself really squeezed for time lately, and as such, reimagining my approach to how I fit in things like errands and catch-ups with friends. In part inspired by Ada Calhoun’s essay on staying friends in your 30s (the secret: lower your expectati*** of what it means to hang out!), I’ve been seeing more friends in conjunction with activities like furniture shopping, grabbing groceries, or picking up a million things at Target. I have to say, thus far I love it. We both feel like we’re getting something done, and the conversation is just as fulfilling (and less foggy-headed the next day) as it would have been if we’d had several hours to spend over dinner and too much wine. Granted, it’s only a few pretty close friends that I feel comfortable asking “Wanna come take a walk after work and help me pick out new drugstore eyeliner?” but it’s a really nice way to break up the monotony of day-to-day to-dos, and also make sure I see the people I care about more than, say, once a month for a hangout we’ve already re-scheduled five times.

virginia k. **ith, managing editor

  • 发表于 2021-05-15 15:16
  • 阅读 ( 223 )
  • 分类:互联网



...不完整的。你很注意你的运动装备,所以也要多注意运动耳机。是的,这很重要。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-17 07:40
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airpods max teardown让索尼和bose的耳机看起来像玩具

...rPods Max拆卸终于完成了,它详尽地展示了苹果首款入耳式耳机的内部结构,以及它们的维修有多容易。iFixit甚至还拆掉了索尼的WH-1000XM4和Bose的NC700耳机进行比较。到目前为止,iFixit一直拒绝为苹果的任何AirPods提供一个可修复点...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 19:16
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...文件显示,Bang&Olufsen'**&O Play的新型入耳式真正无线耳机可能即将上市。这些文件是为一个模型称为beoplayh95,所以也许他们将是一个更新的beoplayh9线的耳朵噪音消除耳机。 Beoplay H95s可能会从H9s的圆形设计(该公...

  • 发布于 2021-04-20 09:23
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...产品线添加Freq 5,这是一款具有一些灵活功能的新型游戏耳机。利用类似的设计语言作为老鼠线的游戏鼠标-所有锯齿状的角落和金属口音-USB耳机具有50毫米驱动器与钕磁铁,一个可移动的噪音消除麦克风,麦克风,音量和均衡...

  • 发布于 2021-04-21 01:23
  • 阅读 ( 87 )


...精确,音程延伸,从深次低音到高端高音,都非常出色。克服了周围的喧嚣,这些耳机得到了响亮只用我的银河注7的力量。 别被它的尺寸和技术吓倒了,它可以很容易地由**供电 Audeze销售的iSine有两条电缆:一条在普通的3.5毫...

  • 发布于 2021-05-07 11:29
  • 阅读 ( 186 )



  • 发布于 2021-05-08 07:12
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现在可以购买带有苹果w1芯片的powerbeats 3耳机

Beats的Powerbeats 3无线耳机在9月份的iPhone7发布会上首次亮相,现在可以购买了。继入耳式Beats Solo3和苹果自己的无线AirPods问世之后,Powerbeats现在是第三款使用苹果专有W1芯片的产品。

  • 发布于 2021-05-08 07:54
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  • 发布于 2021-05-10 07:11
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...Be4入耳式耳机面临的挑战,但我很高兴地说,他们有能力克服自己卑微的起步阶段。 Be4是围绕着最昂贵的材料之一铍建造的,铍的轻盈和刚硬在创建动态音频驱动程序方面非常有用,可以忠实地再现音乐,而不会产...

  • 发布于 2021-05-11 13:41
  • 阅读 ( 136 )



  • 发布于 2021-05-12 08:03
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