食草动物消化道(alimentary canal of herbivores)和食肉动物(carnivores)的区别


食草动物消化道(alimentary c**** of herbivores)和食肉动物(carnivores)的区别



Some mammals feed only on flesh of the other animals. They are called carnivores. The alimentary c****s of carnivores are well adapted to deal with protein-rich food. Carnivores have a long stomach that can store food for long periods, thus can survive long periods between meals. Moreover, their stomachs have strong gastric juices like pepsin, which are useful to digest bony parts of their diets. Moreover, the duodenum, ileum and colon of carnivores are not enlarged and have less bacterial breakdown. Their liver is enlarged and well-adapted for transamination and deamination.食草动物消化道(alimentary c**** of herbivores)和食肉动物(carnivores)的区别


Herbivores are animals that feed only on plant matters. Due to the low nutrient content of plant foods, herbivores need a large amount of food and eat for a long time. Herbivorous mammals cannot produce cellulase, which is required for the digestion of the cellulose cell wall of plants. In order to digest cellulose, they have bacteria that can produce cellulose enzyme. Even with cellulose-digesting bacteria, herbivores get a very low amount of nutrients from the plant matters. Because of this, many herbivores can get the partially digested food from the stomach to the mouth to be re-chewed; which is called chewing the cud. Certain herbivores like horses and cows have a complex four-chambered stomach. The compartments are the rumen, reticulum, omasum, and abomasum. Because of the presence of rumen, which is an enlarged fermentation chamber with a great amount of symbiotic cellulose-digesting bacteria, these herbivores are called ruminants.食草动物消化道(alimentary c**** of herbivores)和食肉动物(carnivores)的区别

食草动物消化道(alimentary c**** of herbivores)和食肉动物(carnivores)的区别













 Image Courtesy:  “Abomasum (PSF)” by Pearson Scott Fore**an – Archives of Pearson Scott Fore**an, donated to the Wikimedia Foundation→This file has been extracted from another file: PSF A-10005.png .(Public Domain) via Comm***  “Male Lion and Cub Chitwa South Africa Luca Galuzzi 2004” by Luca Galuzzi (Lucag) – Photo taken by (Luca Galuzzi) * http://www.galuzzi.it. ( (CC BY-SA 2.5) via Comm***

  • 发表于 2020-10-28 20:56
  • 阅读 ( 242 )
  • 分类:科学


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