活动ftp(active ftp)和被动ftp(passive ftp)的区别





What is Active FTP?

Active FTP connection mode is where Command connection is initiated by the Client, and the Data connection is initiated by the Server. And as the server actively establishes the data connection with the Client, this mode is referred to as Active. The Client opens up a port higher than 1024, and through it connects to the port 21 or the command port of the Server. Then the Server opens up its port 20 and establishes a data connection to a port higher than 1024 of the Client. In this mode, Client must set its firewall settings to accept all the incoming connecti*** that are received at the opened port.

What is Passive FTP?

In the Passive FTP connection mode, the server acts entirely passively as the Command connection and the Data connection are both initiated and established by the Client. In this mode, Server listens for incoming requests through its port 21 (command port), and when a request is received for a data connection from the Client (using a high port), Server randomly opens up one of its High ports. Then Client initiates a data connection between the opened port of the Server and its own randomly selected port higher than 1024. In this mode, the Client does not have to change its firewall settings, as it only requires outgoing connecti*** and the firewall do not block outgoing connecti***. However, the Server administrators must make sure that the Server allows incoming connecti*** at all its opened ports.

What is the difference between Active FTP and Passive FTP?

The difference between the Active FTP and Passive FTP is based on who initiates the Data connection between the Server and the Client. If data connection is initiated by the Server, the FTP connection is active, and if the Client initiates the Data connection, FTP connection is passive.

Depending on the Active or Passive mode of the connection, port used for Data connection changes. In an Active FTP, data connection is established between port 20 of the Server and High Port of the Client. On the other hand, in Passive FTP, data connection is established between a High port of the Server and a High port of the Client.

  • 发表于 2020-11-04 09:09
  • 阅读 ( 245 )
  • 分类:IT




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