windows htc环绕音响(windows phone htc surround)和htc 7莫扎特(htc 7 mozart)的区别

HTC Surround和HTC Mozart是HTC与微软共同推出的五款新Windows手机之一。HTC在其WindowsPhone7产品组合中引入了五款新智能手机:HTC7Surround、HTC7Mozart、HTC7Trophy、HTC7Pro和HTCHD7。每一个在设计和功能上都是独一无二的。...

Windows Phone HTC环绕声与HTC 7 Mozart

windows htc环绕音响(windows phone htc surround)和htc 7莫扎特(htc 7 mozart)的区别

Windows Phone 7

HTC Surround和HTC Mozart是HTC与微软共同推出的五款新Windows**之一。HTC在其WindowsPhone7产品组合中引入了五款新智能**:HTC7Surround、HTC7Mozart、HTC7Trophy、HTC7Pro和HTCHD7。每一个在设计和功能上都是独一无二的。

HTC 7系列智能**运行在Microsoft Windows Phone 7(WP 7)平台上。

微软WindowsPhone7具有独特的集线器和磁贴界面,其设计便于操作。它提供了对应用程序和内容的快速方便的访问。WindowsPhone7还集成了许多流行的微软消费服务,如Xbox LIVE、WindowsLive、Bing(搜索引擎)和Zune(数字多媒体播放器)。

HTC 7环绕

HTC7环绕音响的主要吸引力在于它的多媒体功能。宏达电将这款****为“弹出式影院”(Pop-up cinema),这是一款拥有更丰富的收听和观看体验的**。

这款**运行在wp7平台上,集成了Dolby Mobile和srswow“虚拟环绕”以及上述许多流行的微软消费服务。

HTC 7环绕音响的独特之处在于其滑出式立体声扬声器和集成支架,可提供高保真音频和虚拟环绕声。

HTC 7莫扎特





HTC Surround有一个横向滑块,用于容纳立体声扬声器和支架;由于滑块机构,它稍厚(0.04“)和更重(1.23盎司)。






支架是为横向设计的,但大多数导航按钮都与纵向对齐。在横向位置观看电影时导航可能有点糟糕。这是WP 7需要改进的地方。




显示器HTC Surround和HTC Mozart都有触摸屏,可按需缩放,分辨率为480 x 800 WVGA



CPU Processing Speed
Both phones HTC Surround and HTC Mozart have 1 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon QSD8250 processor
HTC Surround:
Internal storage: 16 GB
ROM: 512 MB
RAM: 448 MB
HTC Mozart:
Internal storage: 8 GB
ROM: 512 MB
RAM: 576 MB
HTC Surround:
5 megapixel colour camera, 2592х1944 pixels,
Auto focus and LED flash
720p HD video recording
Built-in scenes include candlelight, landscape, and portrait
HTC Mozart:
8 megapixel colour camera, 2592х1944 pixels,
Auto focus and Xenon flash
720p HD video recording
Built-in scenes include candlelight, landscape, and portrait
Same for both HTC Surround and HTC Mozart
Digital compass
Proximity sensor
Ambient light sensor
HTC Surround:
1230 mAh Rechargeable Lithium-ion polymer or Lithium-ion battery
Talk time: WCDMA: Up to 250 mins; GSM: Up to 240 mins
Standby time: WCDMA: Up to 255 hours; GSM: Up to 275 hours
HTC Mozart:
1300 mAh Rechargeable Lithium-ion polymer or Lithium-ion battery
Talk time: WCDMA: Up to 330 mins; GSM: Up to 405 mins
Standby time: WCDMA: Up to 435 hours; GSM: Up to 360 hours
Applicati*** are same for both
The HTC Hub incorporates the weather in rich 3D and offers a selection of applicati***, such as:  Stocks, Converter, Photo Enhancer, Sound Enhancer, and more. And there are plenty of downloadable apps and games.
Weather app presents the weather in a rich 3D animation, forecasts for your location or other cities, and lets you know exactly what to expect.
The Stocks app lets you view stock prices and check indices. Define up to 30 stocks and track their progress. Rotate to view charts in full-screen detail.
With the Notes app you can post and arrange your notes on a bulletin board, then see them wrinkle and age over time. To view them in a list, just swipe and turn the board over.
Attentive phone
You need get embarrassed at meetings any more with the phone ringing loud.  The phone has a good feature; as soon as you lift your phone up the ringer volume gets lower. To silence it completely, you have to just flip it over.
The Flashlight app turns your phone into an LED flashlight with 3 brightness levels. It even flashes an SOS signal in case of emergency.
People Hub
With the People Hub, live feeds and photos are pulled together from Facebook and Windows Live. This viewed by some as a disadvantage.
Me Card
You can view and update your status in Facebook and Windows Live to broadcast your news.
Picture Hub
You could enter a gallery where you and your friends can share your photos and post comment on the pictures your friends have posted on Facebook or Windows Live.
Other features
Windows Phone 7’s camera app is amazingly fast and resp***ive for quick shots, you can take pictures in seconds, even if the phone is locked. You can post them instantly to Facebook or share them with your friends via email or SMS.
But some negative critics say when you pull the images to a computer that and view on full resolution they are not so vibrant as it appeared in the phone.
You can browse and download your favourite music, movies and TV shows from Zune. You can also preview songs and whole albums before you buy them using your Zune Pass.
With Zune PC companion your phone syncs with your music catalogue on your PC wirelessly and automatically, whenever you charge your phone while on your home network.
With the Photo enhancer you have a add variety of effects to create your photo and adjust colour and brightness for the perfect picture.
With the Sound Enhancer app delivers virtual surround sound and equalizer sound effects for a richer listening and viewing experience. Equalizer presets automatically mix bass, treble and vocal levels for maximum effect, whatever your type of music.
For corporate/business users
Windows Mobile is better-oriented towards business users as it offers out of the box support for Microsoft Exchange, Office documents, VPN access and syncing with Microsoft Outlook on a desktop PC.
Office Hub offers many new features for business users. You can view and edit the latest Office docs on your phone. You can collaborate with colleagues on your projects using SharePoint.
You can use OneNote for organizing ideas, voice notes, pictures, and text and then synchronizing them to the cloud through Windows Live or SharePoint.
Outline offers a quick view of any Microsoft Office document, so you can quickly see what’s in the document and go direct to the location you want.
Bing Search
With Bing, there won’t be any search overload. Bing tries to understand the search you’re doing and organizes the results putting the most relevant (not popular) at the top. It also features voice search, pulls out buried information and displays related searches.
Bing Maps
Locate where you are and find the best route to where you want to be. Satellite images, street maps, 3D landmarks – Bing Maps can flow from a bird’s eye view high above, to a street level view for a more human perspective.
Quick launch
Bring the stuff that matters to you to the surface. You can pin your favorite apps, contacts, even shortcuts to your favorite songs and more to the Start screen for one tap access.
The WP 7 Games Hub delivers a new and exciting kind of gaming experience with hundreds of titles from Xbox LIVE, Microsoft Game Studios and other leading game publishers.
With the popular Xbox LIVE  in mobile, you can play with friends, share scores, and earn recognition for your achievements. You can access your Xbox LIVE profile and take your 3D Avatar and props with you on your phone. You can message requesting friends to join and they can see you playing.
With the application drop list in WP 7, you have to move vertically to locate the app, grid format and search not available.
Checking email is a very cool experience with WP 7 and the on screen key board to reply mails is amazing.
The main attraction with the Surround is the speaker bar and the promised “virtual surround” audio. Whether the extra feature outweighs the extra size and added weight is to be tested.
The other WP7 mobiles from HTC:
HTC 7 Trophy – clock up more game time,
HTC HD7- M***ter entertainment,
HTC Pro – whiz through your day

  • 发表于 2020-11-06 17:51
  • 阅读 ( 241 )
  • 分类:IT



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