如何缩写词(abbreviate words)






自动证书管理环境→ 顶点

Cellebrite认证物理分析师→ ***A公司

世界活水系统→ WLWS公司

英语作为第二语言教学→ 特斯拉

Concept Definition and Design Research → CDDR如何缩写词(abbreviate words)


When you are using abbreviati***, you should also c***ider whether it is familiar to your readers. It is always better to use the full form of the abbreviation first. Once the abbreviation is defined, you can use the abbreviation in the rest of the document. For example, 如何缩写词(abbreviate words)




Most of your readers are familiar with the abbreviation FBI, but most of them will wonder about the meaning of BIMCC. It is also possible that there are more than one meaning to this abbreviation. BIMCC, for example, can be expanded as Brussels International Map Collectors’ Circle and Bilateral Implementation and Multilateral C***ultative Commission. Therefore, always define the unfamiliar abbreviati*** at the beginning of the document. However, if it is a formal document, always define the long name first, regardless of how well known it is.如何缩写词(abbreviate words)





Image Courtesy:

“UNESCO logo” (Public Domain) via Comm*** Wikimedia 


  • 发表于 2021-06-27 22:22
  • 阅读 ( 206 )
  • 分类:语言



...列比较-缩略语与表格形式的缩写 5. 摘要 什么是缩写(an abbreviation)? The word abbreviation comes from the Latin word breves, which means short. An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or phrase. Normally an abbreviation of a word begins with the initial letter of the word ...

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...or single digit days. Example: 02 ddd = Displays the day of the week as an abbreviated word. Example: Sat dddd = Displays the day of the week as a full word. Example: Saturday M = Displays the month as a number. Example: 8 MM = Displays the month as a number with a leading zero for single digit mont...

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  • 阅读 ( 159 )


...ound that has given rise to these arguments. Wi-Fi Did not Originate as an Abbreviation The Wi-Fi name and logo were simply designed as a trademark. To quote the article Wi-Fi Definition is Not Wireless Fidelity on Webopedia: It was, however, a play on words with “Hi-Fi”. Background Source: Wi...

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如何在键入microsoft office时关闭拼写检查

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... 主要区别首字母缩略词(main difference acronym) vs. 缩写(abbreviation) Abbreviation refers to any shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase. Abbreviati*** may c***ist of initiali**s, acronyms, contracti*** as well as some other shortened word forms. An acronym is a type of...

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...文台的平均太阳时。The ITU felt it was best to designate a single abbreviation for use in all languages in order to minimize confusion. Since unanimous agreement could not be achieved on using either the English word order, CUT (协调世界时),或法语词序,tuc(临时宇宙坐标é)...

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