鹅,鸭(goose, duck)和天鹅(swan)的区别

鹅,鸭(goose, duck)和天鹅(swan)的区别




鹅,鸭(goose, duck)和天鹅(swan)的区别鹅,鸭(goose, duck)和天鹅(swan)的区别





鸭子 天鹅
王国 动物 动物 动物
脊索动物 脊索动物 脊索动物
等级 鸟类 鸟类 鸟类
超序 鸡形小纲 雁形目 雁形目
订单 雁形目 雁形目 雁形目
家庭 鸭科 鸭科 鸭科
亚科 雁亚科 锐钛矿,艾氏亚科,树突细胞,鱼尾科,粘着叶草,塔多纳 雁亚科
部落 安塞里尼 各种各样的 西里尼
安瑟、布兰塔、陈某 各种各样的 天鹅座
术语 鹅这个词特别适用于**,而甘地则特别适用于**。幼鸟在羽翼前被称为雏鸟。地上一群鹅的集体名词是一个嘎嘎语;在飞行中,它们被称为骷髅、团队或楔形物;当它们紧密地飞行时,它们被称为羽毛。 雄鸭叫德雷克,母鸭叫鸭子,或鸟类学中称为母鸡。小鸭是一只羽绒绒的小鸭或是小鸭。 雄性天鹅叫蜘蛛,而雌性则称为钢笔。天鹅是一只年轻的天鹅。一群天鹅被称为羊群。一群天鹅被称为“飞行中的一只小天鹅”或“楔形天鹅”。
身体 体型宽大、身体细长的小型鸟类。 鸭的整体身体规划是细长而宽大的。潜水鸭的体型更圆。 体型宽大、身体细长的小型鸟类。
脖子。 根据种类,脖子可以长到鸭子,比鸭子长,或者几乎和天鹅一样长。 脖子相对长,虽然脖子不像鹅和天鹅长。 与其他两个相比,脖子最长。
短,强壮,被设置在身体的后面。它们有一种皮革般的感觉,有鳞片的纹理。他们有蹼脚。 鳞片腿强壮发达,一般放在身体上,在高度水生物种中更是如此。它们有一种皮革般的感觉,有鳞片的纹理。他们有蹼脚。 短,强壮,被设置在身体的后面。它们有一种皮革般的感觉,有鳞片的纹理。它们有蹼足,它们的大小与鸭子或鹅成比例大。天鹅的腿通常是深黑色灰色,除了两种南美种,它们有粉红色的腿。
机翼 翅膀短而尖,由强大的翅膀肌肉支撑,在飞行中产生快速的跳动。 翅膀很强壮,一般都很短,而且尖,鸭子的飞行需要快速连续的笔划,反过来需要强大的翅膀肌肉。然而,三种蒸鸭几乎是不会飞的。许多鸭子在蜕皮时暂时不会飞;在这一时期,他们寻找有良好食物供应的受保护的栖息地。这种蜕皮通常先于迁移。 翅膀短而尖,由强大的翅膀肌肉支撑,在飞行中产生快速的跳动。它们的翼展可以接近3米(10英尺)。
比尔 账单是由软角质制成,顶部有一层薄而敏感的皮肤(触摸时有皮革般的感觉)。 喙通常很宽,含有锯齿状的薄片,在滤食性物种中有着特别明确的定义。对于某些捕鱼物种,该法案是长锯齿和强锯齿。 成年人的眼睛和比尔之间也有一块未被吃掉的皮肤。比尔颜色不同:四个亚北极物种有不同数量的黄色黑色的钞票,其他的都是红色和黑色的图案
牙齿 没有牙齿。 没有牙齿。但是在喙的边缘有一个类似梳状结构的果胶。这会使水从喙的侧面喷出,并捕获任何食物。果胶也用来预先整理羽毛,并存放滑滑的食物。 天鹅的喙中有一个锯齿状的小牙齿,用来捕捉和吃鱼。
羽毛 鹅属包括灰雁,布兰塔包括黑雁,陈包括白鹅。由于特殊的油,它们的羽毛很擅长脱落。 北方的龙龙通常羽毛丰满,但夏天蜕变,以使**更像外表。由于特殊的油,它们的羽毛很擅长脱落。 北半球天鹅的羽毛纯白,南半球的种类是黑白混交的。澳大利亚黑天鹅是完全黑色的,除了翅膀上的白色飞行羽毛。由于特殊的油,它们的羽毛很擅长脱落。
大小 这种鸟有许多不同的亚种,它们都有着不同的大小和羽毛细节。有些小物种可能会被混淆为鸭子。大多数物种一般比鸭子大。加拿大鹅的长度从75到110厘米(30到43英寸)。它们的重量在2.5到6.5公斤之间。 这种鸟有许多不同的亚种,它们都有着不同的大小和羽毛细节。然而,它们大多比天鹅和鹅小。尺寸通常在18厘米到86厘米之间。重量范围为1 kg至7 kg。

The largest members of the waterfowl family Anatidae, and are among the largest flying birds. The largest species can reach a length of over 1.5 m (60 inches) and weigh over 15 kg (33 pounds).


The geese lack sexually dimorphic plumage.

Southern resident species typically show less sexual dimorphi**, although there are excepti*** like the Paradise Shelduck of New Zealand which is both strikingly sexually dimorphic and where the female's plumage is brighter than that of the male. The plumage of juvenile birds generally resembles that of the female.

The sexes are alike in plumage, but males are generally bigger and heavier than females.


Both fresh water and sea water. Commonly fresh water, such as lakes, ponds, ricers, etc.

Both fresh water and sea water.

Commonly fresh water, such as lakes, ponds, ricers, etc.


Are generally found in temperate environments, across most of the world except for Antarctica.

The ducks have a co**opolitan distribution occurring across most of the world except for Antarctica.

The swans are generally found in temperate environments.


Several species are migratory, either wholly or partly so. Most migrate annually. They usually fly in a V-formation.

Some duck species, mainly those breeding in the temperate and Arctic Northern Hemisphere, are migratory; those in the tropics, however, are generally not. Some ducks, particularly in Australia where rainfall is patchy and erratic, are nomadic, seeking out the temporary lakes and pools that form after localised heavy rain.

Several species are migratory, either wholly or partly so.


Males exhibit agonistic behaviour both on and off breeding and nesting grounds. This behavior rarely involves interspecific killing.

Most duck species breed once a year, choosing to do so in favourable conditi*** (spring/summer or wet seas***).

Reach sexual maturity between 4 and 7 years of age. Are aggressively territorial.


Geese are primarily herbivores, although they sometimes eat **all insects and fish. Their diet includes green vegetation and grains. The Canada goose eats a variety of grasses when on land.

Diving ducks and sea ducks forage deep underwater. Dabbling ducks feed on the surface of water or on land.

Ducks exploit a variety of food sources such as grasses, aquatic plants, fish, insects, **all amphibians, worms, and **all molluscs.

Swans feed in the water and on land. They are almost entirely herbivorous, although they may eat **all amounts of aquatic animals. In the water food is obtained by up-ending or dabbling, and their diet is composed of the roots, tubers, stems and leaves of aquatic and submerged plants.


Geese are monogamous, which means that they live permanently in pairs. However, unlike most other permanently monogamous animals, they are territorial only during the short nesting season.

The ducks are generally monogamous, although these bonds generally last only a single year. Larger species and the more sedentary species tend to have pair-bonds that last numerous years. Mother ducks are very caring and protective of their young, but may abandon some of their ducklings if they are physically stuck in an area they cannot get out of or are not prospering due to genetic defects or sickness brought about by hypothermia, starvation, or disease.

They can form socially monogamous pair bonds from as early as 20 months that last for many years, and in some cases these can last for life. "Divorce" does sometimes occur, particularly following nesting failure.


The lifespan of a goose is usually 10 to 24 years in the wild.

The lifespan of a duck is usually 5 to 10 years in the wild.

The lifespan of the mute swan is often over 10 years, and sometimes over 20, however may survive for less in captivity.


Its nest is usually located in an elevated area near water such as streams, lakes, ponds and sometimes on a beaver lodge. Its eggs are laid in a shallow depression lined with plant material and down.

Ducks also tend to make a nest before breeding, and after hatching to lead their ducklings to water.

The nest is on the ground near water and about a metre across. Unlike many other ducks and geese the male helps with the nest c***truction.


The female lays from 2–9 eggs with an average of five and both parents protect the nest while the eggs incubate, but the female spends more time at the nest than the male.

Most domestic ducks neglect their eggs and ducklings, and their eggs must be hatched under a broody hen or artificially. Clutch size is 9 on average for American black duck, and 8 – 16 for Muscovy duck.

Average egg size (for the mute swan) is 113×74 mm, weighing 340 g, in a clutch size of 4 to 7, and an incubation period of 34–45 days. Males aid in incubating the eggs.

  • 发表于 2021-07-12 10:47
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天鹅之间的区别(differences between a swan)和一只鹅(a goose)的区别

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...,鹅和鹅这个词造成了混乱。简单地说,它们之间的主要区别在于,鹅是一个更广泛地用于表示属于该类别的鸟类类型的术语,而不论其性别,而雄鹅是一个用于表示不产卵的雄性物种的术语。 对比图 区分依据 鹅 甘德 ...

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