


Screenshot of sample CSS properties used in a code snippet





Shortcut Action
背景 在一个声明中定义各种背景属性。
背景附件 指定是固定背景图像还是随网页滚动。
背景色 定义网页上元素的背景色。
背景图像 定义元素的背景图像。
背景剪辑 指定元素的背景图像或颜色延伸的距离。
背景原点 指定背景图像的定位区域。
背景位置 定义背景图像的原点。
背景重复 指定背景图像的平铺方式。
背景大小 指定背景图像的大小。
边境 设置元素所有四个边的边框宽度、样式和颜色。
边框底部 设置元素下边框的宽度、样式和颜色。
边框底色 设置元素下边框的颜色。
边框左下半径 定义元素左下角边框的形状。
边框右下半径 定义元素右下角边框的形状。
边框底部样式 设置元素下边框的样式。
边框底部宽度 设置元素下边框的宽度。
边框颜色 设置元素所有四边的边框颜色。
边框图像 指定如何使用图像代替边框样式。
边框图像开始 指定边框图像区域超出边框框的范围。
边框图像重复 指定边框图像的平铺方式。
边界图像切片 指定图像边框的向内偏移。
边框图像源 指定要用作边框的图像的位置。
边框图像宽度 指定图像边框的宽度。
左边框 设置元素左边框的宽度、样式和颜色。
左边框颜色 设置元素左边框的颜色。
左边框样式 设置元素左边框的样式。
边框左宽度 设置元素左边框的宽度。
边界半径 定义元素边角的形状。
右边框 设置元素右边框的宽度、样式和颜色。
右边框颜色 设置元素右边框的颜色。
右边框样式 设置元素右边框的样式。
右边框宽度 设置元素右边框的宽度。
边框样式 设置元素所有四边的边框样式。
边框顶部 设置元素上边框的宽度、样式和颜色。
边框顶部颜色 设置元素上边框的颜色。
边框左上半径 定义元素左上角边框的形状。
边框右上半径 定义元素右上角边框的形状。
边框顶部样式 设置元素上边框的样式。
边框顶部宽度 设置元素上边框的宽度。
边框宽度 设置元素所有四边的边框宽度。
颜色 定义和设置文本的颜色。
不透明度 定义元素的透明度。
高度 定义元素的高度。
最大高度 定义元素的最大高度。
最大宽度 定义元素的最大宽度。
最小高度 定义元素的最小高度。
最小宽度 定义元素的最小宽度。
宽度 指定元素的宽度。
内容 **生成的内容。
引用 指定嵌入引号的引号。
计数器复位 创建或重置一个或多个计数器。
计数器增量 递增一个或多个计数器值。
对齐内容 指定柔性容器项目的对齐方式。
对齐项目 指定项目的默认对齐方式。
自我对齐 指定选定项目的对齐方式。
弯曲 指定柔性长度的构件。
伸缩基准值 指定弹性项的初始主大小。
弯曲方向 指定柔性项的方向。
弹性流 flex direction和flex wrap属性的速记属性。
弹性增长 指定flex项相对于flex容器中其他项的增长方式。
弹性收缩 指定flex项相对于flex容器中的其他项收缩的方式。
柔性包装 指定柔性项是否应换行。
调整内容 指定在解析任何柔性长度和自动边距后,如何沿柔性容器的主轴对齐柔性项。
秩序 指定flex项目在flex容器中的显示和布局顺序。
字体 在一个声明中定义各种字体属性,如字体样式、字体变体、字体粗细、字体大小/行高和字体系列。
字体系列 定义元素的字体列表。
字体大小 定义文本的字体大小。
字体尺寸 Preserves the readability of text when font fallback occurs.
font-stretch Selects a normal, condensed, or expanded face from a font.
font-style Defines the font style for the text.
font-variant Specifies the font variant.
font-weight Specifies the font weight of the text.
List Properties
list-style Defines the display style for a list and list elements.
list-style-image Specifies the image to be used as a list-item marker.
list-style-position Specifies the position of the list-item marker.
list-style-type Specifies the marker style for a list-item.
Margin Properties
margin Sets the margin on all four sides of the element.
margin-bottom Sets the bottom margin of the element.
margin-left Sets the left margin of the element.
margin-right Sets the right margin of the element.
margin-top Sets the top margin of the element.
Multi-Column Layout Properties
column-count Specifies the number of columns in a multi-column element.
column-fill Specifies how columns will be filled.
column-gap Specifies the gap between the columns in a multi-column element.
column-rule Specifies a straight line, or "rule", to be drawn between each column in a multi-column element.
column-rule-color Specifies the color of the rules drawn between columns in a multi-column layout.
column-rule-style Specifies the style of the rule drawn between the columns in a multi-column layout.
column-rule-width Specifies the width of the rule drawn between the columns in a multi-column layout.
column-span Specifies how many columns an element spans across in a multi-column layout.
column-width Specifies the optimal width of the columns in a multi-column element.
columns A shorthand property for setting column-width and column-count properties.
column-count Specifies the number of columns in a multi-column element.
Outline Properties
outline Sets the width, style, and color for all four sides of an element's outline.
outline-color Sets the color of the outline.
outline-offset Set the space between an outline and the border edge of an element.
outline-style Sets a style for an outline.
outline-width Sets the width of the outline.
Padding Properties
padding Sets the padding on all four sides of the element.
padding-bottom Sets the padding to the bottom side of an element.
padding-left Sets the padding to the left side of an element.
padding-right Sets the padding to the right side of an element.
padding-top Sets the padding to the top side of an element.
Print Properties
page-break-after Inserts a page break after an element.
page-break-before Inserts a page break before an element.
page-break-inside Inserts a page break inside an element.
Table Properties
border-collapse Specifies whether table cell borders are connected or separated.
border-spacing Sets the spacing between the borders of adjacent table cells.
caption-side Specifies the position of table's caption.
empty-cells Shows or hides borders and backgrounds of empty table cells.
table-layout Specifies a table layout algorithm.
border-collapse Specifies whether table cell borders are connected or separated.
Text Properties
direction Defines the text direction/writing direction.
tab-size Specifies the length of the tab character.
text-align Sets the horizontal alignment of inline content.
text-align-last Specifies how the last line of a block or a line right before a forced line break is aligned when text-align is justify.
text-decoration Specifies the decoration added to text.
text-decoration-color Specifies the color of the text-decoration-line.
text-decoration-line Specifies what kind of line decorati*** are added to the element.
text-decoration-style Specifies the style of the lines specified by the text-decoration-line property
text-indent Indents the first line of text.
text-justify Specifies the justification method to use when the text-align property is set to justify.
text-overflow Specifies how the text content will be displayed, when it overflows the block containers.
text-shadow Applies one or more shadows to the text content of an element.
text-transform Transforms the case of the text.
line-height Sets the height between lines of text.
vertical-align Sets the vertical positioning of an element relative to the current text baseline.
letter-spacing Sets the extra spacing between letters.
word-spacing Sets the spacing between words.
white-space Specifies how white space inside the element is handled.
word-break Specifies how to break lines within words.
word-wrap Specifies whether to break words when the content overflows the boundaries of its container.
Transform Properties
backface-visibility Specifies whether or not the "back" side of a transformed element is visible when facing the user.
perspective Defines the perspective from which all child elements of the object are viewed.
perspective-origin Defines the origin (the vanishing point for the 3D space) for the perspective property.
transform Applies a 2D or 3D transformation to an element.
transform-origin Defines the origin of transformation for an element.
transform-style Specifies how nested elements are rendered in 3D space.
Transition Properties
transition Defines the transition between two states of an element.
transition-delay Specifies when the transition effect will start.
transition-duration Specifies the number of seconds or milliseconds a transition effect should take to complete.
transition-property Specifies the names of the CSS properties to which a transition effect should be applied.
transition-timing-function Specifies the speed curve of the transition effect.
Visual Formatting Properties
display Specifies how an element is displayed ***creen.
position Specifies how an element is positioned.
top Specifies the location of the top edge of the positioned element.
right Specifies the location of the right edge of the positioned element.
bottom Specifies the location of the bottom edge of the positioned element.
left Specifies the location of the left edge of the positioned element.
float Specifies whether or not a box should float.
clear Specifies the placement of an element in relation to floating elements.
z-index Specifies a layering or stacking order for positioned elements.
overflow Specifies the treatment of content that overflows the element's box.
overflow-x Specifies how to manage the content when it overflows the width of the element's content area.
overflow-y Specifies how to manage the content when it overflows the height of the element's content area.
resize Specifies whether or not an element is resizable by the user.
clip Defines the clipping region.
visibility Specifies whether or not an element is visible.
cursor Specifies the type of cursor.
box-shadow Applies one or more drop-shadows to the element's box.
box-sizing Alters the default CSS box model.
Animation Properties
animation Specifies the behavior of all animati***.
animation-delay Specifies when the animation will start with a delay.
animation-direction Specifies whether the animation should play forward, backward, or in alternate cycles.
animation-duration Specifies the number of seconds or milliseconds an animation should take to complete one cycle.
animation-fill-mode Specifies how a CSS animation should apply styles to its target before and after it is executing.
animation-iteration-count Specifies the number of times an animation cycle should be played before stopping.
animation-name Specifies the name of @keyframes defined animati*** that should be applied to the selected element.
animation-play-state Specifies whether the animation is running or paused.
animation-timing-function Specifies how a CSS animation should progress over the duration of each cycle.




  • 发表于 2021-03-19 04:34
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  • 分类:编程



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...是几个简单的CSS示例,向您展示如何在web页面上进行一些基本的样式更改。 ...

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