

Image for article titled This Week's Most Popular Posts


  • Android Task Killers Explained: What They Do and Why You Shouldn't Use Them Android task killers improve your phone's performance while also boosting battery life-or at least that's the much-debated promise. Here's a look at how task killers actually work, when you should (or shouldn't) use them, and what you can do instead.
  • How to Get Cheap or Free In-Flight Wi-Fi Want to stay connected above 10,000 feet but don't want to pay the premium? Here's how to get in-flight Wi-Fi at a discount or even completely free.
  • Change Your iPhone's App Ic*** Without Jailbreaking Jailbreakers have been theming their iPhones for a long time, but if you like to refrain from jailbreaking, you can still change that app's ugly icon using previously mentioned iPhone Explorer.
  • De-Grease Your Laptop with a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser If you're tired of shiny, greasy spots all over your laptop you can safely cut through the grease with a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. Here's how it works.
  • Five Best Presentation Creation Tools Gone are the days when presentati*** are limited to poster boards you can haul into the conference room, and you've also got more opti*** than the de facto office suite provides. Here's a look five of the most popular presentation creation tools.
  • How to Play Any Media File in iTunes If you use iTunes to organize your media, you've probably run into the roadblock of adding files it doesn't support (like MKVs). Here's how to trick iTunes into supporting the files you want.
  • Top 10 Strategies for Getting Back Your Lost or Stolen Stuff Nobody plans to lose their gadgets, but anybody can make a few moves ahead of time to up their chances of getting their stuff back, whether with the help of good-natured finders or subtle tracking tools. Here are our favorite post-theft tools.
  • Build an Attractive DIY Desk and Workspace from Wooden Pallets Today we take a peek inside the offices of Dutch advertising firm Brandbase. Their offices are decorated with and furnished, unconventionally, with hundreds of wood packing pallets.
  • Turn a Pogoplug into a Full-Featured Linux Web Server Pogoplugs are great little storage devices, but they can do more than they let on. Let's take a look at how you can hack a Pogoplug into a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) web server.
  • The Best Photography Apps for Your iPhone With the quality of cellphone cameras approximating that of yesterday's point-and-shoots, you can take some amazing photographs on your iPhone. It gets even better with the right apps. Here are our favorite photography apps for your iPhone.
  • The Best Photography Apps for Your Android Cameraphones have come a long way, but you have opti*** beyond point, shoot, and pray to get a great shot. Our favorite photo-related apps for Android snap great shots, add quality effects, edit and share images, and otherwise improve your mobile-photo game.
  • 发表于 2021-07-26 05:33
  • 阅读 ( 214 )
  • 分类:互联网




  • 发布于 2021-05-18 06:29
  • 阅读 ( 221 )



  • 发布于 2021-05-18 18:38
  • 阅读 ( 237 )


本周,我们不再购买价格过高的威士忌,在麦当劳吃了一顿秘密早午餐,研究了如何最好地使用Facebook Messenger,并从军队那里学到了一些教训。我们来回顾一下。我们从军队学到的十大窍门你在军队里学到了独特的、有用的技能...

  • 发布于 2021-05-20 19:42
  • 阅读 ( 238 )


本周我们找到了ios6中最好的隐藏功能,用一个简单的小把戏清除了我们的鼻窦,阻止了Facebook试图追踪我们离线做的事情,等等。我们来回顾一下。ios 6的十大秘密功能苹果本周发布了ios6,为iphone、ipad和ipodtouch带来了一些新功...

  • 发布于 2021-05-25 17:25
  • 阅读 ( 196 )


本周我们学到了每一位电脑用户都应该知道的东西,为iOS 6和iPhone5做好了准备,调查了最好的办公椅等等。我们来回顾一下。每个计算机用户都应该知道的十件简单的事情不管你有多精通科技,在使用电脑时,我们每个人都必须...

  • 发布于 2021-05-25 19:19
  • 阅读 ( 209 )



  • 发布于 2021-05-25 20:21
  • 阅读 ( 199 )



  • 发布于 2021-05-26 21:34
  • 阅读 ( 195 )



  • 发布于 2021-05-27 09:05
  • 阅读 ( 206 )



  • 发布于 2021-05-27 15:30
  • 阅读 ( 190 )


本周我们来看看Android 4.0“冰激凌三明治”将带来什么,深入了解使用iOS 5的Wi-Fi同步是否值得,了解如何发现骗子等等。我们来回顾一下。先看看经过高度打磨的android 4.0“冰淇淋三明治”[更新视频]谷歌刚刚发布了他们的新款Ne...

  • 发布于 2021-05-27 17:35
  • 阅读 ( 217 )

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