
10月,《纽约时报》发表了一篇其他几家媒体多年来一直在追捧的报道:安卓系统创始人安迪·鲁宾(Andy Rubin)在离开公司时获得了9000万美元的奖金,尽管另一名谷歌员工对他提出了可信的性不端指控。...

10月,《****》发表了一篇其他几家媒体多年来一直在追捧的报道:安卓系统创始人安迪·鲁宾(Andy Rubin)在离开公司时获得了9000万美元的奖金,尽管另一名谷歌员工对他提出了可信的性不端指控。

该报道还包括谷歌**高管在被指控性骚扰后获得数百万美元奖金的其他几个例子,引发了公司内部的愤怒,导致2万名员工离职。Google parent Alphabet为此做出了一些让步,包括终止强迫员工通过仲裁而非诉讼解决性骚扰投诉的做法。


The suit was filed this morning in San Mateo Superior Court by Alphabet shareholder James Martin. The suit seeks three new independent directors for the Alphabet board, and an end to the dual-class voting structure of the stock — moves that would greatly diminish the power held by co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin. It also calls for executives who received payouts to return them to the company. It also seeks unspecified financial damages. Google did not immediately respond to a request for comment. [...]

“We are saying to the board of directors that it’s time they stand up and do what Google says — ‘do the right thing,” said Louise Renne, one of the lawyers who filed the suit, in a press conference today. (“Do the right thing” became Alphabet’s motto after it retired “don’t be evil.”) “There has been substantial evidence of sexual haras**ent at Google. And yet there hasn’t been the appropriate follow-through. In fact, quite to the contrary. The perpetrators of the sexual haras**ent have been rewarded handsomely — in one case, by a $90M payout. And that’s just wrong.”

该诉讼寻求为Alphabet董事会任命三名新的独立董事,并结束其股票的双重投票结构——这将大大削弱联合创始人拉里·佩奇(Larry Page)和谢尔盖·布林(Sergey Brin)的权力。该诉讼还要求收到薪酬的高管将薪酬返还给公司。它还要求赔偿未指明的经济损失。



“We think Google, or Alphabet, can really do a better job of looking out for shareholders and its employees,” Julie Gold**ith Reiser, an attorney representing pension funds in the litigation.

股东们有理由吗?《****》的一名记者Daisuke Wakabayashi在推特上说,字母表内部人士认为,该公司“有受托责任阻止高管离职为[或]创建竞争对手。”通过迫使他们签署竞业禁止协议作为离职协议的一部分,这种想法开始了,Alphabet对股东负有受托责任。此外,Wakabayashi写道,一些高管可能明确威胁说,“如果他们觉得退出计划不够丰富的话”,他们可能会生产竞争对手的产品

另一方面,正如伟大的马特·莱文(Matt Levine)在其优秀的时事通讯《金钱的东西》(Money Stuff)中经常说的那样,一切都是证券欺诈。”莱文写道:“从一个粗略的意义上讲,证券欺诈的测试只是:当你最终坦白时,股票会下跌吗?”如果股票真的下跌,股东可以辩称你隐瞒了一个重要事实,然后起诉。换言之,每当坏事发生时,股东都可以为证券欺诈辩护。从这个意义上说,你可以看到董事会掩盖丑闻的动机——如果没有人发现,股东永远不会指责你隐瞒重要事实(这不是法律意见。)


We have all the evidence we need that Google’s leadership does not have our best interests at heart. We need to change the way the system works, above and beyond addressing the wrongs of those who work within the system. It is time for oversight, accountability, and for workers to truly have a say in decisi*** that affect their lives and the world around them.





“In light of recent reports about the misuse of location services, we have decided to eliminate all location aggregation services — even those with clear c***umer benefits,“ AT&T said in a statement. “We are immediately eliminating the remaining services and will be done in March.”

In characteristic fashion, T-Mobile chief executive John Legere tweeted Tuesday that his firm would be “completely ending location aggregator work” in March. Verizon said in a statement Thursday that it, too, was winding down its four remaining location-sharing agreements, which are all with roadside assistance services – after that, customers would have to give the company permission to share their data with roadside assistance firms. A Sprint spokeswoman didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.


丽贝卡·史密斯(Rebecca Smith)和罗布·巴里(Rob Barry)就俄罗斯如何入侵美国电网发表了一份令人不安的报告:

The cyberattack on the 15-person company near Salem, Ore., which works with utilities and government agencies, was an early thrust in the worst known hack by a foreign government into the nation’s electric grid. It set off so many alarms that U.S. officials took the unusual step in early 2018 of publicly blaming the Russian government.

A rec***truction of the hack reveals a glaring vulnerability at the heart of the country’s electric system. Rather than strike the utilities head on, the hackers went after the system’s unprotected underbelly—hundreds of contractors and subcontractors like All-Ways who had no reason to be on high alert against foreign agents. From these tiny footholds, the hackers worked their way up the supply chain. Some experts believe two dozen or more utilities ultimately were breached.


Makena Kelly报道了国会议员使用社交媒体的神秘规则:

Members of Congress were sworn into office on January 3rd and many freshman have already set up new social media accounts, starting fresh and rebuilding the massive followings they created on the campaign trail. These official accounts must clearly state in their bios that the person it represents is a member of Congress, according to the longstanding guidelines in the Members’ Congressional Handbook. Many of the social media darlings from the past election, like Ocasio-Cortez and Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), have tweeted out messages citing these ethics rules, asking for fans to follow them to new accounts as they embark on their first year under the Capitol dome.

The Members’ Congressional Handbook doesn’t explicitly say that lawmakers are required to make new accounts, but in most cases it’s easier to separate their government resources and personal ones in order to avoid ethics violati***. The rules do prohibit lawmakers from using any of their newfound government resources to maintain their personal accounts, whether that be their new staff or office funds.


媒体对Facebook和内容节制的报道往往自相矛盾。一些报道认为,该公司没有足够的节制(看看这篇被留下的糟糕帖子!),而其他报道则认为该公司过于温和(看看这些未经选举的科技公司员工是如何控制政治言论的范围的!)马克斯·费舍尔(Max Fisher)最近以后一种方式写了一篇文章,他试图在本周的时事通讯中打破这个圈子。

Many employees maintain an almost ideological belief that growing Facebook’s user base — and therefore its power — will, on net, be a force for good in the world. This c***trains thinking within the company, limiting the ability of even the most well-meaning employees to confront problems created by the platform.

But many critics, by pushing the company to be more intrusive on some days and less intrusive on others, also c***train thinking. This approach treats Facebook’s pervasive power as an accepted fact of life — which even some Facebook employees question. And it deepens assumpti*** that users should act as subjects, able to pressure Facebook over specific policies but not to question its broader authority.


欧盟有一个“被遗忘的权利”链接,可以用来要求谷歌删除关于其公民的搜索结果。谷歌在欧盟内部遵守了这一规定,但在其他国家保留了搜索结果。法国主张谷歌应在全球范围内实施该法律,而谷歌则表示这侵犯了其他国家的主权。Sam Schechner报道,现在看来欧盟将站在谷歌一边。

Google and other search engines shouldn’t be forced to apply the European Union’s “right to be forgotten” beyond the bloc’s borders, an adviser to the EU’s top court argued Thursday.

The recommendation—if followed by the EU’s Luxembourg-based Court of Justice—would be a major victory for Google, a unit of Alphabet Inc., which has for three years been fighting an order from France’s privacy regulator to apply the EU principle globally.



A group of 4,000 anonymous Google employees opposing the company’s work on a Pentagon project using artificial intelligence (AI), which could be used to improve drone targeting, was chosen as the 2018 Arms Control Pers*** of the Year for 2018.

Due to the employees’ acti***, which included an internal petition to company management, Google ended its work on Project Maven when the contract expired and announced it would focus on “socially beneficial” AI and avoid work that causes “overall harm.”


马特·德兰奇(Matt Drange)报道称,一家保守的YouTube频道在联邦**驳回谷歌的****诉讼后,在州**重新提起诉讼。布拉格的律师们辩称,根据第一修正案,YouTube不应将其视频限制在特定的受众范围内。


Paul Mozur报道了中国打击国内持不同政见者斗争的升级:

Interviews with nine Twitter users questioned by the police and a review of a recording of a four-hour interrogation found a similar pattern: The police would produce printouts of tweets and advise users to either delete the specific messages or their entire accounts. Officers would often complain about posts that were critical of the Chinese government or that specifically mentioned Mr. Xi.

The police have used threats and, sometimes, physical restraints, according to Twitter users who were questioned. Huang Chengcheng, an activist with more than 8,000 Twitter followers, said his hands and feet were manacled to a chair while he was interrogated for eight hours in Chongqing. When the inquiry was over, he signed a promise to stay off Twitter.



桑迪·帕拉基拉斯(Sandy Parakilas)之前曾在Facebook工作,现在将在苹果从事数据保护工作:

Now, the Financial Times reports, Parakilas has been hired to work as a product manager on the privacy team at Apple. The paper says Parakilas’ job will involve working to ensure that future products minimise data collection and protect privacy.

Parakilas had spent the last year working as the chief strategy officer of the San Francisco-based Center for Humane technology, a not-for-profit organisation set up by former Silicon Valley workers to push for “safer, healthier tech”.


戴维·阿尔巴(Davey Alba)讲述了一个令人不安的故事,一个男人被他的前任骚扰到了令人难以置信的程度,在分手很久之后,他使用***联欢应用程序Grindr将源源不断的不知情的男人送到他的家中(这个故事对我来说是新的,但CNN几乎在两年前就报道了这个案件。)问题是Grindr应该在多大程度上对其用户的行为负责——以及这是否会对《通信礼仪法》第230条产生影响(这里出现的一种想法是,如果法律更严肃地对待在线骚扰,并相应地惩罚骚扰者,那么削弱第230条的压力就会更小。)

Protective orders and police reports against J.C. failed to stop the torrent of haras**ent. Herrick, his friends, and lawyers submitted 100 complaints to Grindr asking it to block J.C., but they received no resp***e. Eventually, Herrick took Grindr to court in an attempt to force it to do something to stop the nightmare. Grindr argued that under federal law, it didn’t have to help Herrick, and in February 2017, a federal judge agreed.

Now Herrick’s lawyers are arguing that the judge got it wrong. On Monday, they took their case before the US Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit, whose decision could have far-reaching c***equences on what apps and social media companies must do to combat haras**ent on their platforms. At the heart of the dispute is how much protection a 1996 law — Section 230 of the Communicati*** Decency Act — gives a website or app against liability for atrocious acts committed on its platform by users. It’s the law that protects Twitter from being sued for controversial tweets, and guards against Yelp being taken to court over negative restaurant reviews by users. But a growing coalition of c***umer protection groups and advocates for victims of intimate partner violence say Section 230 gives companies an incentive to turn a blind eye to abuse.




社会科学一号(Social Science One)于去年成立,旨在帮助研究人员从Facebook和其他平台获取社会媒体数据。这里有一篇有趣的博文,来自它的创始人,内容是关于在隐私问题日益增多的情况下,它为实际提供这些数据所做的努力。好消息是,创始人们表示,他们即将宣布(并资助)第一批研究项目。但同时,Facebook似乎正在构建一套新的工具,使他们更容易与研究人员合作,同时保护用户隐私:

The immediate issue is that Facebook has determined that it cannot, at present, deliver the complete URLs dataset that it promised as part of the RFP announced over the summer. We are obligated to report to the public if Facebook reneges on its original agreement with Social Science One, such as by trying to keep data from researchers that would embarrass the company, but we do not believe that is the issue here. Instead, it turned out privacy experts at Social Science One, along with Facebook staff, discovered more privacy-preserving and scalable ways of making data access available to outside researchers than had existed before. We agreed with Facebook that making this c***iderable investment was necessary for the long-term success of our project.

It took Facebook longer than we would have liked, and they had originally indicated, to make this investment and implement these soluti*** by building the necessary systems and tools. We are happy to report that Facebook is now in the midst of a major project to c***truct an entirely new set of security and privacy systems, including cutting edge differential privacy tools, for data access by researchers. Social Science One includes some of the world’s foremost experts on these issues and are advising Facebook on aspects of this project. Once this system is built and tested by security experts, it will be useful not only for the full URLs data set, but for a long sequence of data sets we have queued up for release after that.


Aaron Mak介绍了Different Asian Dating,这是Facebook热门群组Different Asian Traits的一个分支,拥有100多万会员:

Hella recruited some friends and formed an unofficial offshoot called Subtle Asian Dating, or SAD, in November. It began as a 10-person group but started attracting thousands of followers within the first few weeks, mostly due to the newfound demand for groups that have “Subtle Asian” in the title. When a meme promoting the group gained traction in Subtle Asian Traits, users flocked to it in droves. By Wednesday, it had more than 310,000 members, primarily from the U.S., Canada, and Australia, according to an informal public poll. SAD is now one of the largest offshoots of Subtle Asian Traits, elucidating the absurdities and anxieties that come with dating as an Asian in a Western society.

SAD is a hub where people can “auction” off their single friends by posting dating profiles. Most posts c***ist of basic physical and education stats, a list of pros and c***, and a reel of candid photos. “I’ll call it the resume format: they have to go to a prestigious school, have a nice job, etc. But then we also added our own modern spice to it,” says Jonny Kounnavong, a student at the University of North Carolina at Green**oro who has a profile in the group. He notes that many of the selling points on profiles seem geared toward what “our parents would want in a significant other.”


NewsGuard是Steven Brill的初创公司,负责评估文章的准确性,并希望获得购买和实施这些数据的平台。最近,该公司委托进行了一项民意调查,观察了该公司长达两周的收视率的人表示,这使他们不太可能分享虚假新闻。这里的问题是,这是自我报告的数据,而不是关于实际用户行为的数据;当然,人们会说,他们为减少假新闻而采取的积极措施是减少假新闻的传播。此前的一项研究发现,将故事标记为虚假有时会让用户更愿意分享故事。



本周有消息称,前特朗普竞选经理保罗·马纳福特(Paul Manafort)将民调数据传递给了一名与俄罗斯情报部门有关的男子,这表明检察官现在可能掌握了俄罗斯与特朗普竞选班子勾结的真实证据。这是菲利普·邦普(Philip Bump)的一篇深思熟虑、争论激烈的文章,他认为证据比看上去的要薄。


Even if Russia had deployed a particularly insightful, strategic effort to influence specific voters in specific places, it’s not necessarily the case that they would have had to rely on data from the Trump campaign to do so. As the New Yorker reported last year, hackers believed to be linked to Russian intelligence stole information from the Clinton campaign that could have revealed where they were most concerned about turnout, giving the Russians a map for where to deploy their resources the most effectively.

But, again, there’s no evidence that they did any particularly sophisticated targeting. Russia’s hacking of the Democratic National Committee and Clinton’s campaign chairman remains the more obviously successful and effective influence effort of the 2016 campaign.


Beto O'Rourke*检查记录*将他的牙医预约记录下来

2000年,约翰·麦凯恩(John McCain)邀请记者乘坐他的直言不讳快车(Straight Talk Express)进行了一系列坦率的交谈,从而在记者中赢得了极大的好感。2019年,Instagram故事成为新的直言不讳快车,我们所有人都被邀请观看——呃,Beto O'Rourke的牙医预约?推特在他的牙医椅上短暂地取代了贝托的**,配上刺眼的灯光和能让你张嘴的支架。


Most of the Story, though, is an interview with Beto’s dental hygienist, Diana, about growing up in El Paso near the U.S.-Mexico border. She tells a story about how her community banded together to help her mother, who is from Mexico, pass her citizenship test — a testament to the strong border communities overlooked and mischaracterized by the GOP.



向我发送提示、评论、问题和谷歌董事会会议记录:[email protected].

  • 发表于 2021-08-27 07:32
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...些诉讼声称谷歌创造了一个有毒的工作环境,**屡次受到性骚扰。此前,《****》报道称,该公司保护前高管安迪•鲁宾(andyrubin),在他因性骚扰被调查后,向他支付了9000万美元。 在《****》发表了一篇关于维多利亚秘密母公司...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 23:16
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...提出的一项投诉,此前有爆料称,谷歌向被可信指控***或性骚扰的高管(包括前安卓系统负责人安迪·鲁宾)提供数百万美元的离职套餐。 CNBC今天早些时候报道了这一消息。股东律师在给CNBC的一份声明中说:“这项...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 00:33
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索诺斯已经对谷歌提起了另一项专利诉讼,指控谷歌在整个Nest和Chromecast产品线侵犯了5项无线音频专利。此举发生在9月30日谷歌秋季硬件活动前夕,预计届时谷歌将宣布推出一款新的Chromecast和Nest智能扬声器以及新的像素**。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 02:48
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...佳状态了。据报道,谷歌和Alphabet多名高层管理人员涉嫌性骚扰或不正当性关系,其中一些人事后收到数百万美元的遣散费,这激怒了谷歌员工,以至于其中2万人举行了**。 自**以来,数十名谷歌员工表示,公司对他们举报包括...

  • 发布于 2021-04-20 03:40
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...拉蒙德最近是谷歌内部调查中心的几位高管之一’谷歌对性骚扰和不当行为的处理,包括9000万美元的退出计划,该计划是继鲁宾之后,送给声名狼藉的Android联合创始人安迪•鲁宾(Andy Rubin)的’她自己对***不端的可信指控。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-04-20 14:15
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  • 发布于 2021-04-23 14:30
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Tinder被起诉对一名前营销总监进行性骚扰和歧视,后者声称她被剥夺了联合创始人的头衔,并在多次遭受虐待行为后最终不得不离开公司。诉讼的焦点是Tinder的营销主管Justin Mateen的行为,据称他在两人结束关系后开始骚扰提起...

  • 发布于 2021-04-26 19:32
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Tinder已经解决了一位前高管提起的性骚扰和歧视诉讼,这位高管声称,她在多次遭受虐待行为后离开了公司。代表Tinder前营销副总裁惠特尼·沃尔夫(Whitney Wolfe)的律师事务所在首次发给BuzzFeed的一份声明中说,沃尔夫和Tinder已...

  • 发布于 2021-04-27 06:43
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  • 发布于 2021-05-03 15:48
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...言将“大力”在法庭上为自己辩护。 Waymo昨晚提起了这起爆炸性诉讼,声称前谷歌工程师、现任优步高管安东尼·莱万多斯基(Anthony Levandowski)在离开谷歌前窃取了14000份机密文件,随后他用这些文件帮助**了优步的...

  • 发布于 2021-05-10 02:06
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