


代表股东的原告在字母员工中有着天然的盟友。这些员工今天将在**发起新的公众意识运动,并在社交媒体上进行为期一天的**时接过指挥棒。Nitasha Tiku的详细信息如下:

From 9am to 6pm eastern time on Tuesday, the group will post information about arbitration on a dedicated Twitteraccount, while a companion Instagram account will post testimonials from both experts and survivors of sexual haras**ent and assault. The purpose of the social media blitz is to bring awareness to the fine print in arbitration clauses, mobilize workers to call on Congress to act, and encourage employees at other companies to demand changes.

“This isn’t just a Google issue. If they all have these arbitration agreements, then there is really is no way for employees to negotiate,” says Vicki Tardif, a staff linguist on Google’s search team, who organized and spoke at the Google walkout in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Mandatory arbitration agreements, often signed as part of an employment contract, have come under fire during the #MeToo movement for silencing survivors, while shielding serial predators, because the agreements force employees to take their claims to a private arbiter, rather than public court.


The change yielded a win in the headlines, but provided no meaningful gains for worker equity … nor any actual change in employee contracts or future offer letters. (As of this publication, we have confirmed Google is still sending out offer letters with the old arbitration policy.)

So in December 2018, we launched an industry-wide effort focused on ending forced arbitration. This practice affects at least 60 million workers in the US alone. Ending forced arbitration is the gateway change needed to transparently address inequity in the workplace.






The German watchdog objects in particular to how Facebook acquires data on people from third-party apps — including its own WhatsApp and Instagram services as well as games and websites — and its tracking of people who are not members.

The paper said it is still not clear how strictly Facebook will have to comply with the German order, noting that the watchdog looks likely to set a deadline for compliance rather than insisting on immediate action.


阿里·布雷兰(Ali Breland)报道,一些国会工作人员匿名抱怨Facebook对他们关于数据隐私问题的回答:

“They’re very good at running out the clock on you. They get on the line, they do their intro, they talk for 15 minutes without stopping. Then you ask your question, then they spend 10 minutes answering, and before you know it, the call is over,” one aide told Mother Jones.

Four congressional sources Mother Jones spoke with, who requested anonymity to speak frankly, said Facebook often provided unsatisfying or incomplete answers when pressed by lawmakers and their staff. When Rep. Robin Kelly (D-Ill.) asked what the company was doing with users’ private messages, according to an aide on the call, Facebook responded that it doesn’t do anything users don’t allow.


周五,Facebook在菲律宾取缔了一家名为Twinmark Media Enterprises的数字营销集团,该集团拥有220个页面,拥有4300万用户。Rappler报告说,它与**有联系,并经常传播支持杜特尔特的宣传:

In December of 2017, Rappler ran a series of stories on Trending News Portal (TNP), a website that brands itself as a”digital news outfit”, specializing in viral stories. Apart from viral content, bulk of its stories in 2016 are on President Duterte, among them questionable stories against his critics.

Then Presidential Communicati*** Operati*** Office (PCOO) Assistant Secretary Margaux “Mocha” Uson posted more than 500 posts linking to the site ( or which has since changed URLs. This is despite the fact that early versi*** of the site had a disclaimer that said they can’t vouch for the accuracy of their reports.





Kolfage has repeatedly said he would not take any money from the wall donati***. He has started another GoFundMe campaign with a $100,000 goal that he says will be used to help him “Fight 4 Free Speech” and take action against Facebook, which deleted several of his pages in October during a major purge of inauthentic accounts.

Shortly after he established the wall fundraiser last month, Kolfage updated the webpage to include a separate website that included a Colorado P.O. box, where he said donors could mail personal checks to support the cause.



More than half of the top 20 search results for her initials, “RBG,” on Wednesday pointed to false far-right videos, some claiming doctors are using mysterious illegal drugs to keep her alive, according to a review by The Washington Post. Gin**urg has been absent from oral arguments at the Supreme Court this week as she recuperates from recent surgery to remove cancer from her lungs. Tests revealed Friday that she will need no further treatment and that her recovery is on track.

The falsehoods, most of which originated with the fringe movement QAnon, dramatically outnumbered results from credible news sources. Only one of the top results came from a mainstream news site, CNN, and it was an 11-month-old interview about her career. The algorithm rewarded the c***piracy videos over reliable news based on what it calculated was their “relevance,” signaling that the videos were probably new, popular or suitable to the search.



泰勒·哈特马克(Taylor Hatmaker)写了一篇关于一项新研究的文章,该研究试图发现Facebook的使用与爱荷华州赌博任务(评估决策技能)表现之间的相关性。这项研究有一些大的缺陷——举两个例子,一个小样本使用了关于Facebook使用情况的自我报告数据——但它表明进一步的研究是有必要的:

Study participants who self-reported as excessive Facebook users actually performed worse than their peers on the IGT, frequenting the two “bad” decks that offer immediate gains but ultimate result in losses. That difference in behavior was statistically significant in the latter portion of the IGT, when a participant has had ample time to observe the deck’s patterns and knows which decks present the greatest risk.

The IGT has been used to study everything from patients with frontal lobe brain injuries to ****** addicts, but using it as a measure to examine social media addicts is novel. Along with deeper, structural research, it’s clear that researchers can apply to social media users much of the existing methodological framework for learning about substance addiction.



The city’s Fox affiliate, Q13, beamed out doctored footage of Trump’s Tuesday address, according to the Seattle Times. The station’s broadcast showed Trump with a larger-than-normal head. His skin had a Cheetos-orange tint. And during his speech, the president’s tongue hung out of his mouth between sentences. It is unclear whether the footage ran live as Trump was giving his speech, or was replayed in later broadcasts.


泰勒·洛伦兹(Taylor Lorenz)记录了“Instagram丈夫”的演变过程,这是一个千年术语,意思是“摄影师”

Though people have almost always relied on other people to take photos of themselves, Instagram and influencer culture has transformed that duty into a near-full-time job. In 2015, a fake PSA produced by Jeff Houghton solidified the term and went massively viral. With nearly 7 million views, the video profiles the men “behind every cute girl on Instagram.” They bemoan having to delete all the apps on their phone to make room for more photos and transforming into “a human selfie stick.”

In the three years since that video was shot, however, the term has evolved. The joke of the Instagram-hu**and video was that these men are miserable. You’re meant to sympathize with the men, who are presented as begrudging participants, and laugh or scoff at the women for forcing them to do something as “trivial” as taking endless photos. But Instagram and the digital landscape it created have shifted massively since the video was released. Those women people laughed at for taking endless photos in front of a brick wall are now influencers—people who leverage a social-media following to influence others and make money—and are worth milli***. And while men used to be seen as begrudging participants, more so-called Instagram hu**ands are embracing the term and becoming an integral part of their partner’s business.


Issie Lapowsky让我重新思考我对所有推文进行地理标记的决定:

AN INTERNATIONAL GROUP of researchers has developed an algorithmic tool that uses Twitter to automatically predict exactly where you live in a matter of minutes, with more than 90 percent accuracy. It can also predict where you work, where you pray, and other information you might rather keep private, like, say, whether you’ve frequented a certain strip club or gone to rehab.

The tool, called LPAuditor (short for Location Privacy Auditor), exploits what the researchers call an “invasive policy” Twitter deployed after it introduced the ability to tag tweets with a location in 2009. For years, users who chose to geotag tweets with any location, even something as geographically broad as “New York City,” also automatically gave their precise GPS coordinates. Users wouldn’t see the coordinates displayed on Twitter. Nor would their followers. But the GPS information would still be included in the tweet’s metadata and accessible through Twitter’s API.



While WeChat has been the star of China’s internet for years, newcomers like Bytedance Ltd. are now making things harder. The owner of Toutiao, Douyin and Tik Tok has become the world’s most valuable startup.

“The much-reported cannibalisation of screen time from Bytedance’s apps are obviously hurting WeChat, and with little wonder,” said Mark Tanner, founder of Shanghai-based research and marketing company China Skinny. “WeChat needs to stay relevant for those hundreds of milli*** of users who just want something simple to use, that looks good and is entertaining and are used to newer, shinier things being launched.”

Aaron Sorkin说《社交网络》应该有续集

艾伦·索金(Aaron Sorkin)因假装马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)创建Facebook是为了结识女孩而获得奥斯卡奖(事实上,扎克伯格已经在和将成为他妻子的普丽西拉·陈约会了。)索尔金下一个虚构的关于科技的幻想,史蒂夫·乔布斯,相对来说是个失败。所以现在他打算回到井里去看一部电影,这部电影已经是我最不期待的一部电影了,不管它是哪一年上映的。讨厌的

In a new AP Entertainment video, the Oscar-winning screenwriter revealed that he thinks it might be time for a follow-up to the hugely successful 2010 David Fincher film. “First of all, I know a lot more about Facebook in 2005 than I do in 2018 — but, I know enough to know that there should be a sequel,” said Sorkin, laughing.



Nick Statt报告说,现在你可以将事件分享到你的Facebook故事中,以鼓励朋友们去:

The company said today that it plans to start testing a way “to share the events you’re interested in and coordinate to meet up with friends IRL” using Stories. The test will take place in the US, Brazil, and Mexico, and it should be available for mobile users on both iOS and Android.

Unlike your standard Stories feature, which Facebook initially cribbed from Snapchat for use on Instagram to help it become exceptionally more popular, this specific implementation is designed to share the details of an event with your friends. That way, you can see who may want to come to an upcoming show or some other activity that has a corresponding event page. The stories will come with tappable stickers for revealing event details, and friends can toggle themselves as “interested” or “going” to the event right from within the story. There’s also a link to the event page built in and a way to start a group chat on Messenger with friends who responded.



Previously, YouTube viewers had to active tap to move between videos, both on the site and on the app; now, app users can swipe left to see the video they were just watching, and swipe to move to the next recommendation in the queue. The main motivation? Ease of use.




你会记得,扎克伯格2019年的个人挑战是做更多的内容营销。作为他计划的一系列公开讨论的一部分,Ringer的工作人员对他应该会见谁有一些挑衅性的想法,包括Alyssa Bereznak的这一想法:

In 2012, Lenny Pozner and Veronique De La Rosa lost their child, Noah, in a mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Since then, they have endured haras**ent both online and in person, perpetuated by fringe, anti-government c***piracy groups that claim the event was a hoax. In an open letter published in The Guardian this past July, they detailed the ways that Facebook has allowed these groups to continue operating and how the company failed to offer any significant protection for their family.

Pozner and De La Rosa’s story is an excellent (and incredibly disturbing) example of how lives can be ruined when a massive online platform takes no resp***ibility in moderating information, and prioritizes growth over the well-being of the communities it’s meant to serve. Based on the many other examples we’ve seen in this vein, the way in which social media platforms plan to deal with similarly delicate situati*** should be a major topic when discussing the future of technology. And who better to challenge Zuckerberg on this conversation than the people who have suffered from his platform’s carelessness?





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  • 发表于 2021-08-27 08:15
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Vidme正在关闭,这都是谷歌和Facebook的错。流行的在线视频平台将于2017年12月15日下线,届时所有视频将“从Vidme服务器上永久删除”。这样一来,谷歌和Facebook的束缚就更紧了。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-12 06:01
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你听过这样的言辞:谷歌(或Facebook)对我了解太多了!但其实没什么大不了的。你的数据是安全的,它不是真的关于“你”无论如何,没有任何东西被**。 目前的说法是,科技公司对你了解太多是不好的。但为什么呢?因为当...

  • 发布于 2021-04-06 07:39
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... 上周五,众议院司法小组委员会的听证会聚焦于谷歌和Facebook发布新闻的方式,本周早些时候提出的一项新法案已经获得共和党的支持。在长达数年的反垄断辩论中,这是对科技业最大的立法威胁之一,其政治力量大多来自当...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 02:38
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据彭博社报道,由于COVID-19流感大流行,Facebook计划在远程工作一年多后,于今年5月开始恢复亲自工作。Facebook首席执行官马克•扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)在流感大流行前夕宣布了远程工作计划,承诺在未来5到10年内,大约一半...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 05:49
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...,他们对总统最近有关**者的言论感到厌恶。这项主要由Facebook资助的计划的员工正敦促扎克伯格采取行动。(Michelle Toh和Donie O'Sullivan/CNN) 数十名突尼斯、叙利亚和巴勒斯坦的活动人士和记者说,他们的Facebook账户在过去几个月...

  • 发布于 2021-04-19 02:48
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...兴和索尼等公司退出之后,组织者取消了移动世界大会,Facebook也取消了其年度F8开发者大会的现场部分。 更新2月28日下午4:20 ET:更新,并提供有关亚马逊采访政策的更多信息。

  • 发布于 2021-04-20 10:14
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  • 发布于 2021-04-20 17:59
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...送者和接收者共享信息,以确保消息合法。 Facebook、LinkedIn、美国银行和PayPal也都参与了今天推出的DMARC集团。由于贝宝目前与谷歌和雅虎的电子邮件服务合作,每天可以拦截约20万封电子邮件,如果DMARC得到广泛实施...

  • 发布于 2021-04-21 05:16
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  • 发布于 2021-04-21 16:08
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  • 发布于 2021-04-24 07:08
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