杰夫·贝佐斯(jeff bezos)曾经让中凉了一次




周四下午3点左右,当亚马逊首席执行官杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)发表了一篇博客文章时,硅谷的每家办公室都突然停止了工作,我们将在今后几年中讨论这一问题。我意识到这并不完全是一个社交网络和民主的故事:但这是一个关于平台和民主的故事:世界上最富有的人之一,同时拥有其最重要的公司和有影响力的报纸,如何发现自己成为美国总统亲密伙伴的目标。




To lead my investigation, I retained Gavin de Becker. I’ve known Mr. de Becker for twenty years, his expertise in this arena is excellent, and he’s one of the **artest and most capable leaders I know. I asked him to prioritize protecting my time since I have other things I prefer to work on and to proceed with whatever budget he needed to pursue the facts in this matter.


毕竟,贝佐斯拥有《*****》,并且经常受到唐纳德·特朗普总统在推特上的怒火。该报在其专栏作家、沙特阿拉伯持不同政见者贾马尔·哈肖吉(Jamal Khashoggi)被谋杀后发表了大胆、开创性的新闻报道。

据报道,特朗普的盟友大卫·派克(David Pecker)在沙特阿拉伯拥有商业利益,他在《问询者》背后经营着这家公司。而AMI公司自去年与联邦**就总统为两名报告与特朗普有婚外情的**沉默而支付的费用达成豁免协议以来,在法律上一直如履薄冰。阿美似乎非常担心贝佐斯的团队正在挖掘的信息,并不顾一切地让他保持沉默。



  • 在贝佐斯因为很多好的理由受到攻击的时候——洛杉矶时报今天刚刚报道说亚马逊可能从送货员那里偷取小费——这篇博文的发表产生了巨大的善意。几乎每个人都有**,如果你曾经担心有人会泄露它们,那么你几乎肯定是站在贝佐斯一边的。复仇色情是错误的,任何通过你的**勒索你的人都是山羊。
  • 性专栏作家丹·萨维奇预言,有一天会有这么多人的**被泄露,泄露**的威胁将减少,人们将不再担心因为**而失去工作。贝佐斯的帖子在这方面似乎是一个重要的举动——即使**最终泄露,他的举动也有助于使拿走和分享**的行为正常化。五年前,如果你的**被泄露,责任一般都在你身上;展望未来,罪魁祸首将是那些偷走它们的**。
  • 这就是说,支持色情受害者复仇权利所赢得的善意似乎不会自然地转化为,比如说,支持纽约立法者支持你的计划,接受数十亿美元的税收激励,在那里建立一个地区办事处。
  • 这一举动似乎有可能加剧贝佐斯和特朗普之间的紧张关系,因此亚马逊和美国**之间的紧张关系,我甚至不想预测这种情况。
  • 这是2018年妇女游行以来推特上的第一个好日子(我讲了一些笑话。)
  • 这是有史以来最好的一天。


2017年,学术和新闻评论家杰伊·罗森(Jay Rosen)写了一篇题为“展示你的作品:新闻业信任的新术语”的博客文章,在这篇文章中,他为新闻业的未来勾勒了一个愿景,其中包括记者告诉你他们来自哪里。他们如何看待世界?他们在报告中引入了哪些假设?




德国的Bundeskartellamt(发音为“Bundeskartellamt”)正在告诉Facebook停止在人们浏览网页时收集数据,或者仅仅是WhatsApp和Instagram,并将其链接到他们的Facebook帐户。这是Facebook商业模式的核心——本·汤普森(Ben Thompson)称之为数据工厂——因此Facebook**这一举措。詹姆斯·文森特:

Regulators within Europe have already expressed concern about this combinatorial approach to user tracking. In 2017, the EU fined Facebook $122 million for submitting “misleading information” about plans for its WhatsApp acquisition. At the time of the acquisition in 2014, the company told regulators it would be unable to link the profiles of WhatsApp and Facebook users. Then, in 2016, it did exactly that.

Despite such regulatory action, Facebook is ramping up efforts to tie users from its different platforms closer together. Last month, it said was planning to rebuild the infrastructure of Facebook Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp so that all three services run on a single unified platform.




Paul Mozur和Lin Qiqing报道,尽管Facebook在中国被禁,但去年从中国广告商那里获得了50亿美元的销售额。秘密:当地合作伙伴,向当地人介绍Facebook并帮助他们购买广告:

The desire by Chinese companies and other entities to get in front of people internationally has unexpectedly turned China into one of Facebook’s largest sources of advertising revenue, even though the social network itself is not available in the country. Charles Shen, chief executive of Meet Social, said his company anticipated doing $1 billion to $2 billion in ad sales on Facebook and Instagram this year. Each day, he added, Meet Social’s software puts up about 20,000 Chinese ads on Facebook.


Hayes Brown报道,谷歌不情愿地遵守俄罗斯当局的命令,清除克里姆林宫认为不合适的搜索结果:

Roskomnadzor, the Russian government’s communicati*** agency, maintains a list of sites that are banned inside the country, ostensibly focusing on those that promote child ****, drug use, and *******. The agency ordered in 2017 that all search engines operating in the country delete sites that it blacklists from results, as part of a new regulation banning the use of VPN’s to browse the internet anonymously.

Last year, Google was hit with a relatively **all fine — about $7500 — for failing to act on Roskomnadzor’s orders.


杰西卡·科比安(Jessica Cobian)探讨了在最近的移民大篷车事件中,社交网络上的错误信息如何导致墨西哥的暴力冲突:

By the time the caravan reached Tijuana, the misleading images and fraudulent posts had gone viral on social media. Even as some civic groups welcomed the caravan with open arms, social media helped amplify the voices of people expressing hostility toward the migrant caravan. Groups on Facebook such as “Tijuana against the migrant caravan” called on members to rise up in opposition.

Days after the caravan’s arrival in Tijuana, groups, including some associated with the Facebook group, organized anti-immigrant rallies—a stark contrast to the reception of the caravan in southern Mexico or even Mexico City. On November 14, a violent confrontation erupted in Playas de Tijuana, during which people in the crowd were heard calling the caravan members “invaders.”



In Amazon’s version of a “new neighborhood watch,” petty crimes are policed heavily, and raci** is common. Video posts on Neighbors disproportionately depict people of color, and descripti*** often use racist language or make racist assumpti*** about the people shown. In many ways, the Neighbors/Ring ecosystem is like a virtual gated community: people can opt themselves in by downloading the Neighbors app, and with a Ring camera, users can frame neighbors as a threat.

Motherboard individually reviewed more than 100 user-submitted posts in the Neighbors app between December 6 and February 5, and the majority of people reported as “suspicious” were people of color.





据库尔特·瓦格纳(Kurt Wagner)报道,Twitter今天首次宣布了每日活跃用户数:它的每日活跃用户数为1.26亿,而Snap的每日活跃用户数为1.86亿。Twitter试图将这一事件描述为一件积极的事情,因为这一数字正在增长。与此同时,其每月用户数量正在减少,该公司计划停止报告。


库尔特·瓦格纳(Kurt Wagner)报道说,Facebook正在向Messenger Kids投入更多资源,这是一款用于建立6岁以下用户渠道的应用程序。


Rebecca Greenfield发现Facebook的首席运营官仍然拥有强大的支持基础(我认为没有人真正怀疑过这一点。)

There are signs that Sandberg’s reputation is on the mend. It helps that Facebook doesn’t seem to be suffering any: fourth-quarter results were better than expected and the stock is up. Both the company and Lean In say they’re committed to Sandberg’s leadership, and from Switzerland to San Francisco, women, particularly those working in technology, are coming out in support of the embattled COO.

“I still look up to her,” said Annie Hsieh, an engineering manager at Square Root, an Austin-based tech company. Like more than a dozen women interviewed by Bloomberg, Hsieh said she doesn’t think Sandberg acted to the highest moral and ethical standards, but she also knows how hard it is to make it to the top in the tech world. “She’s just another human and she’s not a superhero. I think some of the critici** is valid and a lot of it is unfair.”



Critics of the big tech companies are often told, “If you don’t like the company, don’t use its products.” I did this experiment to find out if that is possible, and I found out that it’s not—with the exception of Apple.

These companies are unavoidable because they control internet infrastructure, online commerce, and information flows. Many of them specialize in tracking you around the web, whether you use their products or not. These companies started out selling books, offering search results, or showcasing college hotties, but they have expanded enormously and now touch almost every online interaction. These companies look a lot like modern monopolies.


Sheera Frenkel和Cecelia Kang(我经常在这里介绍他们的杰出作品)在2016年美国总统选举前夕以及选举后的混乱中,为Facebook编年史带来了一笔巨大的图书交易。期待阅读这篇文章。

Snap解雇了联合创始人Bobby Murphy小组的研究人员

亚历克斯·希思(Alex Heath)报告说,Snap解雇了五名员工,并制定了一项绩效改进计划,这可能会让更多人离开Snap。我是说,比平常多!


Alex Heath报道说,TikTok已经聘请了Vanessa Pappas,她领导YouTube早期的工作,帮助创作者扩大受众。



我喜欢这个:Facebook现在会告诉你为什么你会看到某些广告,Josh Contine报道。解释用户提要的内容是平台重建信任的最佳工具之一:

Starting February 28th, Facebook’s “Why am I seeing this?” button in the drop-down menu of feed posts will reveal more than the brand that paid for the ad, some biographical details they targeted and if they’d uploaded your contact info. Facebook will start to show when your contact info was uploaded, if it was by the brand or one of their agency/developer partners and when access was shared between partners.


Jake Kastrenakes报道,Facebook今天举行了集团管理员峰会,并推出了新的管理功能:

Group administrators will now be able to format their posts with larger text, block quotes, and bulleted lists. All groups will also now be able to use Facebook’s mentorship feature, which allows administrators to pair people up to work together on skill development or other support programs.

More groups are gaining the ability to offer subscripti***, too, letting them create separate content and conversati*** for dedicated members. That feature was introduced last June, but it’s still limited to groups that Facebook chooses to partner with.


寻呼Facebook董事会成员Peter Thiel!该公司有一个工具,可以让巴基斯坦、孟加拉国和巴西的人们注册献血,Erin Brodwin报道。


Dami Lee报道了为IGTV注入活力的最新努力:

Instagram today announced that IGTV previews will begin showing up in users’ main feeds starting today. Ideally, you would tap the one-minute previews to go watch the full video in IGTV, something I can’t imagine anyone would want to do voluntarily.




Alex Webb表示,德国阻止Facebook整合从各地收集的数据的举动给社交网络带来了一个真正的问题:

Right now, any website hosting a Facebook “like” button or a link to “Share on Facebook” sends a cookie to the Menlo Park, California-based firm whenever a browser visits that site. Because engagement on its core platform is softening, those cookies can help the social media company build more complete user profiles. That in turn improves ad targeting.

The German measures will likely prohibit the sharing of those cookies, BamS reported. Significantly, if the case made by the regulator is compelling, a wider investigation by the European Union could follow. Germany is very much the leader on the continent for countries deciding how to approach regulation, and any big change it makes could be the thin end of the wedge.


谷歌政策负责人肯特·沃克(Kent Walker)希望“修正”(扼杀)欧盟令人恐惧的第13条,该条要求谷歌在上传任何侵犯版权的视频之前进行过滤,然后将其上传到YouTube上。但沃克还提请注意第11条,这将阻止谷歌显示文章片段,包括完整的标题,并可能因此损害出版商,他说(有人能向我解释一下为什么欧盟要禁止谷歌显示全部头条吗?)

Every year, we run thousands of experiments in Search. We recently ran one in the EU to understand the impact of the proposed Article 11 if we could show only URLs, very short fragments of headlines, and no preview images. All versi*** of the experiment resulted in substantial traffic loss to news publishers.

Even a moderate version of the experiment (where we showed the publication title, URL, and video thumbnails) led to a 45 percent reduction in traffic to news publishers. Our experiment dem***trated that many users turned instead to non-news sites, social media platforms, and online video sites—another unintended c***equence of legislation that aims to support high-quality journali**. Searches on Google even increased as users sought alternate ways to find information.






向我发送提示、评论、问题和您最喜欢的Bezos相关推文:[email protected].

  • 发表于 2021-08-27 20:22
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  • 分类:互联网



杰夫·贝佐斯的地球基金会有了一位新的领导人,并宣布了一个新的截止日期。安德鲁•斯蒂尔(Andrew Steer)将于4月中旬卸任地球基金总裁兼首席执行官,此前他是贝佐斯目前资助的一家环境组织的负责人。据Steer称,贝佐斯打...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 01:48
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...公布。周三发布了数十份此类文件,其中包括首席执行官杰夫?贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)和其他亚马逊员工之间的电子邮件,解释了公司购买戒指的决定。

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 20:45
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亚马逊首席执行官杰夫•贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)上周五公开承诺支持黑人生命物质运动。这位首席执行官是在回复一封客户电子邮件时这样做的,这封邮件批评他的公司对乔治弗洛伊德(georgefloyd)之死的反应,以及全国各地反对种...

  • 发布于 2021-04-19 01:33
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据《华尔街日报》报道,亚马逊创始人杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)刚刚以1.65亿美元从另一位难以想象的富豪大卫·格芬(David Geffen)手中买下了洛杉矶最贵的房产。(这是华纳庄园,位于比佛利山庄,占地9英亩。)除了一架747飞...

  • 发布于 2021-04-20 04:19
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今天,亚马逊CEO杰夫·贝佐斯宣布,他将通过一个名为“贝佐斯地球基金”的新基金,投入100亿美元抗击气候变化。 他在Instagram的一篇帖子中宣布了新基金的成立。亚马逊几乎证实了该基金的存在: View this...

  • 发布于 2021-04-20 05:14
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亚马逊首席执行官杰夫•贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)创建的私人太空旅行公司blueorigin计划最快在2018年将第一批付费乘客送上太空。贝佐斯对到访BlueOrigin华盛顿州总部的记者说,一次最多6人的旅游团可能能够进行短途旅行,这将使他们...

  • 发布于 2021-05-03 18:54
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杰夫·贝佐斯(jeff bezos)谈亚马逊的文化:“我们从不声称我们的方法是正确的”

...新产品和服务。作为这封信的一部分,亚马逊首席执行官杰夫•贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)花了一些时间对亚马逊的企业文化进行了评论,对《****》8月份的一篇报道做出了非常晚的回应,该报道将亚马逊描绘成了一个极端严酷的环境贝...

  • 发布于 2021-05-04 03:18
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亚马逊网站(Amazon.com)创始人杰夫•贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)可能正在制定自己的太空旅行计划,但他似乎还需要好莱坞的一点帮助。据《星际迷航超越》导演林毅夫透露,贝佐斯将在即将上映的科幻电影中客串一个小角色。

  • 发布于 2021-05-06 12:08
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杰夫·贝佐斯(jeff bezos)公布了蓝色起源号未来轨道火箭的设计——新格伦

BlueOrigin首席执行官杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)公布了公司未来火箭的名称和外观,该火箭将能够将有效载荷和人员送入环绕地球的轨道。这枚火箭以第一位环绕地球飞行的美国宇航员约翰·格伦的名字命名为“新格伦”。如果新格...

  • 发布于 2021-05-07 13:47
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杰夫•贝佐斯(jeff bezos)向twitter征询慈善理念,以帮助“当下”


  • 发布于 2021-05-11 15:30
  • 阅读 ( 273 )

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