












Lately I find myself less interested in reading tech CEOs perform their thoughtfulness. During the Alex Jones deplatforming drama, I wrote that Twitter’s dithering was frustrating because the company so often substitutes thinking for action. Dorsey gave several interviews during this time, and I read them all, and I learned almost nothing. It isn’t that the questi*** were bad, or that Dorsey sidestepped them. It’s that what he thinks is ultimately less c***equential than what he does.






I don’t know. A stun gun. They stun it, and then he knifed it. Then they send it to a butcher. Evidently in Palo Alto there’s a rule or regulation that you can have six livestock on any lot of land, so he had six goats at the time. I go, “We’re eating the goat you killed?” He said, “Yeah.” I said, “Have you eaten goat before?” He’s like, “Yeah, I love it.” I’m like, “What else are we having?” “Salad.”


HIATT: By all accounts, Square runs more **oothly than Twitter.

DORSEY: It has to, though. Yeah, you’re dealing with people’s money. I mean, it’s extremely emotional. If you lose 140 characters, people are like, “Eh.” If you lose $140 or even $1.40, it’s important. We knew the severity, and we knew how emotional this was to people. We’re impacting their livelihoods, so we had to get every single thing right. There’s a lot of regulation around payments. If you do something wrong, you go to jail.






Alphabet Inc.’s Google unit spent more than $21 million to influence Washington, according to federal disclosures, in a year when its chief executive officer, Sundar Pichai, made his first appearance before Congress. The search giant, which spent $4.9 million in the last three months of the year, according to a Tuesday filing, beat its previous record of more than $18 million from 2017.

Amazon.com Inc. reported spending $3.7 million in the fourth quarter, bringing its total to $14.2 million for the year, more than the record $12.8 million the company spent in 2017.


技术平台如何花费这些游说资金?Stephanie Mencimer有一个方法:

Google, Facebook, and Microsoft have publicly acknowledged the dangers of global warming, but last week they all sp***ored a conference that promoted climate change denial to young libertarians.

All three tech companies were sp***ors of LibertyCon, the annual convention of the libertarian group Students for Liberty, which took place in Washington, DC. Google was a platinum sp***or, ponying up $25,000, and Facebook and Microsoft each contributed $10,000 as gold sp***ors. The donati*** put the tech companies in the top tier of the event’s backers. But the donati*** also put the firms in company with some of the event’s other sp***ors, which included three groups known for their work attacking climate change science and trying to undermine efforts to reduce carbon emissi***.



Facebook has announced changes to how it handles and communicates violati*** of its policies around the publishing of fake news and misinformation, with the goal of preventing publishers that operate large networks of pages and groups from skirting bans. Starting today, Facebook says it will reserve the right to take down existing pages and groups that are simply affiliated with those that have violated the company’s community standards, even if those pages or groups haven’t technically broken any rules.

Facebook says this is specifically to prevent users from using an adjacent or other existing page or group as a replacement once another has been flagged and taken down. Prior to this change, the page or group must have been made after the initial removal to be potentially affected simply for affiliation reas***. Now, Facebook says it can use this policy to pull down an affiliated page or group even if it was made before the takedown.


NewsGuard是史蒂夫·布瑞尔(Steve Brill)努力让平台付费给他的公司,以评估新闻来源的可信度。该公司与微软签署了一项协议,将其集成到Edge web浏览器中:

Edge has a tiny proportion of the global internet browser market and the NewsGuard plug-in is only included on the version for mobile users, not desktop users. The partnership was signed as part of Microsoft’s Defending Democracy programme; the tech company has no oversight over NewsGuard’s editorial verdicts.

Steve Brill, a NewsGuard co-founder, said the Mail Online verdict had been reached in a transparent manner. “We spell out fairly clearly in the label exactly how many times we have attempted to contact them. The ****yst that wrote this writeup got someone on the phone who, as soon he heard who she was and where she was calling from, hung up. We would love to hear if they have a complaint or if they change anything.”


Kim Zetter采访了前苹果安全专家兼相当好的隐私联合创始人Jon Callas,他最近与美国公民自由联盟建立了合作关系。他提出了一个我在这里说得不够多的观点:我们应该对决策者施加至少和对**施加同样大的压力:

CALLAS: This is the larger reason why I thought that I should get into policy for a while rather than just technology, because there are a whole bunch of things that [we can’t solve through technology] that we have to solve through policy. Imagine there is a magic hacking box that you can plug into someone’s phone; if every cop has one and they can pull you over for your taillight [being] out and get everything that is on your phone, that has a lot of issues that are policy issues. If you look at the policy issues where they get a warrant to go into a room [that has] a whole bunch of filing cabinets what they get to look at is something the policy issues people have dealt with for decades, centuries. We saw a number of those in the news recently where they took files for [President Trump’s lawyer] Michael Cohen. There was a ‘special master’ appointed who was an impartial referee who says, ‘This is relevant and this is not relevant to the investigation.’ A magic hacking box doesn’t have anything like a special master. The policy questi*** we are getting now are changing now because of technology.


Nellie Bowles探讨了上个月澳大利亚通过的法律,该法律允许当局强制科技公司构建绕过加密的工具:

The law says the Australian authorities cannot ask a company to build universal decryption capabilities or introduce systemwide weaknesses. But security experts and tech companies like Apple said that did not reflect what they would have to do to comply with an order. It is impossible, for example, to create a workaround for one iPhone’s encryption without potentially introducing something that could work for all of them, they said.

“All of Australian technology is tarnished by it,” said Mike Cannon-Brookes, one of the founders of Atlassian, a business software company that is among Australia’s biggest tech companies.




Having to run to a physical store rather than opening my Amazon app every time the house runs out of paper towels is annoying, but the harder challenge is losing access to almost every form of digital entertainment I c***ume. My favorite time-wasting app, Words With Friends, won’t load. I can’t watch shows via Amazon Video, obviously, but I also can’t watch Netflix because, despite being a compe***** of Amazon, Netflix uses AWS to serve its streams. HBO Go is another victim.

When my hu**and and I go for a run in Golden Gate Park, I discover I can’t record the run in my Runkeeper app without Amazon’s help. I also can’t download an audiobook from the library to my Axis360 app without AWS. Spotify is the last entertainment provider standing (for now), because its music lives in the Google cloud. Thank goog-ness.



It’s certainly positive that Google is investing more in Wikipedia, one of the most popular and generally trustworthy online resources in the world. But the decision isn’t altruistic: Supporting Wikipedia is also a shrewd business decision that will likely benefit Google for years to come. Like other tech companies, including Amazon, Apple, and Facebook, Google already uses Wikipedia content in a number of its own products. When you search Google for “Paris,” a “knowledge panel” of information about the city will appear, some of which is sourced from Wikipedia. The company also has used Wikipedia articles to train machine learning algorithms, as well as fight misinformation on YouTube.


马丁·刘易斯(Martin Lewis)更进一步地让Facebook做了我从未做过的事情!

The c***umer finance journalist Martin Lewis is dropping his lawsuit against Facebook over its repeated failure to prevent scam adverts from using his name and image, after the company agreed to donate £3m to set up an anti-scam project with Citizens Advice and launch a UK-specific one-click reporting tool.

Lewis, who launched the lawsuit after an estimated “thousands, possibly tens of thousands” of people fell prey to scams promoted using his reputation, said a court battle was never his aim.


Alyssa Bereznak写到“Instagram墙”的兴起,Instagram墙是一个现场活动的空间,人们可以在社交媒体上拍照:

Marrujo’s party is one of handful of private get-togethers I attended in 2018 that included a dedicated Instagram wall, where guests could take photos good enough to graduate from the Instagram Stories feed to a post on their permanent grids. For her annual holiday party, Co**opolitan senior editor Jessica Goodman cleared out her home office and covered one of its walls with CVS wrapping paper. “We just wanted people to have fun,” she told me about the setup, which she’s done in some form for the past three years. “I also think setting up something that people can interact with at a party can be an ice breaker.” For a last-minute New Year’s Eve party, Brooklyn-based dietician Eling Tsai put up gold streamers and balloon letters that spelled out 2019. “I wasn’t originally intending on having an Instagram wall, but when I logged onto Amazon Prime to see what could be delivered to me within 24 hours of the 31st, Instagram wall accessories were nearly the only thing available,” she told me. “I didn’t hate it!” Danielle Tullo, a senior editor at Her Campus, serves heart-shaped pizzas at her annual Galentine’s Day party, alongside golden ballo*** that read “#GALS.” “I’ve always loved beautiful things, and now that we have Instagram, they can live on forever,” she said. “A good Instagram photo is like the new party favor.”



At his platform’s height in the mid-aughts, LiveJournal was a titan of blogging, boasting over ten million accounts. Multiple people Ars spoke with gestured to the site’s largest community, the celebrity gossip page “Oh No They Didn’t” (ONTD) as a beacon of the site’s influence. As former LiveJournaler Abe Hassan puts it, even as larger social media platforms began to outgrow them, celebrity deaths would still bring so much traffic to ONTD that the site would crash, starting with Heath Ledger’s tragic end in 2008. The page also broke several big-ticket (but now forgotten) tabloid stories of the era, including Jamie Lynn Spears’ pregnancy (news of which was later picked up by larger outlets).

As early employee Janine Costanzo remembers, staff sentiment surrounding the acquisition was high. Some hoped that Six Apart would be able to provide a robust roadmap for keeping the service alive for the long haul. Better yet, the capital infusion allowed the company to hire longtime volunteers like Costanzo and Hassan as full-time employees, which helped boost morale. But as time went on, it became apparent that the paymasters at Six Apart didn’t quite understand how to navigate the calcified core of LiveJournal users that reared back at every change that the company wanted to make, especially when it came to cash flow.


罗尔夫·温克勒(Rolfe Winkler)和安德里亚·富勒(Andrea Fuller)在我最喜欢的内容类型中有另一个很棒的条目,互联网上的一切都是假的。事实证明,公司在操纵对Glassdoor的评论,这是一种工作场所的叫喊:

In the Journal’s ****ysis, five-star ratings collectively made up 45% of reviews in the months where the number of reviews jumped, compared with 25% in the six months before and after. While it isn’t possible to determine from the data alone what caused each spike, a statistical test shows the likelihood that so many would skew positive by chance is highly improbable.

Well-known names with large spikes included messaging-app developer Slack Technologies Inc., professional-networking site LinkedIn, health insurer Anthem Inc., household-products maker Clorox Co. and Jack Daniel’s maker Brown-Forman Corp.






World Record Egg is a short dating simulator on itch.io where you date the famous Instagram egg. You hop around between different apps on your in-game phone to find the egg, and then bombard it with likes, retweets and thumbs ups in order to increase a meter of how much it likes you, which is indicated by the heart in the upper right corner.

World Record Egg has a cutesy visual style and is full of egg-based puns, but it also gets a little weird, which is telegraphed by a “horror” tag on the game store and a warning about jumpscares. Without spoiling anything, I’ll say that you should probably take stock of whether or not you eat eggs for breakfast. Your new paramour may not like that.


Shoshana Zuboff出版了一本批评社交网络商业模式的新书,她与《观察家》科技专栏作家约翰·诺顿进行了交谈。她表示,消费者通常无法完全选择退出其业务:

ZUBOFF: We are trapped in an involuntary merger of personal necessity and economic extraction, as the same channels that we rely upon for daily logistics, social interaction, work, education, healthcare, access to products and services, and much more, now double as supply chain operati*** for surveillance capitali**’s surplus flows. The result is that the choice mechani**s we have traditionally associated with the private realm are eroded or vitiated. There can be no exit from processes that are intentionally designed to bypass individual awareness and produce ignorance, especially when these are the very same processes upon which we must depend for effective daily life. So our participation is best explained in terms of necessity, dependency, the foreclosure of alternatives, and enforced ignorance.



Being able readily to identify a sp***ored post gives Zuckerberg the opportunity to start demanding a cut of the fee that influencers earn, particularly if he can offer brands accompanying granular data on the audiences they’re reaching. That would allow him to boost Instagram’s lagging ARPU. The CMA’s move will also help Alphabet Inc., parent of YouTube, and Snap Inc., but Facebook really stands to benefit the most — the former doesn’t have a revenue problem, and the latter is a much **aller entity.

It’s that rare instance where the interests of both Facebook and the regulator align.




“It warned that the United States had retaliated against Pyongyang and that people in the affected areas had three hours to evacuate,” Ly*** said Monday. “It sounded completely legit, and it was loud and got our attention right off the bat. … It was five minutes of sheer terror and another 30 minutes trying to figure out what was going on.”

Ly*** and her hu**and stood slack-jawed in the living room, terrified but also confused because the television continued airing the NFC Champi***hip football game. As their scared 8-year-old son crawled underneath the rug, the couple realized the apocalyptic warning came from their Nest security camera atop their living room television.



向我发送提示、评论、问题和Jack Dorsey面试问题:[email protected].

  • 发表于 2021-08-27 22:20
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特斯拉首席执行官埃隆•马斯克(elonmusk)又回来了,他是个肮脏笑话和野草笑话的爱好者。周三,马斯克在推特上表示,特斯拉将把旗下旗舰轿车Model S的售价降至69420美元。 马斯克说,“挑战已经被扔了下来”,这...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 14:41
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  • 发布于 2021-04-19 02:29
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...问题困扰我们了,求你了” 现在,Twitter首席执行官杰克•多西(jackdorsey)对这个问题给出了迄今为止最明确的答案。在与Wired的视频问答中,Dorsey被问及2020年Twitter是否会有一个编辑按钮。他淡淡地笑着回答:“答...

  • 发布于 2021-04-20 15:25
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...克称之为“盗版领袖” 这位新闻集团的首席执行官在推特上写道,“所以奥巴马把自己的命运交给了硅谷的出纳员,这些出纳员用盗版、普通盗窃来威胁所有的软件创造者”,“盗版的领头羊是谷歌,谷歌免费流送...

  • 发布于 2021-04-21 02:45
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twitter首席执行官科斯托洛(dick costolo)想要的是一个“人们在twitter中构建的世界”,而不是一个脱离twitter的世界

在接受《华尔街日报》采访时,Twitter首席执行官迪克•科斯托洛(Dick Costolo)重申了我们在社交网络上观察了一段时间的许多故事情节。他指出,Twitter希望成为一个大型和小型赛事的中心,这与之前的报道一致,即Twitter计划集...

  • 发布于 2021-04-23 12:19
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...者回溯多少条tweet的栏似乎总是在移动。今天,Twitter首席执行官Dick Costolo告诉《****》的Jenna Wortham,Twitter目前正在开发一个工具,允许用户导出所有的旧tweet,不过他没有发布的时间表。 对于许多想看看几个月前甚至...

  • 发布于 2021-04-23 12:33
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  • 发布于 2021-04-30 11:46
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snapchat首席执行官evan spiegel删除了他的推特,因为他“更喜欢活在当下”

昨天,Snapchat首席执行官埃文•斯皮格尔(Evan Spiegel)出演了一段出奇的低保真视频,试图向老年人解释他的社交网络,并强调活在当下的重要性。”“身份是我所做过的一切,”他说,用纸和笔描述了他领导的自毁信息服务“...

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  • 发布于 2021-05-01 13:12
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... 在Yuerba Buena艺术中心,Lena Dunham与Instagram首席执行官Kevin Systrom和Katie Couric在台上交谈时重申了她在社交媒体网络上的立场。Dunham是Instagram的忠实粉丝,她解释了为什么照片分享服务代表了她对科技和互联网的喜爱。&#...

  • 发布于 2021-05-01 14:39
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