



首先,Facebook计划建立一个独立的内容审查最高**。马克·扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)去年4月在与埃兹拉·克莱因(Ezra Klein)的对话中提出了这个想法,Facebook在11月正式承诺了这个想法。

今天,该公司新任政策和沟通主管尼克·克莱格(Nick Clegg)宣布,Facebook将采取下一步行动,建立一个现在被称为“监督委员会”的机构,并公布了章程草案:

As we build out the board we want to make sure it is able to render independent judgment, is transparent and respects privacy. After initial c***ultation and deliberation, we’ve proposed a basic scope and structure that’s outlined in this draft charter. We’ve also identified key decisi*** that still need to be made, like the number of members, length of terms and how cases are selected.

We’ll look to answer these questi*** over the next six months in a series of workshops around the world where we will convene experts and organizati*** who work on a range of issues such as free expression, technology and democracy, procedural fairness and human rights. We’ll host these workshops in Singapore, Delhi, Nairobi, Berlin, New York, Mexico City and many more cities — soliciting feedback on how best to design a board that upholds our principles and brings independent judgment to hard cases.


What Facebook is describing with these ideas is something like a system of justice — and there are very few things it is working on that I find more fascinating. For all the reas*** laid out by Radiolab, a perfect content moderation regime likely is too much to hope for. But Facebook could build and support instituti*** that help it balance competing noti*** of free speech and a safe community. Ultimately, the question of what belongs on Facebook can’t be decided solely by the people who work there.



在Wired,伊西·拉波斯基(Issie Lapowsky)喜欢这个总体想法,但担心Facebook的巨大规模将使章程草案中描述的系统无法运行:

No team, no matter the size or scope, could ever adequately c***ider every viewpoint represented on Facebook. After all, arguably Facebook’s biggest problem when it comes to content moderation decisi*** is not how it’s making the decisi*** or who’s making them, but just how many decisi*** there are to make on a platform of its size.

In seeking to fix one unprecedented problem, Facebook has proposed an unprecedented, and perhaps impossible, solution. No, the decisi*** Facebook’s supreme court makes won’t dictate who’s allowed to get married or whether schools ought to be integrated. But they will shape the definition of acceptable discourse on the world’s largest social network.


尤其如此,因为今天的另一件大事是权力的巩固。ProPublica和其他几家媒体已经建立了工具,允许记者在获得安装工具的用户同意的情况下,收集针对他们的广告信息。但正如杰里米B。Merrill和Ariana Tobin今天报道说,这些工具本月停止工作,因为Facebook阻止了这些工具获取广告目标数据的能力。


The latest move comes a few months after Facebook executives urged ProPublica to shut down its ad transparency project. In August, Facebook ads product management director Rob Leathern acknowledged ProPublica’s project “serves an important purpose.” But he said, “We’re going to start enforcing on the existing terms of service that we have.” He said Facebook would soon “transition” ProPublica away from its tool.

Facebook has launched an archive of American political ads, which the company says is an alternative to ProPublica’s tool. However, Facebook’s ad archive is only available in three countries, fails to disclose important targeting data and doesn’t even include all political ads run in the U.S.

Facebook前首席安全官亚历克斯·斯塔莫斯(Alex Stamos)在推特上辩称,Facebook的举动最好理解为针对广告屏蔽者的防御行动,而不是针对新闻业的进攻行动。Facebook已承诺为其广告档案构建一个单独的API,这可能会支持ProPublica一直在做的更多类型的研究,但API进展缓慢。



但正如Robbie Gonzalez上周在《连线》杂志上指出的,该项目进展非常缓慢:

Make no mistake: Getting SSO off the ground was—and continues to be—a royal pain, what with all the legal paperwork, privacy concerns, and ethical c***iderati*** at play. Details of the industry-academic partnership are too complex to relate here (though I’ve written about them previously), but suffice it to say that King and his SSO cofounder, Stanford legal professor Nathan Persily, earlier this month published a 2,300-word update on the status of their initiative, more than half of which is devoted to the ongoing challenges they face in bringing it to fruition. “Complicating matters,” they write, “is the obvious fact that almost every part of our project has never even been attempted before.” [...]

But if all goes well, SSO could have a more lasting impact, by setting up a framework for secure, ethical, independent research within the tech giants. There’s no reason future investigati***, funded and overseen by SSO or a similar outfit, can’t grapple with big questi*** on well-being. They should also involve companies other than Facebook. We not only want to know what a vulnerable individual watches on YouTube, we also want to know what’s happening when they go to Reddit, what questi*** they ask their Alexa or Google Home, or how they feel when they post on Instagram. We need these companies to open their doors, and their datastreams, in a prescribed way that respects every participant in the process.





Sam Schechner和Kimberly Chin报道,Facebook宣布了一项新的努力,以抵御外国对今年春季欧盟议会选举活动的干扰:

The company said Monday that it will take steps to guard against the spread of fake news and misinformation on its platform in coming electi***, including expanding the reach of a searchable database of political ads.

The new tools—similar to those it applied in the run-up to last year’s midterm election in the U.S.—will be available next month in India, before expanding to the EU in March ahead of the bloc’s hotly contested parliamentary election spread across over two dozen countries and languages in May.


根据GDPR,实时广告竞价是否应该是非法的,因为它涉及给一群人贴上敏感的标签(“精神病”、“*****”),然后将其拍卖给出价最高的人?娜塔莎·洛马斯(Natasha Lomas)报道说,这是一项新投诉中的论点。值得一看——广告拍卖是整个互联网的金融引擎。

It argues the personalized ad industry has “spawned a mass data broadcast mechani**” which gathers “a wide range of information on individuals going well beyond the information required to provide the relevant adverts”; and also that it “provides that information to a host of third parties for a range of uses that go well beyond the purposes which a data subject can understand, or c***ent or object to”.

“There is no legal justification for such pervasive and invasive profiling and processing of personal data for profit,” the complaint asserts.



The ideas were in a 2016 slide deck drafted by the company’s human resources department from a brainstorming session. The document, porti*** of which were read to Bloomberg News, was circulated in recent days by employees via Google’s internal communicati*** systems. It detailed proposed changes to employee compensation, benefits and perks.

The document also discussed how the proposals could be best presented to employees to minimize frustration, according to one of the people. That caused the most anger among some staff after the document was circulated, said this person. Google declined to comment.


Jon Porter使用GDPR的“访问权”查看您请求数据时实际获得的信息:

It was easy to download my data in the first place. Both Google and Apple’s data download services let you pick and choose what data you want to download. Facebook doesn’t, but all three are easy to find on their respective websites, and it arrives quickly. Meanwhile, rather than presenting it as an easy option to find on its site, getting a single link with all of your Amazon data relies on you digging through the site’s “Contact Us” page to find the option hidden at the end of the list. Once I requested it, it took the full 30 days to receive a link to download my data (the limit imposed by the regulation).

When it actually came time to look at the data I’d received, however, things got messy. Some files were ambiguously labeled, while others were stored in formats that tested the limits of what c***titutes “commonly used.” Actually working out what data I was looking at wasn’t nearly as simple as it should be.


Billy Perrigo报告称,限制WhatsApp消息转发次数的举措并未有效阻止错误信息在印度的传播。印度各政党正在创建“数十万”WhatsApp群组聊天,以传播由总理纳伦德拉·莫迪领导的执政党印度人民党(BJP)领导的政治信息:

The strategy reflects a fundamental change in Indian society: at the time of the last national polls in 2014, just 21% of Indians owned a **artphone; by 2019, that figure is thought to have nearly doubled to 39%. And for most of them, WhatsApp is the social media app of choice — by one count, more than 90% of **artphone users have it installed. In recognition of that shift, the BJP’s social media chief declared 2019 the year of India’s first “WhatsApp electi***.”

But according to researchers, as well as screenshots of group chats from as recently as January seen by TIME, these WhatsApp group chats frequently contain and disseminate false information and hateful rhetoric, much of which comes from forwarded messages. Experts say the Hindu nationalist BJP is fueling this trend, although opposition parties are using the same tactics.



Joseph Cox探讨了Facebook如何指导版主标记可能引发公共关系危机的内容:

Internal Facebook documents obtained by Motherboard show that beyond protecting democracy, there’s a second, clearly stated reason that Facebook is interested in hardening its platform: protecting its public image. Facebook specifically instructs its content moderators to look out for posts that could cause “PR fires” around “hi-risk events” in the lead-up to electi***.

The internal documents Motherboard obtained from a source talk specifically about three separate electi*** held in 2018. A second source, when presented with secti*** of one of the documents, said that it was indicative of others that the company distributes before electi*** around the world.

Facebook Watch努力提供点击率或广告商

Sarah Frier说Facebook的视频标签起步缓慢。考虑到你能在那里找到的内容的质量,这看起来很疯狂。

While researcher Emarketer estimates that Facebook as a whole will take in nearly double YouTube’s $4.3 billion in video ad sales this year, it expects Watch to account for a single-digit percentage of that figure. “I don’t think it’s yet become a must-buy for brands,” says Abbey Klaassen, chief marketing officer at New York marketer 360i. “They are in a stiff competition for this kind of advertising and inventory.” Last summer, a year after Watch went live in the U.S., half of c***umers hadn’t heard of it and three-quarters hadn’t used it, according to researcher Diffusion Group.


与上述故事相关:Seb Joseph表示,Facebook最大的举措之一——从电视中抽走广告收入——因“可寻址”电视的兴起而受阻。也就是说,收集您个人信息,然后为您提供个性化广告的电视:

“TV advertisers are moving away from Facebook in relatively big numbers,” said a senior agency executive at a holding group. “They’re putting that money back into TV because it’s more regulated and is starting to establish a proposition around targeted ads. TV viewing as a whole isn’t down, but the way we watch it live is and that’s something broadcasters are still figuring out how to monetize.”

Duracell spent some of 2018 investigating where to spend Facebook budgets across Europe after it discovered that a large portion of the video ads it bought on the social network in the U.K. weren’t being viewed. “People aren’t bothered about video on Facebook,” said a marketer at the CPG business, who was not authorized to speak to Digiday. Rather than try to focus on more expensive, but viewable impressi***, Duracell decided to divert the money it had spent back to TV, a large portion of which went toward on-demand content.


本月早些时候,我链接到约翰·赫尔曼(John Herrman)的一篇优秀文章,该文章讲述了Facebook的保密性如何助长了人们对该平台工作方式的偏执。在这里,Shannon Liao揭露了颠覆Instagram的最新阴谋论:

Over the past year, people have been posting claims that only 7 percent of Instagram followers see a user’s posts. The viral claim has made it as far as Pinterest and Facebook, where users, often advocating for **all businesses on Instagram, ask people to like and comment “Yes” in order to improve a user’s “ranking” and gain more views.

Although the 7 percent post has been around since at least January 2018, it recently gained more traction, accumulating thousands of likes. Instagram has now come forward to debunk the claim in a Twitter thread, commenting, “We’ve noticed an uptick in posts about Instagram limiting the reach of your photos to 7% of your followers, and would love to clear this up.” It explains that the Instagram feed shows the posts in the order of the accounts that you tend to interact with the most. That means that you should see all of the posts from accounts you’re following eventually, assuming you have the patience to scroll all the way down.


这是其中一个标题将重要性夸大了100%。但是:安吉拉·穆恩(Angela Moon)和希拉·邓(Sheila Dang)报道说,Snap正在考虑将我们的故事永久性地发布给公众,以便对其新闻合作伙伴更有用。

Snap announced the partnerships last year and will sign four more deals in the near future, said the person familiar with Snap’s plans. Initially, public stories would disappear after 30 days but now remain viewable for 90 days, according to Snap’s support website.

Some partners have said that the disappearing and anonymous nature of public stories makes them difficult to work with, the sources said. Some news organizati*** will not embed Snapchat stories into articles because the content eventually disappears, while others will not use them because they are unable to verify anonymous users’ Snapchat videos.


Tinder有一个聪明的想法,就是向老年人收取比年轻人更多的费用来使用其订阅服务。在一场集体诉讼中,Tinder辩称这几乎是定义上的年龄歧视之后,公司同意支付1150万美元的费用,以购买Super Likes。Dami Lee报道:

Tinder was criticized when it service launched for its age tiers, which charged a $9.99 monthly fee for users under 29 and $19.99 for users 30 and up. At the time, Tinder defended the pricing model and compared the tiers to Spotify’s discounted rates for students in a statement to NPR. A Tinder spokesperson commented, “During our testing we’ve learned, not surprisingly, that younger users are just as excited about Tinder Plus, but are more budget c***trained and need a lower price to pull the trigger.”




YouTube said on Friday that it would promote fewer videos containing misinformation and c***piracy theories, a potentially significant step to reducing the service’s potential to drive viewers toward extremist content. In a test limited to the United States, the service said it would stop recommending what it calls “borderline content” — videos that come close to violating its community guidelines but stop just short.

While YouTube said the change would affect less than 1 percent of videos that are available on YouTube, the sheer volume of content available on the service suggests the effect could be significant.


我的前同事蒂姆·卡莫迪(Tim Carmoty)刚刚开始了一份充满希望的新时事通讯,它可能值得你花时间。想想界面,但不是Facebook作为核心主题,而是亚马逊。我在。


科林·霍根(Colin Horgan)在一篇关于科文顿天主教冲突以及它告诉我们新闻如何在社交网络上传播的文章中说:“我们知道的越少,参与的就越多。”

Information networks like Twitter and Facebook were created to feed us endless supplies of information. They sold us the promise of grasping, at any moment, all the world’s information from all possible perspectives. We accepted these platforms happily, assuming we would know what to do with all the thoughts and ideas they provide.

We were wrong. Rather than bringing us a clearer picture of our world, platforms have left us utterly and completely bewildered. Yet, instead of questioning social media’s original promise, we carry on, mistakenly believing the solution to this problem will come with even more information. We are caught in a contextual death spiral — a bottomless gyre in which we tumble forever disoriented, helplessly drinking water to save ourselves from drowning.



While I know a lot of journalists disagree, I don’t think Facebook or Google did anything untoward: what happened to publishers was that the Internet made their business models — both print advertising and digital advertising — fundamentally unviable. That Facebook and Google picked up the resultant revenue was effect, not cause. To that end, to the extent there is concern about how dominant these companies are, even the most extreme remedies (like breakups) would not change the fact that publishers face infinite competition and have uncompetitive advertising offerings.


库尔特·瓦格纳(Kurt Wagner)认为,扎克伯格最近在《华尔街日报》上发表的评论旨在劝阻监管者不要过度介入Facebook的事务:

There are a lot of people who want to regulate Facebook. And regulators, both in the United States and in Europe, probably read the Journal. That likely includes politicians who want to pass laws that would limit Facebook’s ad business, or regulators like those who work at the FTC.

Zuckerberg is bringing his argument for why Facebook doesn’t need to be babysat — “we give people complete control” — to a news outlet that should reach the people who might disagree.





向我发送提示、评论、问题以及您对Facebook监督委员会的提名:[email protected].

  • 发表于 2021-08-31 08:27
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...定制你的提要。如果你给予它许可,它甚至可以使用你的Facebook和Twitter帐户的数据来帮助它改进。 ...

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...是AMP的主要吸引力。这就是为什么许多出版商,如谷歌、Facebook、百度、Pinterest和Twitter已经采用了这项技术。提高的速度增加了参与度,并降低了反弹率几乎所有。 ...

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...一旦启动浏览器,扩展就会开始抓取数据。他们的目标是Facebook帖子、赞助商帖子、tweets、YouTube视频和你曾经互动过的广告。Meshkov在他的博客文章中说,这些扩展甚至试图解析你的Facebook购买历史。 ...

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...据使用,有很多官方的“精简”版本的流行应用程序,如Facebook或YouTube。它们的功能通常不如全功能的同类产品丰富,但它们往往是功能和功能之间的一个很好的中间地带。 什么是“lite”应用程序(“lite” apps)? 相关:如何...

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Facebook一直明确表示,希望人工智能在其平台上处理更多的节制职责。今天,它宣布了朝着这个目标迈出的最新一步:让机器学习负责它的调节队列。 以下是在Facebook上适度的工作原理。被认为违反公司规定的帖子(...

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Facebook承诺推出独立监督委员会已经一年多了,但随着美国大选的临近,科技评论家们开始坐立不安。 上周五,一个由学者和法律专家组成的联盟宣布成立“真正的Facebook监督委员会”,这是一个非正式组织,将在大...

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昨天,Facebook激怒了虚拟现实世界,宣布未来的虚拟现实耳机需要Facebook登录。这一决定打破了Oculus创始人帕尔默·勒基(Palmer Luckey)早期的承诺,几乎在网络上受到普遍抨击,批评人士对侵入性数据收集、定向广告以及被迫使...

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