



作为交换,你所要放弃的就是完全访问你**上的所有数据,也可能是截图你在亚马逊的购买,并把它交给别人。Josh Contine在TechCrunch有独家新闻:

Since 2016, Facebook has been paying users ages 13 to 35 up to $20 per month plus referral fees to sell their privacy by installing the iOS or Android “Facebook Research” app. Facebook even asked users to screenshot their Amazon order history page. The program is administered through beta testing services Applause, BetaBound and uTest to cloak Facebook’s involvement, and is referred to in some documentation as “Project Atlas” — a fitting name for Facebook’s effort to map new trends and rivals around the globe.

We asked Guardian Mobile Firewall’s security expert Will Strafach to dig into the Facebook Research app, and he told us that “If Facebook makes full use of the level of access they are given by asking users to install the Certificate, they will have the ability to continuously collect the following types of data: private messages in social media apps, chats from in instant messaging apps – including photos/videos sent to others, emails, web searches, web browsing activity, and even ongoing location information by tapping into the feeds of any location tracking apps you may have installed.” It’s unclear exactly what data Facebook is concerned with, but it gets nearly limitless access to a user’s device once they install the app.

正如我在我的quick gloss on the story中所写,Facebook之前通过2013年收购的VPN服务Onavo Protect收集了其中的一些数据。事实证明,这些数据对于Facebook识别新兴竞争对手、然后收购或克隆竞争对手极为有价值。去年夏天,在苹果抱怨该应用违反了应用商店的数据收集准则后,Facebook从应用商店中删除了该应用。



Facebook claim that it doesn’t violate Apple’s Enterprise Certificate policy is directly contradicted by the terms of that policy. Those include that developers “Distribute Provisioning Profiles only to Your Employees and only in conjunction with Your Internal Use Applicati*** for the purpose of developing and testing”. The policy also states that “You may not use, distribute or otherwise make Your Internal Use Applicati*** available to Your Customers” unless under direct supervision of employees or on company premises. Given Facebook’s customers are using the Enterprise Certificate-powered app without supervision, it appears Facebook is in violation.

就TechCrunch事件进行咨询的威尔·斯特拉法赫(Will Strafach)在一条推特上说,Facebook研究代表了“我所见过的应用商店开发者最具挑战性的行为”。真是令人兴奋。。。我仍然不知道如何最好地表达Facebook认为他们可以逍遥法外对我的绝对打击。”








“Good for encryption but bad for competition and privacy,” Sen. Brian Schatz (D-HI), the ranking member of the commerce subcommittee’s panel on technology, tweeted yesterday.

“Once again, Mark Zuckerberg appears eager to breach his commitments in favor of c***olidating control over people and their data,” Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) said in a statement to The Verge.



The commission, which regulates Facebook in the European Union, says it understands that the company’s plans are still in initial development and haven’t materialized yet. Still, the commission says it will be seeking “early assurances” that the plans will comply with the GDPR, the European Union’s far-reaching privacy regulation.

In 2016, Facebook attempted to share personal user data gathered by WhatsApp with the larger business, but the plan was canceled after an investigation by the UK’s data protection watchdog.


我昨天错过了这一点:Facebook在2019年欧洲议会选举期间保护该平台的计划将再次涉及留出一个会议室,Alex Hern报道:

In his first speech as Facebook’s top public face, [Nick] Clegg said the company would be setting up an “operati*** centre focused on electi*** integrity, based in Dublin, this spring”. The centre will build on the company’s previous experience running an “electi*** war room” in its US office, where it coordinated efforts to police the platform during the US midterm and Brazilian presidential electi***.

众议员奥卡西奥·科尔特斯(Ocasio Cortez)就气候问题向Facebook、谷歌和微软发起攻击


On Monday, Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Chellie Pingree (D-ME) asked the heads of Facebook, Google, and Microsoft to pledge their companies’ support for the science suggesting that climate change has made a significant, negative impact on the environment.

The lawmakers penned the letter after news broke last week that the companies sp***ored a conference, LibertyCon, which promoted climate change deniali**. At the libertarian-focused conference, a speaker from the CO2 Coalition gave a talk arguing that the environmental impact of climate change has been exaggerated.



In some cases, the Google block means apps won’t work at all, like Lyft and Uber, or Spotify, whose music is hosted in Google Cloud. The more frequent effect of the Google block though is that the internet itself slows down dramatically for me.

Most of the websites I visit have frustratingly long load times because so many of them rely on resources from Google and get confused when my computer won’t let them talk to the company’s servers. On Airbnb, photos won’t load. New York Times articles won’t appear until the site has tried (and failed) to load Google Analytics, Google Pay, Google News, Google ads, and a Doubleclick tracker.


Rob Marvin profiles Perspective是字母表子公司Jigsaw的一个项目,该项目致力于构建由人工智能支持的内容调节软件。该公司在Reddit的“改变我的观点”论坛上进行了多年的恭敬辩论,该论坛在互联网上举办了一些最微妙的讨论:

For the past six years, Turnbull and the other mods have been doing all of this manually from the queue of AutoModerator reports (flagged keywords) and user reports. Jigsaw used years of rule-violation notes from moderators, which they tracked through a browser extension, and built Perspective models based on that data combined with some of Perspective’s existing toxicity models. Throughout 2018, the CMV mods gave feedback on issues such as excess false positives, and Jigsaw tweaked the scoring thresholds while continuing to model more of CMV’s rules. […]

Change My View is the only subreddit actively using Perspective ML models for moderation at the moment, although Adams said the team has received access requests from several others. The specific rule set of CMV made it an ideal test case, but Perspective models are malleable; individual subreddits can customize the scoring algorithm to match their community guidelines.



The Pentagon, through the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), is working with several of the country’s biggest research instituti*** to get ahead of deepfakes.

But in order to learn how to spot deepfakes, you first have to make them. That takes place at the University of Colorado in Denver, where researchers working on DARPA’s program are trying to create convincing deepfake videos. These will later be used by other researchers who are developing technology to detect what’s real and what’s fake.



**团体再次呼吁Facebook关闭Messenger Kids,这一次(基本上无关?)揭露了一些员工鼓励孩子们把父母所有的钱都花在Facebook游戏上,Queenie Wong报道:

“The documents appear to dem***trate that Facebook is willing to cause actual harm to children and families in its quest for profit,” the advocacy groups said in a Tuesday letter to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. “As such, Facebook is unfit to make any platform or product for children, especially one like Messenger Kids.”


朱莉娅·亚历山大(Julia Alexander)从YouTube上正在崩溃的多频道网络中得到一份快讯,主要关注Defy Media:

Defy Media shut down in November, but stories from YouTube creators affected by the closure — including popular channels like Smosh and Adams — have continued to come out in the past few months. There are also multiple lawsuits currently filed against Defy Media, from both employees and investors, for numerous reas***, including deception.


据报道,ByteDance正在努力实现其收入目标,现在Kerry Flynn报告说,该公司已经在其6个月的美国应用程序TikTok中尝试应用程序安装:

The ad appeared shortly after a user launched the app and lasted about 5 seconds, according to Chris Harihar, a TikTok user and partner at Crenshaw Communicati***. Users could instantly skip the ad via a button at the top right of the screen, which is visible in this screenshot provided by Harihar.


莫莉·麦克休(Molly McHugh)探讨了针对最近被解雇的记者的推特死亡威胁的协调运动,这是在这个破碎的世界中发生的真实事件:

It’s not only the timing of the obnoxious unsolicited advice that takes it to a place of abuse—it’s also the targeting. “It’s just straight up spamming them,” he says, in a way meant to be “cruel and hurtful.” Through this lens, tweeting “learn to code” can be viewed as similar to the alt-right use of parentheses to label Jewish people, or how racists turned Pepe the Frog into a hate symbol—a way to covertly harass someone in a manner that is difficult for Twitter to detect. Before writing off “learn to code” as a harmless joke, it might be important to remember that it’s being hurled at a profession the president of the United States has at best belittled and at worst supported violence against. “Learn to code” is not a viral phrase that’s being spammed to out-of-work journalists; it’s a targeted attack disguised as a meme.


尼莱什·克里斯托弗(Nilesh Christopher)报道说,电报在印度的兴起部分是因为它被誉为考试的好地方

‘IBPSGuide’ is among thousands of community-driven exam preparation groups and channels that have sprung up on Telegram. Their memberships might seem insignificant when compared with the hundreds of thousands of subscribers for entertainment- and movies-focused groups and channels, but the most popular ones are almost always abuzz with activity. ‘India Bhai Channel,’ which focuses on preparing for civil services exams, has only 2,000 subscribers but the ‘Niti Aayog Strategy’ document that was shared on it had notched up more than 37,000 views. A ridiculously high subscriber-to-impression ratio.




The University of California,Berkeley is using CrowdTangle to investigate the spread of misinformation in Myanmar and other countries. Duke University is measuring the impact of Facebook groups in North Carolina during recent emergencies. The University of Münster is tracking misinformation and electi*** integrity.The Atlantic Council utilized CrowdTangle to track claims of electronic voting fraud circulating in Brazil. Additionally, Pew Research has used CrowdTangle to track and research media trends.

The Institute for Strategic Dialogue used CrowdTangle to track where misinformation came from, as well as identifying peaks in media coverage during the recent Swedish and German local electi***. Core to their research was real-time tracking, a key feature of CrowdTangle.



In one of our surveys, we asked 1,503 Americans four different questi***: whether or not they wanted “the websites you visit” to show them (1) tailored ads for products and services, (2) tailored discounts, (3) tailored news and (4) tailored political ads. If a respondent answered yes to any of the above questi***, we went deeper, asking whether the tailoring to their interests would be acceptable if based on the user’s behavior on the website the user was visiting, on the user’s browsing on other websites and on offline activities, such as store shopping or magazine subscripti***.

Sixty-one percent of respondents said no, they did not want tailored ads for products and services, 56 percent said no to tailored news, 86 percent said no to tailored political ads, and 46 percent said no to tailored discounts. But when we added in the results of the second set of questi*** about tracking people on that firm’s website, other websites and offline, the percentage that in the end decided they didn’t want tailoring ranged from 89 percent to 93 percent with political ads, 68 percent to 84 percent for commercial ads, 53 percent to 77 percent for discounts, and 64 percent to 83 percent for news.


亿万富翁星巴克创始人霍华德·舒尔茨(Howard Schultz)正在探索竞选总统的途径,他最近开通了一个推特账户,以评估人们对他的竞选活动的兴趣。对舒尔茨来说,不幸的是,人们主要对他感兴趣——正如《赫芬堡邮报》的阿什利·范伯格所指出的,他可能是第一个在他的每一条推文中都被评分的推特用户。也就是说,他所说的每一句话都会产生比红心或转发更多的回复,其中大部分是负面的。



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... 智能****商不希望你升级或维修你的设备。他们希望你一两年更换一次**。他们也会说,这使得产品对于最终用户来说更简单。这些都是我们无法调整自己硬件的驱动因素。 ...

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...这是个电话。如果你想把其他短信应用程序(如WhatsApp和Facebook Messenger)作为文本,那就由你决定了。我们的社交圈都以不同的方式交流。 ...

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...接跳到“确定”按钮。 早期的报告显示,Facebook专门针对青少年,但事实似乎并非如此,因为该公司表示,大多数用户都是成年人。Facebook还表示,未成年人需要申请父母的许可,但一些测试显示,父母的验证并不总是按预期进...

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...试用:Square Cash、Venmo、PayPal、Google Pay Send、Apple Pay Cash和Facebook Messenger。苹果支付现金(applepay Cash)是这六家公司中唯一一家拥有移动平台(iOS)专有权的公司,虽然它不一定是一款“应用程序”,但我们觉得它的重要性足以...

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...乐意提高你的收费标准,并从你身上捞钱。但除非你直面他们,否则他们永远不会放低他们。节省一大笔钱的关键是战略谈判。 网上有无数文章声称“只要要求更低的利率”就可以省钱,但很少有人真正了解打电话的本质。我...

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印刷照片有点特别。当然,你可以在Facebook上分享成千上万张照片,但没有一张照片会像你挂在客厅墙上的那张照片那样特别。 几乎所有主流智能**都配备了高质量相机,但如果你想打印其中一张照片,你能把它放大到多大?让...

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...任何服务,如Gmail、PayPal和您的网上银行帐户。拒绝通过Facebook、Twitter等服务访问你的设备。最后,一旦你确定你的**肯定不见了,你就应该向运营商报告你的**丢失或被盗,这样你就可以避免为任何被骗的费用负责。 (威廉胡...

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