
图为艺术家对Matilda W。纽约奥尔巴尼的霍华德。纽约州农业协会农场住宅委员会授予霍华德夫人20美元,并在年度报告中公布了她的计划。...

图为艺术家对Matilda W。纽约奥尔巴尼的霍华德。纽约州农业协会农场住宅委员会授予霍华德夫人20美元,并在年度报告中公布了她的计划。

1847 Farmhouse Designed by Matilda W. Howard






"The accompanying plan is designed to front south, with an elevation of thirteen feet from the sills to the roof. It should occupy somewhat elevated ground, sloping a little to the north, and should be raised on an underpinning to suit the ground. To give chambers of the size designated, the apex of the roof should be not less than twenty-two or twenty-three feet above the sills. It is highly proper to leave a space for air, between the finish of the chambers and the roof, which will prevent the rooms from becoming heated in the summer." "The site should be selected with a view to the easy construction of drains from the sinks, bathing house, dairy, etc., directly to the piggery or barn yard."



"It is of course expected a good farmer will have good a cellar, and in some situations, the best way of warming a house is by a hot air furnace in the cellar. The size of the cellar and its particular divisions should of course depend on the wants or circumstances of the builder. In some cases it may be expedient to have it extend under the whole of the main body of the house. It may be observed, however, that it is not advisable to store large quantities of vegetables under dwellings, as the exhalations from them, especially when unsound, are known to be decidedly prejudicial to health. Hence, the barn cellar, and not that of the dwelling house, should be the repository of such vegetables as are wanted for the use of domestic animals." "Directions in regard to warming houses by furnaces may be found in works relating to the subject, or may be obtained from persons engaged in their construction. There are various modes; but my own experience does not enable me to decide upon their relative advantages."



"In the construction of this plan, it has been my object to combine utility and beauty, as far as practicable with the labor-saving principle. In the arrangement of the kitchen and dairy, particularly, special regard has been had to securing the proper requisites for those important departments with the greatest practicable degree of convenience." "In constructing a dairy, it is proper that such an excavation should be made as will leave the floor, which should be made of stone, two or three feet below the surrounding surface. The sides should be of brick or stone, and plastered; the walls high, and the windows made so as to shut out the light, and admit the air. The advantage of thorough ventilation and pure air is acknowledged by every one who has ever paid attention to the manufacture of butter, though it is a matter generally too little thought of, in the construction of the apartments for this purpose. It will be observed, that in the plan herewith submitted, an open space of two and a half feet has been provided for on both sides the dairy." "To render the establishment as perfect as possible, the command of a good spring of water, which may be conducted through the dairy-room, is necessary; when that cannot be had, an ice-house in direct contact, (as in the accompanying plan,) and a good well of water convenient, form the best substitute." "The expense of such a house in this vicinity might be varied from fifteen hundred to three thousand dollars; according to the style of finish, the taste and ability of the owner. The main conveniences may be retained at the lowest estimate, by omitting the ornamental front."











  • 《农舍平面图》,纽约州农业协会学报,第七卷,1847年,哈特鲁斯特
  • 十九世纪美国家庭与农舍Sally McMurry,田纳西大学出版社,1997

  • 发表于 2021-09-02 13:16
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