


The green flash most often appears as a thin band of green at the top of a sunrise or sunset.












Type of Flash Usually Viewed From Appearance Conditions
Inferior-mirage Flash sea level or low elevations Oval, flattened disc, Joule's "last glimpse", usually 1-2 seconds duration Occurs when the surface is warmer than the air above it.
Mock-mirage Flash more likely viewed the higher it's seen above the inversion, but brightest just above the inversion The upper rim of the sun appears as thin strips. Green strips last 1-2 seconds. Occurs when the surface is cooler than the air above it and the inversion is below the viewer.
Sub-duct Flash at any height, but only within a narrow range below the inversion The top part of an hourglass-shaped sun appears green for as long as 15 seconds. Seen when the observer is below an atmospheric inversion layer.
Green Ray sea level A green beam of light appears to shoot up from the top center of the sun as it sets or just after it sinks below the horizon. Seen when a bright green flash is present and there is hazy air to produce the column of light.

Blue Flash

Very rarely, refraction of sunlight through the atmosphere may be sufficient to produce a blue flash. Sometimes the blue flash stacks on top of the green flash. The effect is best seen in photographs rather than with the eye, which is not very sensitive to blue light. The blue flash is so rare because blue light is generally scattered by the atmosphere before it reaches the viewer.

The Green Rim

When an astronomical object (i.e., the Sun or Moon) sets on the horizon, the atmosphere acts as a prism, separating the light into its component wavelengths or colors. The upper rim of the object may be green, or even blue or violet, while the lower rim is always red. This effect is most often seen when the atmosphere contains a lot of dust, smog, or other particles. However, the particles that make the effect possible also dim and redden the light, making it tricky to see. The colored rim is very thin, so it's difficult to discern with the naked eye. It can be seen better in photographs and videos. The Richard Evelyn Byrd Antarctic expedition reported seeing the green rim and possibly the green flash, lasting for about 35 minutes in 1934. 

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Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph.D. "The Green Flash Phenomenon and How to See It." ThoughtCo, Sep. 3, 2021, tl80.cn/green-flash-4135423. Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph.D. (2021, September 3). The Green Flash Phenomenon and How to See It. Retrieved from https://www.tl80.cn/green-flash-4135423 Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph.D. "The Green Flash Phenomenon and How to See It." ThoughtCo. https://www.tl80.cn/green-flash-4135423 (accessed September 3, 2021).

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