什么是语法分类?(classification in grammar?)



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"The primary support in classification consists of the categories that serve the purpose of the classification...The categories in classification are the 'piles' into which the writer sorts a topic (the items to be classified). These categories will become the topic sentences for the body paragraphs of the essay...The supporting details in classification are examples or explanations of what is in each category. The examples in classification are the various items that fall within each category. These are important because readers may not be familiar with your categories."—From "Real Essays With Readings" by Susan Anker


"Americans can be divided into three groups—smokers, nonsmokers and that expanding pack of us who have quit. Those who have never smoked don't know what they're missing, but former smokers, ex-smokers, reformed smokers can never forget. We are veterans of a personal war, linked by that watershed experience of ceasing to smoke and by the temptation to have just one more cigarette. For almost all of us ex-smokers, smoking continues to play an important role in our lives. And now that it is being restricted in restaurants around the country and will be banned in almost all indoor public places in New York State starting next month, it is vital that everyone understand the different emotional states cessation of smoking can cause. I have observed four of them; and in the interest of science I have classified them as those of the zealot, the evangelist, the elect and the serene. Each day, each category gains new recruits."—From "Confessions of an Ex-Smoker" by Franklin Zimring


"Each of Jamaica's four great gardens, although established along similar principles, has acquired its own distinctive aura. Hope Gardens, in the heart of Kingston, evokes postcard pictures from the 1950s of public parks, gracious and vaguely suburban and filled with familiar favorites—lantana and marigolds—as well as exotics. Bath has retained its Old World character; it is the easiest to conjure as it must have looked in Bligh's time. Cinchona of the clouds is otherworldly. And Castleton, the garden established to replace Bath, fleetingly evokes that golden age of Jamaican tourism, when visitors arrived in their own yachts—the era of Ian Fleming and Noel Coward, before commercial air travel unloaded ordinary mortals all over the island."—From "Captain Bligh's Cursed Breadfruit" by Caroline Alexander


"Local TV interviewers come in two varieties. One is a bulimic blond person with a deviated septum and a severe cognitive disorder who went into broadcasting because he or she was too emotionally disturbed for telephone sales work. The other variety is suave, sagacious, grossly overqualified for the job, and too depressed to talk to you. Good local TV people are always depressed because their field is so crowded."—From "Book Tour" by P.J. O'Rourke


"The English-speaking world may be divided into (1) those who neither know nor care what a split infinitive is; (2) those who do not know, but care very much; (3) those who know and condemn; (4) those who know and approve; (5) those who know and distinguish."—From "A Dictionary of Modern Usage" by H.W. Fowler and Ernest Gowers


  • 塞缪尔·约翰逊的《对话》
  • E.B.怀特的《纽约来了》
  • D.H.劳伦斯的《给她一个模式》
  • 比尔·奈的《打断别人的男人》
  • 弗朗西斯·培根的《研究之旅》
  • 詹姆斯·哈维·罗宾逊的《论各种思维》
  • H.G.威尔斯的《争吵的乐趣》
  • 爱德华·埃弗雷特的《握手》


  • 安克尔,苏珊。《带阅读材料的真实文章》,第三版。贝德福德/圣马丁。2009
  • 齐姆林,富兰克林。“一位前吸烟者的自白”,《新闻周刊》。1987年4月20日
  • 亚历山大,卡罗琳。“布莱船长被诅咒的面包果。”史密森学会。2009年9月
  • 奥罗克,P.J.“书之旅”,在“年龄和诡计,击败年轻、天真和糟糕的发型。”大西洋月刊。1995
  • 福勒,H.W。;戈尔斯,欧内斯特。《现代英语用法词典》,第二版。牛津大学出版社。1965
  • 发表于 2021-09-14 09:45
  • 阅读 ( 196 )
  • 分类:语言


在里面(in)和英语语法中的内部(within in english grammar)的区别

...外含义。 在里面(in)和英语语法中的内部(within in english grammar)的区别 如前所述,介词in描述一个特定事物或个人的位置,而in介词则表达内心深处的感觉。更重要的是,in和within这两个词在与其他词不同使用时会产生不同的含义...

  • 发布于 2020-10-17 01:57
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嗓音(voice)和语法中的言语(speech in grammar)的区别

...格形式的语音对比 5. 摘要 什么是语法中的语态(voice in grammar)? 在语法中,语态决定动词是主动的还是被动的。当主语是行为人时,句子是主动的;相反,当主语是行为的目标或实施者时,句子是被动的。主动句被称为主动语...

  • 发布于 2020-10-18 02:10
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一(a)和英语语法(an in english grammar)的区别

...的正确用法是非常重要的。 什么是英语语法a(a in english grammar)? 不定冠词a用于“一”的意义,它用在名词前面,作为一种数的形容词,如下面的句子中。 珍妮特今天早上吃了芒果。 在这句话中,你会想到珍妮特今天早上只吃...

  • 发布于 2020-10-27 12:13
  • 阅读 ( 282 )

应该(shall)和威尔英语语法(will in english grammar)的区别

...但真金会发光。 应该(shall)和威尔英语语法(will in english grammar)的区别 •Shall是一个情态助动动词,主要用于第一人称。 •应有时用于表达建议、提议和请求。 •情态动词,也可以用在其他助词上。 •在预测中使用意志是很常...

  • 发布于 2020-10-28 00:43
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那里(there)和他们的英语语法(their in english grammar)的区别

...只用作代词。 那里(there)和他们的英语语法(their in english grammar)的共同点 在那里和它们的发音相似,它们被称为同音异义词。 他们和他们经常一起用在句子中。 那里(there)和他们的英语语法(their in english grammar)的区别 ...

  • 发布于 2020-11-06 17:00
  • 阅读 ( 403 )


...门语言,掌握这两方面的知识是很重要的。 什么是语法(grammar)? 语法是一套结构规则,它支配着一种语言中从句、短语和单词的结构。它是对文字的研究;它研究单词如何改变它们的形式,并与其他单词组合成有意义的句子。...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 07:12
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主要区别语法(main difference grammar) vs. 语法(syntax) Grammar and Syntax are two overlapping disciplines that deal with the c***truction of words, phrases and sentences in a language. Since both syntax and grammar deal with rules and structures of language, many people assume tha...

  • 发布于 2021-06-28 01:01
  • 阅读 ( 698 )

对象(object)和英语语法补语(complement in english grammar)的区别

...,补语,句法 什么是英语语法中的宾语(an object in english grammar)? 剑桥词典将英语语法中的宾语定义为“受动词作用影响的名词或名词短语”。简言之,客体是受主体行为影响的东西。 英语语法的基本句法或句子结构是-主语+动...

  • 发布于 2021-06-30 20:04
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...名法和分类法的区别是什么?主要区别的比较 关键术语 Classification, Nomenclature, Taxonomy, Scientific Names 什么是分类(classification)? 在生物学中,分类是科学家根据生物的相似性和不同性,将生物组织成一系列的群体和亚群体的过程...

  • 发布于 2021-07-02 17:17
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什么是解析?英语语法中的定义与举例(parsing? definition and examples in english grammar)

句法分析是一种语法练习,包括将文本分解为其组成部分,并解释每个部分的形式、功能和句法关系,以便理解文本。“语法分析”一词来源于“词性”的拉丁语部分 在当代语言学中,句法分析通常指计算机辅助的语言句法...

  • 发布于 2021-09-14 07:20
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