什么是修辞格反措辞?(the figure of speech antiphrasis?)



Senior woman in front of blackboard pretending to shout




"Yes, I killed him. I killed him for money--and a woman--and I didn't get the money and I didn't get the woman. Pretty, isn't it?" (Fred MacMurray as Walter Neff in Double Indemnity, 1944) "He looked like a Vulcan fresh emerged from his forge, a misshapen giant not quite sure of how to maneuver in this bright new world... His real name, the name given to him by his youthful mother before she abandoned him in a Brooklyn orphanage, was Thomas Theodore Puglowski, but his friends all called him Tiny... At least, Tiny supposed, they would if he had any friends." (Michael McClelland, Oyster Blues. Pocket Books, 2001)



"Owen would just smile and eat his eggs, and maybe reach over and slap Ernie's back and say, 'That's real funny, Ernie. You're pretty clever.' All the while thinking to himself, You moron. What do you know?" "Which, of course, he couldn't say out loud. He could think it, but he couldn't say it. When you're a public figure in a small town, you have to treat people with dignity, even Ernie Matthews." (Philip Gulley, Home to Harmony. HarperOne, 2002) Gob: What do you think, Dad — a whole tiny town? Larry: Another brilliant idea, Einstein! Gob: Really? You'll build it with me? George Sr.: Larry never really knows how to sell the sarcasm. ("Mr. F." Arrested Development, 2005) "Even a brief consideration of the most common rhetorical devices deployed in ironic texts will show that antiphrasis explains only some of them, such as litotes and contradiction; whereas, on the contrary, hyperbole works by excess, not opposition, and meiosis operates by playing down more than by playing against." (Linda Hutcheon, Irony's Edge: The Theory and Politics of Irony. Routledge, 1994) "I told you, she's got tracking devices in our fillings! If you two geniuses had ripped them out like I did, we wouldn't have been in this mess!" (Justin Berfield as Reese in "Billboard." Malcolm in the Middle, 2005)


"[A]ntiphrasis... is best explained by saying that it seems to have become the chief rhetorical ornament of the ingenious and inventive youth of London, the real City, and may be found in its highest perfection in the conversations of the Artful Dodger, Mr. Charley Bates, and other luminaries of the novels now or lately most in esteem. It partakes of the nature of the Socratic Eironeia, in expressing your thought by words whose literal signification is the precise reverse thereof... For example, they say of a man-of-war, 'how little this is!' meaning, how immense! 'Here is only one yam!' = what a number of yams! Chi atoo ofa--Small is my love for you = I love you to madness and murder. It is to be lamented that this form of speech is not more widely diffused amongst us: we do indeed hear occasionally, 'you are a nice man!' 'this is pretty conduct!' and the like; but the dodge is rarely exemplified in Parliamentary debate, where it would often be highly ornamental."("Forms of Salutation." The London Quarterly Review, October 1850)

  • 发表于 2021-09-14 10:46
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  • 分类:语言


文学手法(literary devices)和辞格(figures of speech)的区别

...学要素,而修辞手法主要涉及文学作品的语言和文体。 修辞格是一种表达形式,作者使用的词语超出其文学意义或非日常使用。然而,文学手法可以广义地定义为产生特定效果的文学或语言技巧,尤其是修辞、叙事风格或情节...

  • 发布于 2020-10-18 03:48
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  • 发布于 2021-04-29 21:58
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...en in those fields or participating in virtually any other form of digital speech — has emerged as an urgent challenge for the tech companies for whom your conference is an important forum. Those targets of haras**ent, who include our journalists, do important work in spite of these threats.

  • 发布于 2021-05-01 19:14
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字面意义的(literal)和比喻语言(figurative language)的区别

...喻语言则更为复杂,使用夸张、拟人、隐喻等文学手法或修辞格。在本文中,我们将深入探讨字面语言和比喻语言的主要区别。 什么是字面语言(literal language)? 这是我们大多数时候说的一种语言。直译句中的单词,给出它们在...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 06:15
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...这使故事有了直接的意义。阅读有关冲突的更多信息。 措辞 用词是指说话者或作者对词语的具体选择。阅读更多有关措辞的内容。 心情 意境是一部文学作品所营造的氛围或情感环境。阅读更多关于情绪的信息。 主题 主题...

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...头表达,而口才是表达言语的方式。 这篇文章包括, 1.什么是口才?–意义与特点 2.什么是言语?–意义与特点 3.口才与言语的区别 什么是口才(elocution)? 口才这个词指的是一个人说话的方式。口才一词主要用来指说话者在公...

  • 发布于 2021-06-28 04:15
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什么是不同类型的措辞(the different types of diction)

什么是措辞(diction)? 用词是作者或人物对词语或风格的选择。措辞是决定一篇文章质量的主要因素。在选择词语时,有几个因素需要考虑: 语言必须准确无误 词语必须适合上下文 文字应该被读者或听众理解 根据不同...

  • 发布于 2021-06-28 07:13
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比喻语言(figurative language)和意象(imagery)的区别

...这两个概念非常相似。除此之外,这两种语言都是建立在修辞格的基础上的。然而,这些是不一样的。辨别两者区别的最好方法是记住,意象总是能吸引我们的感官,但比喻性语言不一定能吸引我们的感官。 覆盖的关键领域 1....

  • 发布于 2021-07-02 07:49
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...么重要,但肯尼迪的许多修辞策略都值得效仿,不管是在什么场合,也不管听众多大。因此,下次当你在教室前面对同事或同学讲话时,请记住这些原则。 肯尼迪的演讲写作风格 The Kennedy style of speech-writing--our style, I am not re...

  • 发布于 2021-09-06 00:22
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什么是非洲裔美国人的方言英语(aave)?(african american vernacular english (aave)?)


  • 发布于 2021-09-06 00:55
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