python regex初出茅庐的程序员备忘单



The Python Regex Cheat Sheet for Budding Programmers-Featured



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python regex初出茅庐的程序员备忘单

Expression Action Examples
打印() 显示命令的结果 x=“Hello world”打印(x)输出:Hello world
输入() 收集用户的输入 打印(输入(“你叫什么名字?”))输出:你叫什么名字?
类型() 查找变量的类型 x="Regular expressi***" type(x) output:
长度() 查找变量中的项数 len([1,2,3])输出:3
\ 转义改变一行代码意图的字符 打印(“I want you to add\”\“”)输出:I want you to add“”
\不 打断字符串以从下一行开始 打印(“这是一行\n这是第二行”)输出:这是一条线这是第二条线
def function\u name(参数):命令 使用可选参数初始化函数 def yourName(x):打印(x+1)
λ 调用匿名函数 加法3到=λy:y+3打印(加法3到(4))输出:7
返回 从函数返回结果 def yourName(x):返回x+1
创建Python对象 班级myClass:定义myFunc(x) 地址:
定义初始化__ 初始化类的属性 类myClass:def uu init(self,attributes…)
“\uuu初始化\” 保存包含模块的文件,以便在另一个Python文件中成功读取该模块 将包含模块的文件重命名为:“\uu init\”
int() 将变量转换为整数 int(1.234)输出:1
str() 将变量转换为字符串 str(1.234)输出:“1.234”
浮动() 将变量转换为浮点 浮子(23)输出:23.0
dict(Counter()) 使用Python内置计数器排序后,将列表或元组转换为字典 从集合导入Counterdict(Counter([1,1,2,1,2,3,3,4]))输出:{1:3,2:2,3:2,4:1}
圆形() 将运算的输出四舍五入到最接近的整数 圆形(23.445)输出:23
四舍五入(运算或数字,小数位) 将操作的输出四舍五入到特定的小数位数 圆形(23.4568,2)输出:23.46
如果: 启动条件语句 如果2<3:打印(“两个较小”)
elif公司: 如果陈述是错误的,就进行反陈述 如果2<3:print(“两个较小”)elif 2==3:print(“继续”)
其他: 如果其他条件不成立,则进行最后的反陈述 如果2<3:print(“两个较小”)elif 2==3:print(“继续”)其他:打印(“三更大”)
持续 忽略一个条件并执行循环的其余部分 a=[1,4,-10,6,8]对于a中的b:如果b&lt;=0:继续打印(b)输出:1468
打破 在给定条件下终止循环流 a=[1,4,-10,6,8]表示a中的b:如果b&gt;=6:中断打印(b)输出:14-10
通过 忽略一组先前的指令 对于a中的b:通过
尝试,除了 尝试一段代码,否则,引发已定义的异常 try:print(a)except:print(“发生错误!”)输出:发生错误!
最后 当try和except块失败时执行最后一个代码 try:print(a)except:print(d)finally:print(“您不能打印未定义的变量”)输出:您不能打印未定义的变量
引发异常() 引发异常,在无法执行命令时停止该命令 a=7+2如果a&lt;10:引发异常(“噢!你没有得到10分
导入x 导入整个模块或库 导入数学
从x导入y 从文件或类y导入库x 从scipy.统计导入模式
作为 根据您的首选名称自定义表达式 作为pd导入
在里面 检查变量中是否存在值 x=[1,4,6,7]如果x中有5:print(“有一个5”),否则:print(“没有5”)输出:没有5
检查两个变量是否引用一个元素 x=[1,4,6,7]x=b打印(x是b)真
目标 声明空值 x=目标
< 检查一个值是否小于另一个值 5<10输出:真
> 检查一个值是否大于另一个值 5> 10输出:假
<= 检查一个值是否小于或等于另一个值 2*2<=3输出:假
>= 检查一个值是否大于或等于另一个值 2*2>=3输出:真
"== 检查一个值是否正好等于另一个值 3==4输出:假
!= 确定一个值不等于另一个值 三!=4输出:真
进口re 导入Python的内置正则表达式 导入雷尔·芬德尔(“字符串”,变量)
a | b级 检查字符串中是否存在两个元素中的任何一个 import resomeText=“Hello正则表达式”a=关于芬德尔(“regular | Hello”,someText)打印(a)输出:[“Hello”,“regular”]
字符串$ 检查变量是否以一组字符串结尾 import resomeText=“Hello正则表达式”a=关于芬德尔(“expression$”,someText)输出:['expression']
^字符串 检查变量是否以一组字符串开头 import resomeText=“Hello正则表达式”a=关于芬德尔(“^Hello”,someText)打印(a)输出:[“Hello”]
字符串索引() 检查字符串的索引位置 a=“Hello World”a.index('H')输出:0
字符串。大写() 将一组字符串中的第一个字符大写 a= "Hello World" a.capitalize() output: 'Hello world'
字符串.swapcase() 每个单词的第一个字母用小写字母打印,其他字母用大写字母打印 a=“Hello World”a.swapcase()输出:'Hello World'
string.lower() Convert all the strings to a lowercase a= "Hello World" a.lower() output: 'hello world'
string.upper() Convert all strings to uppercase a= "Hello World" a.upper() output: 'HELLO WORLD'
string.startswith() Check if a string starts with a particular character a= "Hello World" a.startswith('a') output: False
string.endswith() Check if a string ends with a particular character a= "Hello World" a.endswith('d') output: True
string.split() Separate each word into a list a= "Hello World" a.split() output: ['Hello', 'world']
strings {}'.format() Display an output as string a=3+4 print("The answer is {}".format(a)) output: The answer is 7
is not None Check if the value of a variable is not empty def checknull(a): if a is not None: return "its full!" else: return "its empty!"
x%y Find the remainder (modulus) of a division 9%4 output: 1
x//y Find the quotient of a division 9//4 output: 2
"= Assign a value to a variable a={1:5, 3:4}
"+ Add elements together ["a two"] + ["a one"] output: ['a two', 'a one'] 1+3 output=4
"- Find the difference between a set of numbers 3-4 output=-1
"* Find the product of a set of numbers 3*4 output:12
a+=x Add x to variable a without assigning its value to a new variable a=2 a+=3 output: 5
a-=x Subsract x from variable a without assigning it to a new variable a=3 a-=2 output: 1
a*=x Find the product of variable a and x without assigning the resullt to a new variable a=[1, 3, 4] a*=2 output: [1, 3, 4, 1, 3, 4]
x**y Raise base x to power y 2**3 output: 8
pow(x, y) Raise x to the power of y pow(2, 3) output: 8
abs(x) Convert a negative integer to its absolute value abs(-5) output: 5
x**(1/nth) Find the nth root of a number 8**(1/3) output: 2
a=b=c=d=x Assign the same value to multiple variables a=b=c=d="Hello world"
x, y = y, x Swap variables x = [1, 2] y = 3 x, y = y, x print(x, y) output: 3 [1, 2]
for Loop through the elements in a variable a=[1, 3, 5] for b in a: print(b, "x", "2", "=", b*2) output: 1 x 2 = 2 3 x 2 = 6 5 x 2 = 10
while Keep looping through a variable, as far as a particular condition remains True a=4 b=2 while b<=a: print(b, "is lesser than", a) b+=1 output: 2 is lesser than 4 3 is lesser than 4 4 is lesser than 4
range() Create a range of positive integers between x and y x=range(4) print(x) range(0, 4) for b in x: print(b) output: 0 1 2 3
sum() Iterate through the elements in a list print(sum([1, 2, 3])) output:6
sum(list, start) Return the sum of a list with an added element print(sum([1, 2, 3], 3)) output: 9
[] Make a list of elements x=['a', 3, 5, 'h', [1, 3, 3], {'d':3}]
() Create a tupple---tupples are immutable x=(1, 2, 'g', 5)
{} Create a dictionary a={'x':6, 'y':8}
x[a:b] Slice through a list x=[1, 3, 5, 6] x[0:2] output: [1, 3]
x[key] Get the value of a key in dictionary x a={'x':6, 'y':8} print(a['x']) output: 6
x.append() Add a list of values to an empty list x=[1] x.append([1,2,3]) print(x) output: [1, [1,2,3]]
x.extend() Add a list of values to continue an existing list without necessarily creating a nested list x=[1,2] x.extend([3,4,6,2]) print(x) output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 2]
del(x[a:b]) Delete an item completely from a list at a specific index x=[1,2,3,5] del(x[0:2]) print(x) output: [2,3,5]
del(x[key]) Delete a key and a value completely from a dictionary at a specific index y={1:3, 2:5, 4:6, 8:2} del(y[1], y[8]) print(y) output= {2:5, 4:6}
dict.pop() Pop out the value of a key and remove it from a dictionary at a specific index a={1:3, 2:4, 5:6} a.pop(1) output: 3
dict.popitem() Pop out the last item from a dictionary and delete it a={1:2, 4:8, 3:5} a.popitem() output: (3, 5) print(a) output: {1:2, 4:8}
list.pop() Pop out a given index from a list and remove it from a list a=[1, 3, 2, 4, 1, 6, 6, 4] a.pop(-2) output: 6 print(a) output: [1, 3, 2, 4, 1, 6, 4]
clear() Empty the elements of a list or a dictionary x=[1, 3, 5] x.clear() print(x) output: []
remove() Remove an item from a list x=[1, 5, 6, 7] x.remove(1) output: [5, 6, 7]
insert() Insert elements into a llist x=[3, 5, 6] x.insert(1, 4) print(x) output: [1, 4, 3, 5, 6]
sort(reverse=condition) Reverse the direction of the elements in a list x=[1, 3, 5, 6] x.sort(reverse=True) print(x) output: [6, 5, 3, 1]
update() Update a dictionary by changing its first element and adding any other item to its end x={1:3, 5:6} x.update({1:4, 8:7, 4:4}) print(x) output: {1: 4, 5: 6, 8: 7, 4: 4}
keys() Show all the keys in a dictionary a={1:2, 4:8} a.keys() output: dict_keys([1, 4])
values() Show all the values in a dictionary a={1:2, 4:8} a.values() output: dict_values([2, 8])
items() Display the keys and the values in a dictionary a={1:2, 4:8} a.items() output: dict_items([(1, 2), (4, 8)])
get(key) Get the value of an item in a dictionary by its key a={1:2, 4:8, 3:5} a.get(1) output: 2
setdefault(key) Return the original value of an element to a dictionary a.setdefault(2)
f={**a, **b} Merge two dictionaries a={'x':6, 'y':8} b={'c':5, 'd':3} f={**a, **y} print(f) output:{'x': 6, 'y': 8, 'c': 5, 'd': 3}
remove() Remove the first matching value of an element from a list without minding its index a=[1, 3, 2, 4, 4, 1, 6, 6, 4] a.remove(4) print(a) output: [1, 3, 2, 4, 1, 6, 6, 4]
memoryview(x) Access the internal buffers of an object a=memoryview(object)
bytes() Convert a memory buffer protocol into bytes bytes(a[0:2])
bytearray() Return an array of bytes bytearray(object)
# Write a single line of comment or prevent a line of code from being executed # Python regex cheat sheet
""" """ Write a multi-line comment """The Python regex cheat sheet is good for beginners It's equally a great refresher for experts"""
Command Line
pip install package Install an online library pip install pandas
virtualenv name Use virtaulenv to create a virtual environment virtualenv myproject
mkvirtualenv name Use virtual environment wrapper to create virtual environment mkvirtualenv myproject
python Run the commands in a Python file "python
pip freeze List out all the installed packages in a virtual environment pip freeze
pip freeze > somefiles Copy all installed libraries in a single file pip freeze > requirements.txt
where Find the installation path of Python where python
--version Check the version of a package python --version
.exe Run a Python shell python.exe
with open(file, 'w') Write to an existing file and overwrite its existing content with open('regex.txt', 'w') as wf: wf.write("Hello World!")
with open(file, 'r') Open a file as read-only with open('regex.txt', 'r') as rf: print(
with open(file, 'a') Write to a file without overwriting its existing content with open('regex.txt', 'a') as af: af.write("\nHello Yes!")
file.close Close a file if it's not in use af=open('regex.txt') af.close
exit Exit the Python shell exit()




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