


Mimesis by Matthew Potolsky

正如马修·波托尔斯基(Matthew Potolsky)在其著作《模仿》(Routledge,2006)中所指出的,“模仿的定义非常灵活,随着时间的推移和文化背景的变化而发生巨大变化”(50)。下面是一些例子。


"Mimesis is an imitation of speech whereby the Orator counterfeits not only what one said, but also his utterance, pronunciation, and gesture, imitating everything as it was, which is always well performed, and naturally represented in an apt and skillful actor. "This form of imitation is commonly abused by flattering jesters and common parasites, who for the pleasure of those whom they flatter, do both deprave and deride other men's sayings and doings. Also this figure may be much blemished, either by excess or defect, which maketh the imitation unlike unto that it ought to be." (Henry Peacham, The Garden of Eloquence, 1593)


"In Plato's Republic (392d), . . . Socrates criticizes the mimetic forms as tending to corrupt performers whose roles may involve expression of passions or wicked deeds, and he bars such poetry from his ideal state. In Book 10 (595a-608b), he returns to the subject and extends his criticism beyond dramatic imitation to include all poetry and all visual art, on the ground that the arts are only poor, 'third-hand' imitations of true reality existing in the realm of 'ideas.' . . . "Aristotle did not accept Plato's theory of the visible world as an imitation of the realm of abstract ideas or forms, and his use of mimesis is closer to the original dramatic meaning." (George A. Kennedy, "Imitation." Encyclopedia of Rhetoric, ed. by Thomas O. Sloane. Oxford University Press, 2001)


"Two basic but indispensable requirements for a better appreciation of Aristotle's perspective on mimesis . . . deserve immediate foregrounding. The first is to grasp the inadequacy of the still prevalent translation of mimesis as 'imitation,' a translation inherited from a period of neoclassicism is which its force had different connotations from those now available. . . . [T]he semantic field of 'imitation' in modern English (and of its equivalents in other languages) has become too narrow and predominately pejorative--typically implying a limited aim of copying, superficial replication, or counterfeiting--to do justice to the sophisticated thinking of Aristotle . . .. The second requirement is to recognize that we are not dealing here with a wholly unified concept, still less with a term that possesses a 'single, literal meaning,' but rather with a rich locus of aesthetic issues relating to the status, significance, and effects of several types of artistic representation." (Stephen Halliwell, The Aesthetics of Mimesis: Ancient Texts and Modern Problems. Princeton University Press, 2002)


"[R]hetoric in the service of mimesis, rhetoric as imaging power, is far from being imitative in the sense of reflecting a preexistent reality. Mimesis becomes poesis, imitation becomes making, by giving form and pressure to a presumed reality . . .." (Geoffrey H. Hartman, "Understanding Criticism," in A Critic's Journey: Literary Reflections, 1958-1998. Yale University Press, 1999) "[T]he tradition of imitatio anticipates what literary theorists have called intertextuality, the notion that all cultural products are a tissue of narratives and images borrowed from a familiar storehouse. Art absorbs and manipulates these narratives and images rather than creating anything wholly new. From ancient Greece to the beginnings of Romanticism, familiar stories and images circulated throughout Western culture, often anonymously." (Matthew Potolsky, Mimesis. Routledge, 2006)
  • 发表于 2021-09-22 17:10
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...己的网站上有几个主题。有光明和黑暗的选择,以及一些模仿其他文本编辑器。下面是一个名为Turbo的主题截图。有一些主题模仿Dreamweaver、Emacs和VisualStudio。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-14 07:53
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... 这些是主要的系列游戏,不过你也可以模仿像神奇宝贝弹球这样的衍生游戏。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-17 22:59
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  • 发布于 2021-05-04 03:33
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巴特斯人(the batesian)和苗勒拟态(mullerian mimicry)的区别

模仿 在任何生物学研究中,无论是在高中还是大学,如果没有模仿的研究,都是不完整的。《大英百科全书》将模仿定义为: 拟态,生物学中的一种现象,其特征是两个或两个以上在分类学上不密切相关的有机体表面相似...

  • 发布于 2021-06-24 21:32
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仿人机器人(humanoid robot)和安卓(android)的区别

...器人和机器人方面基本相同。 两者的主要区别在于它们模仿人类的程度。另一个不同之处在于它们建造的目的。研究表明,两者之间的一个奇怪区别是人们对仿人机器人和机器人的情感反应。下面将进一步讨论这两种人工构造...

  • 发布于 2021-06-26 11:32
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贝茨安(batesian)和苗勒拟态(mullerian mimicry)的区别

...态是指相似物种为了躲避捕食者而表现出相似的特征。 模仿是一种生物现象,动物为了保护自己免受捕食者的侵害而模仿另一种生物。贝茨式模仿、毛拉式模仿和默顿式模仿是三种防御性模仿。 覆盖的关键领域 1.什么是贝特西...

  • 发布于 2021-06-30 15:22
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君主(monarch)和总督蝶(viceroy butterfly)的区别

...有着相似的颜色图案。因此,它们是M的一个例子ü学习者模仿。两只蝴蝶都有明亮的橙色和黑色条纹。这种明亮的橙色是一种用来警告捕食者的广告色彩。 覆盖的关键领域 1.帝王蝶——定义、事实、重要性2.副牧师蝴蝶——定义...

  • 发布于 2021-06-30 15:25
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贝茨的(batesian)和苗勒拟态(mullerian mimicry)的区别

...有物种都以不同的方式适应这个世界。许多动物被观察到模仿来逃避捕食者。贝茨模仿和米勒模仿是自然界观察到的两种生存方式。贝茨的(batesian) vs. 苗勒拟态(mullerian mimicry)这两种类型的模仿是贝特西亚是一种无害的物种,采...

  • 发布于 2021-07-11 01:33
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恶作剧(spoof, parody)和讽刺(satire)的区别

...区别:这两个词的主要区别在于它们的写作风格,其中“模仿”是一种以幽默的方式模仿另一位作者作品的文学作品,“讽刺”是通过嘲弄人或物体来表达观点。而“恶作剧”则是一种轻松幽默或毫无意义的噱头,让人发笑。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-07-12 05:24
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...合饮料。mocktail这个名字来源于“mock”这个词,意思是“模仿或模仿”,指的是模仿***的mocktails,因为它看起来与***非常相似,但不含酒精或任何其他烈性酒。 包括(“ad4th.php”);?> 酒精是过去流行的饮料,现在很多人都...

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