


Sorry... We're Closed


"[C]losed-class words are those belonging to the grammatical, or function, classes...Function words in English include conjunctions (and, or), articles (the, a), demonstratives (this, that), and prepositions (to, from, at, with). To take one specific case, consider the word and. The essential feature of the word and is that it functions grammatically to conjoin words and phrases, as seen in the combination of noun phrases the woman and the man. Any change in membership in such a class happens only very slowly (over centuries) and in small increments. Thus, a speaker of English may well encounter dozens of new nouns and verbs during the coming year; but it is extremely unlikely that the English language will acquire a new article (or lose a current one) in the coming year (or even in the speaker's lifetime)." —Adrian Akmajian, et al., Linguistics: An Introduction to Language and Communication. MIT, 2001 "Prepositions have gradually expanded their membership somewhat by admitting participles such as including, concerning, but the remaining classes are very resistant to the introduction of new items. This has been noticeable in recent years when attempts have been made to find gender-neutral pronouns." —Angela Downing and Philip Locke, English Grammar: A University Course, 2nd ed. Routledge, 2002


"Closed-class words or 'function words' are limited in number and act as markers or guides to the structure of a sentence. The role of articles is to signal nouns. Prepositions mark special relationships between persons, objects, and locations. Conjunctions are connectors that link actors or objects, and specify relationships between clauses in the sentence. Open- and closed-class words occupy certain slots in sentences and set up a frame for interpreting the interrelationships between actors, actions, and objects." —Diane McGuinness, Language Development and Learning to Read. MIT, 2005


"The closed classes include pronouns (you, them), modal verbs (could, must), determiners (a, the), prepositions (of, in), and conjunctions (and, but). New members of these classes are not added to the language very often. Instead, they tend to gradually evolve from lexical words in a process called grammaticalization. For example, the lexical verb go means 'to move (toward a goal).' But its progressive form be going (to) has evolved into a grammaticalized prospective (future) marker, as in She's going to love her gift. The 'movement' meaning of go has been bleached out of the grammaticalized version, and so the going in be going to can be considered to be a function word, rather than a content word. The closed classes represent a more restricted range of meanings, and the meanings of closed-class words tend to be less detailed and less referential than open-class words." —M. Lynne Murphy, Lexical Meaning. Cambridge University Press, 2010
  • 发表于 2021-09-23 22:54
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  • 分类:人文


封闭系统(closed system)和开放系统(open system)的区别

封闭系统与开放系统的关键区别在于,在封闭系统中,物质不与周围环境交换,而在开放系统中,物质和能量都与周围环境交换。 为了化学的目的,我们可以把宇宙分成两部分:“系统”和“周围”。一个系统可以是一个有...

  • 发布于 2020-10-23 13:04
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孤立系统(isolated system)和封闭系统(closed system)的区别

孤立系统与封闭系统的关键区别在于,孤立系统不能与周围环境进行物质和能量的交换,但是,虽然封闭系统也不能与周围环境进行物质交换,但它可以交换能量。 为了便于学习化学,我们把宇宙分成两部分。我们要研究的...

  • 发布于 2020-10-28 02:59
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...有些单词拼写相同,但发音不同。异义词和同形词就是这类词的例子。 例如, 他忘了读那封信。→ 读取[ri:d] 他读了整本书。→ 读取[r]ɛ[公元] 它是铅做的。→ 铅ɛ[公元] 他生来就是领导的。→ 铅[li]ː[公元] 有些词发音相同...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 19:30
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打开(open)和封闭式问题(closed questions)的区别

主要差异开放(main difference open) vs. 封闭式问题(closed questi***) 问题大致可分为两类;开放式问题和封闭式问题。这些问题也被称为开放式和封闭式问题。开放式问题和封闭式问题的主要区别在于,开放式问题可能得到长答...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 21:51
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打开(open)和封闭系统(closed system)的区别

主要差异开放(main difference open) vs. 封闭系统(closed system) 热力学是物理学的一个分支,它解释物体与周围环境之间的能量传递。热力学术语也可以用来理解化学物种的化学行为。系统和环境是热力学中的两个基本术语。系...

  • 发布于 2021-06-28 18:55
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打开(open)和闭式循环系统(closed circulatory system)的区别

...fference open) vs. 闭式循环系统(closed circulatory system) 开放和封闭的循环系统涉及到物质随液体从身体的一个部位流向另一个部位。这种液体可以是开放循环系统中的血淋巴,也可以是封闭循环系统中的血液。这两个循环系统都包含...

  • 发布于 2021-06-28 19:39
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也许 吧(maybe)和可能是(may be)的区别

...来一样,但意义却截然不同“可能是”和“也许”就是这类词的一个例子。然而,看看这些词,你能看到的唯一区别是,“也许”是一个词,而“可能是”是两个词。但是,它们只能在某些情况下使用。 也许是个副词。它可以...

  • 发布于 2021-07-13 03:54
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什么是英语语法中的辅音群?(consonant clusters in english grammar?)

...末尾,而在下一个单词的开头,我们通常会去掉它。辅音类词的归约过程没有固定的规则,但受到某些语言因素的限制,制约了对辅音类词的归约。 北卡罗莱纳州立大学的社会语言学家沃尔特·沃尔夫拉姆(Walt Wolfram)解释说...

  • 发布于 2021-10-01 12:47
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什么是尾注,为什么(endnotes, why)

...互换使用。它们还有许多其他名称——垃圾词、微粒子和封闭类词。语言学家往往不同意这些词的精确定义适用条款。” (彭尼贝克,詹姆斯·W.《代词的秘密生活:我们的话语对我们的影响》,布卢姆斯伯里出版社,2011年。...

  • 发布于 2021-10-08 00:30
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什么是封闭的天井?(an enclosed patio?)

... 封闭式天井是房屋的延伸,通常由某种类型的天井区域组成,以某种方式与室外元素隔开。它通常用于休闲、就餐和娱乐。有许多不同类型的封闭式天井,从门廊的屏风到...

  • 发布于 2021-12-18 09:34
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