如何教你的学生写传记诗(teach your students to write biography poems)



student writing in class

什么是传记诗(bio poems)?



Beth Kind, funny, hard-working, loving Sister of Amy Lover of Computers, Friends, and Harry Potter books Who feels excited on the first day of school, sad when she watches the news, and happy to open a new book Who needs people, books, and computers Who gives help to students, smiles to her husband, and letters to family and friends Who fears war, hunger, and bad days Who would like to visit the pyramids in Egypt, teach the world’s greatest third graders, and read on the beach in Hawaii Resident of California Lewis


Braeden Athletic, strong, determined, fast Son of Janelle and Nathan and brother to Reesa Loves the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books, sports, and Baked Beans Who feels happy when playing with friends, and happy when playing sports and being with his family Who needs books, family, and Legos to by happy in life Who makes people laugh when someone is sad, who likes to gives smiles, and loves hugging Fears the dark, spiders, clowns Would like to visit Paris, France Resident of Buffalo Cox


Rosa Determined, Brave, Strong, Caring Wife of Raymond Parks, and mother of her children Who loved freedom, education, and equality Who loved to stand up for her beliefs, loved to help others, disliked discrimination Who feared racism would never end, who feared she wouldn't be able to make a difference, who feared she wouldn't have enough courage to fight Who changed history by standing up to others and making a difference in equality Who wanted to see an end to discrimination, a world that was equal, and respect was given to all Born in Alabama, and resident in Detroit Parks
  • 发表于 2021-10-08 02:51
  • 阅读 ( 318 )
  • 分类:教育


如何写一首俳句诗(write a haiku poem)

... 不使用很多比喻和比喻 非押韵线 不要说多余的话 如何写俳句诗 1.选择一个主题。俳句诗大多写在自然上。试着去花园描述一下你所看到的。你也可以从自然照片中得到灵感。例如,尝试使用下面的照片作为主题。 2.写前...

  • 发布于 2021-06-28 08:18
  • 阅读 ( 624 )

如何写一本有趣的传记(write an interesting biography)

传记是对构成一个人一生的一系列事件的书面描述。其中一些活动将非常无聊,因此您需要尽可能使您的帐户有趣! 每个学生都会在某个时候写一本传记,但细节和复杂程度会有所不同。四年级的传记与中学或高中或大学的...

  • 发布于 2021-09-14 02:08
  • 阅读 ( 204 )

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