如何写一份家庭教育哲学声明(write a homeschooling philosophy statement)



Mother and teen girl






As teacher and parent, my goal in homeschooling is to give my children the skills and information they need to become successful adults. When presenting a subject, I focus on those aspects I believe will continue to be useful once the course is done. Instead of covering large amounts of material superficially, we try to delve more deeply into fewer topics. Whenever possible, I also try to let my children incorporate their own interests into whatever we are studying. For the most part we do not use textbooks, but rely on books written by experts for a general audience. The one exception is math, for which we use traditional textbooks. In addition, we use documentaries, videos, websites, magazines, and newspapers; related art, literature, drama and movies; news stories; family discussions; and hands-on projects and experiments. We also take advantage of classes, lectures, and performances for high school students or the general public at local colleges and other learning institutions. And we made field trips to museums, studios, workshops, farms, factories, parks and nature preserves, landmarks, and historic sites. Time is also allowed for pursuing individual interests and projects that are not part of any structured homeschool program. In my children's case this included computer game design, robotics, writing, film making, and animation. I do not issue grades, except as required for early enrollment in community college classes. Testing is limited to standardized tests as required by the state, and tests in the math textbooks. Their level of understanding is demonstrated through discussion, writing, and other projects. Where workbooks and textbooks are used, we only move ahead when material is mastered, and go back and review when necessary.


The overall goal in language arts is to foster a love of reading and an appreciation for different types of literature and informational writing, to use their own writing as a creative outlet, and to develop the skills to entertain, convey information, and express opinions to other readers. Reading is done on an individual basis, as part of homeschool book discussion groups, and as a family. Selections include a mix of short stories, novels, non-fiction works and news and analysis. Plays and films are also given a critical analysis. Writing includes essays, research papers, poetry, creative writing, blogs, journals, and personal projects.


In math, the goal is to help my children develop "number sense" by showing what is going on behind the algorithms and encouraging them to employ a variety of ways to solve a problem, if appropriate. We do this with carefully chosen textbooks, hands-on manipulatives, and by using math in other school projects and everyday life.


For science, the goal is to understand the concepts underlying the different disciplines and how they apply to the world around us. We mainly focus on new discoveries and areas of research and their effect. A large part of our studies include designing and carrying out observations and hands-on lab activities. We also learn about scientists and science hobbyists through reading, videos, lectures, and visits to museums, research centers and colleges.


In social studies, the goal is to explore interesting people, places, and times throughout history around the world, and to gain the background needed to give context to present-day events. After covering the history of the world and the United States chronologically over several years (beginning in the elementary grades), we are focusing on special topics and on current events. Every year includes an in-depth history research project on a chosen topic. These can incorporate biographies, geography, literature, film, and visual arts.



  • 我在家上学的基本目标是什么?当我的孩子毕业时,他们应该能够。。。
  • 我对每个科目的总体目标是什么?
  • 我们为什么决定在家上学?
  • 我们为什么继续在家上学?
  • 我们希望通过家庭教育实现什么,而这在传统的学校环境中是无法实现的?
  • 我希望我的孩子拥有什么样的生活技能?
  • 我们家庭的优先事项是什么(即学业成功、社区参与、特定性格特征)?
  • 在我看来,理想的家庭学校日是什么样的?给我的孩子们?
  • 我们的短期和长期目标是什么?
  • 我们家的学习是如何完成的?
  • 我们用什么材料来实现我们的教育目标?


由Kris Bales更新

  • 发表于 2021-10-08 20:17
  • 阅读 ( 303 )
  • 分类:教育


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