什么是由大脑控制?(controlled by the cerebrum?)

The areas of the brain, including the cerebrum.


The cerebrum's olfactory bulb allows humans to process different smells.


The amygdala, which is located in the cerebrum, controls feelings like fear and anxiety.


The hippocampus controls the ability to turn short-term learning into long-term memory.


In some cases, attention deficit disorder (ADD) is linked to a malfunctioning basal ganglia.


  • 发表于 2021-12-27 03:08
  • 阅读 ( 188 )
  • 分类:生物



脑(brain)和大脑(cerebrum)的区别 大脑是中枢神经系统的主要**之一。它协调我们身体中与知觉、认知、注意力、记忆和行动有关的所有反应。大脑是大脑中最大和最上面的部分,主要负责更高级的心理功能,如意识、思维、理性...

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...断,并经呼气峰流速测定证实。 Asthma is treated with symptom controllers (beta agonists such as salbutamol) and preventers (steroids such as beclomethasone). Symptom controllers are used during wheezing episodes while steroids as used on a regular basis to prevent episodes. Most of thes...

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...痪:在瘫痪中,虚弱与残疾程度有关。  Image courtesy: “Cerebrum lobes” by vectorized by Jkwchui – http://training.seer.cancer.gov/module_anatomy/unit5_3_nerve_org1_cns.html. (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Wikimedia Comm***  “Child with infantile paralysis walking on hands and feet (rb...

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脑干(brainstem)和脊髓(spinal cord)的区别

...tion to and from nuclear groups, are attached to the brainstem and help to control the motor and sensory functi*** of the head. The brainstem controls certain complex functi*** such as respiration, cardiovascular regulation, c***ciousness, and sleep. 什么是脊髓(the spinal cord)? The spinal co...

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大脑(cerebrum)和大脑皮层(cerebral cortex)的区别

...列比较-大脑和大脑皮层的表格形式 6. 摘要 什么是大脑(cerebrum)? 大脑是人脑最大、最突出的部分。它似乎包住了大脑其余部分,因为它占大脑重量的4/5。它被称为“脑裂”的深正中裂纵向分成两个大而突出的半球——左半球和...

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... 5. 并列比较-大脑和小脑的表格形式 6. 摘要 什么是大脑(cerebrum)? 大脑是人脑最大、最突出的部分。它占整个大脑重量的4/5,皮层高度皱褶。皱褶的皮层增加了大脑的表面积,从而增加了神经元的数量。因此,这使得人脑比其他...

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...you are referring to. 用户650881的答案是: I typically call them “control points”. Here are some web references that use similar terminology. Apple’s Motion 4 Manual You can also use the ***creen control points to resize the rectangle. An article on resizing graphics in CS5 In the de...

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