什么是总统保护部?(the presidential protective division?)

An earpiece, which the presidential protective division usually wears to communicate.


The Presidental Protective Division often communicates with walkie talkies.


The Presidential Protective Division is responsible for guarding the President of the United States.


The Presidential Protective Division must be willing to take a bullet for the president of the United States.


The Presidential Protective Division is overseen by the Secret Service, whose primary focus is anti-counterfeiting measures.

可以想见,在总统保护部工作是一项危险的工作,尽管只有一名特工因袭击总统而丧生。1950年,列兵莱斯利·科费尔特(Leslie Coffelt)在试图暗杀杜鲁门总统时被枪杀致死。1980年刺杀罗纳德·里根总统时,特务蒂莫西·麦卡锡跳到总统面前保护他免受炮火袭击,腹部中弹。他康复了,并因其勇气被授予全国大学生体育协会英勇勋章。。

The Presidential Protective Division ensures the security of the President and his family at all times while at home and abroad.



  • 发表于 2022-01-18 05:48
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议会的(parliamentary)和总统政府(presidential government)的区别

...,首相对**采取的行动主要向议会负责。 什么是总统**(a presidential government)? 与议会**不同,总统**是一个**机构,其领导人是总统。总统是由公众投票选出的,因此他/她对公众更负责,而不是对议会负责。在总统**中,总统拥有...

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verge 2016科技成绩单:facebook

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议会(a parliamentary)和总统政体(a presidential form of government)的区别

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议会的(parliamentary)和总统制政府(presidential form of government)的区别

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...在《政治杂志》上写道,他这样解释: "The stronger the presidential victory margin or the more seats won in the presidential year and therefore 'at risk,' the greater will be the subsequent midterm seat loss." 另一个原因是:所谓的“总统惩罚”,即更多选民只...

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