什么是一种叫睡帽的饮料?(the beverage called a nightcap?)

Mulled wine is often enjoyed as a nightcap.


Chamomile tea is one possible natural sleep aid, and can be considered a non-alcoholic nightcap.


Some nightcaps include scotch, whiskey or other hard alcohols.

如前所述,睡帽可以是任何种类的饮料,但通常含有酒精。有几个调酒师团体建议制作睡前饮料的完美配方,通常包括咖啡利口酒或可可乳酪与牛奶的混合。其中包括苏格兰威士忌、威士忌或其他烈性酒。一些人认为,可可、洋甘菊茶或热牛奶等饮料也可以被称为睡帽,但传统规定了酒精饮料,即使在小说中也是如此。查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)在小说《大卫·科波菲尔》(David Copperfield)中描述了贝琪·特洛伍德(Betsy Trotwood)每晚喝葡萄酒和水,蘸着烤面包片。。

A moderate amonut of alcohol before bed may assist a person who has sleep difficulties.


  • 发表于 2022-01-22 18:13
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