什么是寿险在遗产规划中的作用?(the role of life insurance in estate planning?)

人寿保险在遗产规划中的作用是相当重要的,因为可以从人寿保险对遗产或保险计划的其他指定受益人的应用中得到好处。 因此,人寿保险在遗产规划中的一些作用包括提供即时的流动性,可以在保险计划所有者死亡时用于确定的需求,包括为任何受益人提供需求。 人寿保险在遗产规划中也可以用于确保死者留下的任何物质资产。...
Life insurance can be used to pay for burial expenses.

人寿保险在遗产规划中的作用是相当重要的,因为可以从人寿保险对遗产或保险计划的其他指定受益人的应用中得到好处。 因此,人寿保险在遗产规划中的一些作用包括提供即时的流动性,可以在保险计划所有者死亡时用于确定的需求,包括为任何受益人提供需求。 人寿保险在遗产规划中也可以用于确保死者留下的任何物质资产。

One of the uses of life insurance in estate planning is for the provision of finances that can be used to take care of any loose ends, including the burial of the deceased and the provision of finances for the living dependents who would have lost any potential wages that the holder of the life insurance would have brought home over the years. The obvious benefit of this is the fact that it gives dependents more security in terms of finances and more confidence for the future, knowing that any outstanding debts that were not taken care of before the insurance holder's death will be settled by the life insurance. For instance, if a person had outstanding estate taxes and the heirs lack any funds for settling such debt, the finance derived from the life insurance could serve as a means for the settlement of that debt. It is important to note in this type of situation the fact that immediate access to cash will remove the necessity for the heirs of the deceased to sell off part of the estate or any other inherit

人寿保险在遗产规划中的价值在于,这种获得资金的途径也将使死者的继承人在购买死者的任何业务方面具有讨价还价的能力。 例如,考虑这样一种情况:三个商业伙伴从零开始组建公司,并将其建成一个成功的组织。 假设其中两个人在去出差的路上乘坐公司的私人飞机,飞机坠毁,如果死者的继承人决定出售他们的业务部分,他们的继承人将有足够的资金购买对方的权益。

  • 发表于 2022-02-08 17:05
  • 阅读 ( 138 )
  • 分类:商业金融


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