遗传距离(genetic distance)和物理距离(physical distance)的区别





1. 概述和主要区别
2. 什么是遗传距离
3. 什么是物理距离
4. 遗传距离与物理距离的相似性
5. 并列比较-遗传距离与物理距离的表格形式
6. 摘要

什么是遗传距离(genetic distance)?

Genetic distance is the measure of the genetic divergence between species or populati***. This distance is measured using ancestral relati***hips and evolutionary patterns. The similarity between genes is important in the measurement of the genetic distance. Genetic distance also defines the distance of the species to its ancestor. Moreover, the main usage of genetic distances is in the evaluation of the relati***hips between populati*** across the world. Therefore, it relates the human species populati*** across the world based on their genetic patterns.遗传距离(genetic distance)和物理距离(physical distance)的区别



什么是物理距离(physical distance)?



遗传距离(genetic distance)和物理距离(physical distance)的共同点

  • 遗传距离和物理距离决定了一个物种两个种群之间的进化关系。
  • 两者都使用生物信息学和测序数据来分析距离。
  • 它们是暗示进化和祖先关系的精确技术。
  • 此外,一个的增加会增加另一个。

遗传距离(genetic distance)和物理距离(physical distance)的区别



遗传距离(genetic distance)和物理距离(physical distance)的区别

总结 - 遗传距离(genetic distance) vs. 物理距离(physical distance)




  • 发表于 2020-10-16 03:05
  • 阅读 ( 768 )
  • 分类:科学


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