
今天的问答环节是由SuperUser提供的,SuperUser是Stack Exchange的一个分支,它是一个由Q&a网站组成的社区驱动分组。...

电子邮件地址混淆真的能防止垃圾邮件吗?Many people obfuscate their email addresses–typing out someguy (at) somedomain (dot) com, for example–to project themselves from SPAM bots. Do such obfuscation techniques actually work?

今天的问答环节是由SuperUser提供的,SuperUser是Stack Exchange的一个分支,它是一个由Q&a网站组成的社区驱动分组。


超级用户读者Kyle Cronin想知道这样的邮件混淆技术是否值得这么麻烦:

Most of the time when I see someone post their email address online, especially if it’s a personal address, they use something like

me [at] example [dot] com

instead of the actual email address ([email protected]). Even top members of this community use similar styles in their profiles:


quixote dot su over yonder near that gmail place

The typical rationale is that this kind of obfuscation prevents the email address from being automatically recognized and harvested by spammers. In an age where spammers can beat all but the most diabolical captchas, is this really true? And given how effective modern spam filters are, does it really matter if your email address is harvested?




Some time ago I stumbled upon the post of someone who created a honeypot and waited for differently obsfucated email-addresses coming back:

Nine ways to obfuscate e-mail addresses compare

CSS Codedirection 0 MB

<span style="unicode-bidi:bidi-override; direction: rtl;"> moc.elpmaxe@zyx </span>

CSS display:none 0 MB

xyz<span style="display:none">foo</span>@example.com

ROT13 Encryption 0 MB

[email protected]

Using ATs and DOTs 0.084 MB

xyz AT example DOT com

Building with Javascript 0.144 MB

var m = 'xyz'; // you can use any clever method of m += '@'; // creating the string containing the email m += 'example.com'; // and then add it to the DOM (eg, via $('.email).append(m); // jquery)

Replacing ‘@’ and ‘.’ with Entities 1.6 MB


Splitting E-Mail with comments 7.1 MB

xyz<!-- eat this spam -->@<!-- yeah! -->example<!-- shoo -->com

Urlencode 7.9 MB


Plain Text 21 MB

[email protected]

This is the original statistical graph made by Silvan Mühlemann, all credit goes towards him:


So, to answer the question: Yes, (in a way) email obsfucation works.


There was an interesting article by Cory Doctorow recently on this subject here which argued that email obfuscation doesn’t serve much purpose, and a more optimal approach is intelligently managing the spam you get. TL;DR version:

  • The objective of this entire exercise is not to reduce the amount of spam you get in your email, but the amount of spam you manually have to remove from your inbox.
  • Email obfuscation is a c***tant battle to come up with ever sophisticated bot-proof, human-readable encoding, and is a drain on the productivity of both the creator, and the correspondent.
  • “Almost any email address that you use for any length of time eventually becomes widely enough known that you should assume all the spammers have it.”
  • “The convenience of stable, easily copy-pastable email addresses” wins over trying to hide from the spambots.

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  • 发表于 2021-04-12 04:08
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  • 分类:互联网



除了推特巨魔和自动播放广告外,未经请求的电子邮件可能在许多人的“互联网上最烦人的事情”排行榜上名列前茅 ...

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... 例如,跟踪一个IP地址意味着你可以找到电子邮件的来源;MakeUseOf阅读器可能会使用这些技术来找出通过公司网站进行查询的潜在客户的位置。他们还可以利用这些信息根据自己的IP地址提供自定义内容。基本的...

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你需要一个电子邮件地址来使用几乎所有的网站这些天,但你可能不想用你真正的电子邮件所有的时间。也许你不信任一个网站,想要避免垃圾邮件,或者需要在你已经使用的服务上建立第二个帐户。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-15 16:55
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未经请求的电子邮件是一个巨大的痛苦。不管你刚刚注册了一些不明智的东西,或者你的细节是从泄露中传播的,或者你的电子邮件地址被**,垃圾邮件都会出现。 ...

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...入你的收件箱?在所有这些情况下,你需要知道如何阻止电子邮件。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-18 08:36
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...上保护你的隐私时,一个好的开始就是使用一个一次性的电子邮件地址。它允许你注册服务或匿名发送信息,或只是减少你的真实电子邮件地址收到垃圾邮件的数量。 ...

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如果邮件看起来像垃圾邮件,电子邮件服务会自动将其归类为“垃圾邮件”。总的来说,他们做得很好。但这些过滤器并不完美,有时你可能会看到你想要发送到垃圾邮件文件夹的邮件。 如何确保你总是收到发件人的电子邮...

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