

你说的:给一台旧笔记本电脑一个新的生命Earlier this week we asked you to share your tips and tricks for breathing life into an old laptop, now we’re back to share your junk-bin sparing methods.


My acquaintances & friends give me their old computers when they buy a new one. So I disassemble, clean, install an opsys,and get internet working. I also upgrade memory, wireless, etc. from my parts bin. Then I give it to a poor person who needs a computer. Usually a single working mom with kids.

I also do the same with old desktops as well. They really appreciate them and It gives me the satisfaction of resurrecting an old computer.


Donate it via the local Lion’s Club for use by families of sight-challenged children. Always a new HDD, max memory, clean and dust.. Cool way to help someone, and know it will be appreciated.


Here are a few things I have done

-Picture Frame PC. -14″ LCD, P3 CPU, 128 MB Ram, 10GB HD runs puppy linux + WiFi drivers and is setup to ryscn to a folder on my local fileserver, Cost $10 picture frame, power usage, 19-21 watts

-HP Pavilion with 1.7 Ghz PM CPU, 17″ LCD, 20 GB IDE HD, DVD-RW, 2 GB Ram, Wifi N upgrade, Wall Mount in Picture Frame style, + RF remote interface, and ****og radio transceiver installed, XBMCbuntu installed, setup to act as a picture frame, and display weather, entered local radio streams + Pandora, and acts as a HTPC for movies and streaming, acts as a digital radio that can tran**it on FM to my radios in the house:

* Cost about $60 for Wifi N, Picture Frame, RF remote, and radio transceiver. may upgrade to a **all 32 GB ssd for instant on, but not likely. * Power, idle picture frame mode 19 watts, HTPC mode 21-25 watts, Radio mode 20 watts * This unit is meant for use by my mother, who has some trouble using computers in general, maybe its the remote but she loves this, mostly due to the radio features i had added. * No it does not due 1080p, but its only connected to a 720p screen so it does not have to.

-FireWall/Gateway. Converted a gateway 405ROG with 1.4 GHz PM CPU 256 MB Ram, no lcd, no keyboard,no cd/dvd/floppy, 10 GB HD, added NIC ($3 Ebay) to be a untangled gateway, works great running for almost 2 years -10-16 watts

-FileServer, (no longer in use) used the Gateway 405ROG as a basic fileserver, speeds at 7-9 MBps due to limited 10/100 NIC, turned into firewall/gateway

-Flashing Station, Converted another Gateway 405ROG with LCD screen to a flashing station to test/upgrade wifi routers to use DD-WRT, in use for almost 5 years.


  • 发表于 2021-04-12 04:29
  • 阅读 ( 162 )
  • 分类:互联网



...使用Linux。在过去十年的大部分时间里,我都不用花钱买笔记本电脑上的软件。但这只是开始。让我们把它分解一下。 ...

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...它可能只持续一个小时之前,你需要充电。你可以通过把笔记本电脑放在充电器上来解决这个问题,但这当然会牺牲便携性。 ...

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也许你刚买了一台全新的笔记本电脑。或者你的衣柜里有一台旧的笔记本电脑,你想让它复活。不管怎样,最好的Linux笔记本发行版是那些提供更好的驱动程序支持并能适应大多数笔记本电脑性能的发行版。 ...

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如果你手头拮据,你可以买一台旧的笔记本电脑,而不是一台全新的。高端车型尤其如此。众所周知,MacBooks和Ultrabook很有价值,但二手电脑可以帮助你避免在零售时支付令人眼花缭乱的溢价。 ...

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...来提高速度和可靠性。 虽然过去十年内生产的大多数Mac笔记本电脑都有固态硬盘,但像iMac和MacMini这样的机型却没有。这些硬盘通常配有Fusion驱动器,将少量闪存与传统硬盘进行融合。虽然性价比很高,但它们通常并不比标准硬...

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你是否有一台旧的电脑或笔记本电脑只是四处收集灰尘,不知道该怎么办?你可以把它卖了,但赚不了多少钱。在这里,我们为您带来一个如何使它复活的指南。 现在计算机的发展速度,你买了一台机器,2-3年后它就被认为是...

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