




I use Logmein and am amazed the free version can be used even for business purposes. I also felt so bad and wanted to pay for the Pro version just out of gratitude but they called me personally from the USA and said why pay when the free version does all you need!

What a company.

Teamviewer is great but prohibitive price wise for my humble salary. Also Kudos to Dyndns as our third world country doesn’t offer fixed IP addresses (except at exorbitant cost)

Logmein Rocks


I use LogMeIn and Windows native remote desktop. Both are very solid. I love LogMeIn for the ease of access. My tablet, phone, or any computer. I also use 2X Client for RDP access from my Android devices. Regardless of the method, always connect through a secure VPN.



I use a variety of protocols to access remote machines: RDP, VNC, RAdmin… My morning routine is to check a large number of machines in the minimum possible time. To do this I use mRemote. This software is a real time saver as it lets me store the connecti***’ information and open various connecti*** in tabs. The tabs are well thought, because it has tabs for groups of connecti*** and inside of those tabs are the tabs of the opened connecti***. To access a machine you just need to double-click the connection in the connecti*** panel and you’re in :)



I use TeamViewer, also test for long time TWD Remote anything and Symantec PC Anyware and Join.me …. but none of them were fast and reliable and easy to use like Teamviewer! Its stable at any type of networks! Dialup and ADSL and … you can use it for Internet or LAN connecti***. also it will not require your IP address or remote desk to use! it create ID for each system and then u can use it … * No need to remember other system IDs! just create and account at TV software very easy and save all IDs inside it then each time one of them get access to internet you will notify! (you can add 43 ID+ Account name at free version) * Both users can switch desktop by one click! * No need to install it! just choose RUN at setup progress. with less than 4M it will be good for any network speed connection to get it! * At new version (7) you have more features like white board and Meeting (Webcam+voice) * File transferring * Restart remote windows system to Safe mode with network support, great for troubleshooting! * Clipboard sharing! * Drag and drop files to remote desktop (At v7) * Text chat/Voice/Webcam * change remote resolution/color deep/disable aero/… from TV above toolbar at remote desktop window * Disable input devices at remote or start blank screen at remote If remote TV set to allow these! * Use AES 256bit algorithm for secure connecti*** between 2 computers. * User at remote computer can take over or setup new setting for control over remote process. what can i say more!!?? It’s easy to use and Its secure and more important of all! its free!!!



  • 发表于 2021-04-12 06:31
  • 阅读 ( 192 )
  • 分类:互联网


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