

从提示框:轻松获得ipad亮度,4.5gb免费dropbox存储空间,消除充电电缆杂乱Once a week we dump out the Tips box and share some great reader tips with you. This week we’re looking at an easy way to change the screen brightness on the iPad, how to score extra Dropbox space by syncing your photos, and how to cut down on your cable clutter.

通过ipad multitray快速访问屏幕亮度

从提示框:轻松获得ipad亮度,4.5gb免费dropbox存储空间,消除充电电缆杂乱Nick writes in with the following tip:

So there I was telling my buddy about how I like my jailbroken iPad because I can install extra tools to do the things the iPad doesn’t do very well on its own. I gave the example of installing SBSettings so that I could quickly access the screen brightness slider without having to go into the settings menu. At that point my buddy pointed out that you can do that with a stock iPad by simply double clicking the home button (which pulls up the Multitray) and then swiping to the right. I’ve been jailbreaking since before they introduced the Multitray so that’s clearly a feature I overlooked. I figured I’d write in about it, given the chance that many other HTG readers probably don’t know about it either!


获得4.5 gb免费dropbox存储空间



Dropbox is rolling out a new Photo Sync feature. If you get in on the beta test (which you can do by simply downloading the beta release of the new Windows Dropbox client), they’ll reward you with up to 4.5GB of extra storage space. It’s pretty simple. The beta isn’t on the front page (you’ve got to visit this forum post) but once you’ve found and installed it, you just start syncing photos and video from your mobile devices/cameras. For every 500MB you upload they’ll give you 500MB of storage (up to 4.5GB). It only took two syncs with my 4GB camera SD card to max out the free storage. Totally painless. Definitely the easiest way I’ve ever gotten extra Dropbox space.





I was recently on a business trip with a colleague. When we were unpacking our stuff, she practically dumped out a file cabinet’s worth of cables. She had a cable and wall charger for every device she’d brought with her. The thing is, most of the cables and chargers were essentially interchangeable. Aside from the charger for her laptop, everything else could have effectively been mixed and mingled. Her kindle and her Bluetooth headset both used micro USB. Her iPhone uses the propriety Apple connector but the cable for the Kindle and Bluetooth headset could have been plugged into the iPhone wall wart. There were additional gadgets that all shared various connectors and charging schemes.

My point, if I’m getting a little long winded, is that she had gotten so used to everything needing a cable and a charger that she hadn’t stopped to look and see that they were all virtually interchangeable. After helping her par down the pile, all she really needed was her laptop charger, a USB wall wart (from the iPhone), one micro USB cable and one Apple sync cable. In reality very few of her devices needed to be charged c***tantly (like the Kindle and her Bluetooth headset), so it wasn’t necessary to bring a powerstrip’s worth of cords.


Have a clever tip or trick to share? Shoot us an email at [email protected] and look for your tip on the front page.

  • 发表于 2021-04-12 15:12
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  • 分类:互联网



... 三。如何将计算机备份到dropbox ...

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... 相关报道:iPhone照片同步:iCloud vs.Google照片vs.Dropbox ...

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...摄像头上传” 调整一下设置,你就可以走了。 升降箱 Dropbox是云存储中最古老的名字之一,它的使用非常快速和简单。首次下载应用程序时,请使用您的帐户登录。在下一个屏幕上,轻触Allow[允许]   在安装过程中,Dropbox将提...

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...启动Safari,然后导航到https://beta.apple.com/profile。如果出现提示,请登录到与beta测试程序链接的同一个苹果帐户。向下滚动,查找步骤“下载配置文件”,然后点击“下载配置文件”按钮。 轻触Allow[允许],系统将提示您安装配...

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...种选择。也许应用程序提供了另一种同步解决方案,比如Dropbox。或者你可以换一个替代的应用程序,它不会消耗你的iCloud存储空间。 避免使用icloud发送电子邮件 如果您将iCloud用于电子邮件,您将在iCloud存储屏幕的底部看到一...

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...设备名称,然后使用其中的选项选择同步。 icloud drive、dropbox、google drive、onedrive等 相关信息:有关使用iCloud Drive和iCloud照片库的所有信息 苹果自己的iCloud Drive现已集成到iOS和Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite中,甚至可以作为Windows PC的iCloud...

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...和长期存储。App Store中的应用程序有几种很好的服务: Dropbox:Dropbox的相机上传功能允许你自动上传照片和视频到你的Dropbox帐户。在任何有Dropbox应用的地方都可以很容易地访问它们,而且你可以获得比iCloud存储更多的免费Dropbox...

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...地方,那么其中之一可能是您的完美解决方案。 升降箱 Dropbox免费提供2GB存储空间,并且能够在Windows、Mac或Linux计算机与云之间同步文件和文件夹。使用桌面客户端或web界面将文件和文件夹添加到Dropbox文件夹。进入Dropbox文件夹...

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