






在设置、显示器数量和硬件安排方面,阅读器响应中最常见的元素是使用软件来增强多显示器体验。使用软件被引用最多的原因是什么?统一所有显示器的任务栏。为此,读者使用了Ultramon和DisplayFusion。两款Ultramon之间的流行程度更高,但流行程度的小幅领先可归因于Display Fusion最近采用了多显示器任务栏(许多人将Display Fusion与多显示器墙纸和屏幕保护程序联系在一起,没有意识到他们在相当长的一段时间内一直支持强大的任务栏系统)。其他人使用这两种方法是因为他们喜欢每个应用程序提供的功能。Cate的评论突出了这一趋势:

I use UltraMon to get a toolbar on each of my three monitors. Central widescreen monitor is my main, and one square on either side are used as needed. I also use Display Fusion for backgrounds, to get a different image on each, or stretch a widescreen image across all three.

Big Ferret是Ultramon的超级粉丝,让我们快速了解它的功能:

I use Ultramon. It puts a “move to other monitor” in the right click drop down as well as an additional button next to the minimize/maximize/close butt*** on the top right of the windows. It comes with dual wallpaper capability and dual monitor screen saver. There are many opti*** in the easy to access system tray icon link to customize the dual monitor experience. It places a separate task bar on each monitor for window ic*** displayed on that monitor, or no task bar at all. Allows use of your videos as screen savers.

I couldn’t live without Ultramon.


Two Samsung 23″ widescreens connected to a custom PC in a NVidia Case, Two NVidia 260GT SLI’d video cards, 12gigs of triple channel ram, Six 1TB drives, Two 2TB drives, Intel i7 920 processor OC’d to 3.0ghz. Bose sound. Dell XPS laptop. One keyboard/mouse across all three monitors which are linked using Synergy Plus. Display Fusion Pro for the 2nd monitor taskbar and widescreen wallpaper


虽然不像Synergy那么流行,但Input Director是一个可行的替代方案,并且被一些读者使用。您可以在这里阅读有关配置它的更多信息。DeepcoverNZ记录了对Input Director的投票:

Input Director for the win. Way easier to add, manage and set up than Synergy. I run 3 PCs with monitors side by side but use only one keyboard and mouse. Input Director is at the heart of this set up.

没有多少人提到平铺或snap-to应用程序,但那些使用它们的人肯定从中得到了物有所值的回报。Guilherma de Sousa分享了Linux平铺应用程序的截图:


I use a dual monitor setup with ArchLinux and Awesome Window Manager.

Awesome is a tiling window manager, so I use 100% of my screen space, and have it configured to open specific apps in specific virtual desktops and monitor.

Switching between monitors is a two keyboard keys press process, which makes it very fast (a lot faster then alt+tabbing all windows until you find the one you want).







I use two machines on a daily basis. An HP media-center connected to a 23″ LG and an HP 14″ laptop. My additional monitor is an older 19″ Acer LCD which is connected to either machine as needed. . Typically attached to desktop computer, the extra screen space displays a live cable TV news channel and any running chat windows, freeing the larger monitor for multiple browser or program instances. The laptop is usually running alongside and is connected manually when needed. Often when attached to the laptop it’s also rotated 90 degrees for editing documents or portrait oriented images.



I have 3 monitors. I have a 28″ main surrounded on each side with a 19″ wide screen turned 90 degrees in portrait mode. I run 2-gtx460 is sli to the 28″, and I have a gt240 that runs the 2-19′s and also does dedicated Physx. I have the 19″ on the left setup with all my ic***, shortcuts, and docks, the 28″ in the middle is where I do all my work and gaming, and the right 19″ holds all my sidebar gadgets, HTC home, and Aimp for playing music. This allows me to never have to minimize my main working area to get to, or to see anything that is going on. It also allows me to see all my system stats, Ventrillo, and or webcam while in a game.


Dual 21.5″ HP monitors using DisplayFusion Pro to manage desktop and task bars. Looking to add a third monitor maybe a 23″ in between them. Also use my iPad as a tertiary monitor using the Air Display app. Can move things like IRC and Skype to the iPad to keep them out of the way or watch a Hulu video their website and not be restricted to the Hulu+ app.



At work I have 3 19 inch Dell Monitors, side by side. Two are being used as a dual display for a Win7 box and the third is connected with two a Linux box with Synergy. The only twist is I threw a KVM switch into the mix on the third monitor that allows me to switch to other computers as they wander across my desk. This last is quite handy for desktop repair/configuration. At home I only have a 22 inch Acer connected to my desktop, though often I end up adding one of my laptops to that set-up, again with Synergy.




  • 发表于 2021-04-12 23:38
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  • 分类:互联网



...的我的帐户链接开始。 该应用程序会提示你说两次“好谷歌”和“嘿谷歌”来识别你的声音。一旦设置好了,你可以问:“好吧,谷歌,我叫什么名字?”以验证其设置是否正确。 ...

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...能扬声器上提供。但2018年,谷歌助手将业务扩展到带有显示器的设备。现在,谷歌助手可以在**、扬声器、汽车、智能显示器、手表和家用设备等领域找到。 谷歌助手能做什么? googleassistant有一长串的特性和能力。在最基本的...

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...只会影响新用户,而不会影响现有用户。 谷歌主页记录你说的话 你的Google主页大部分时间都在听wake单词“Hey Google”或“OK Google”,然后这个设备会记录下你在wake单词后说的每句话,并将其发送到Google的服务器进行解析。谷...

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...s.Show vs.Plus等等 如果你的回声是闪烁或闪烁蓝色:它在听你说话 默认情况下,你的回声将不会有任何灯光闪烁或脉冲或闪烁你它只是坐在那里等着你说话。背面有一个小小的电源灯,但这是唯一一个通过看它就能知道它亮着的...

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...要的!他们可能并不总是这样,但他们在倾听。他们记得你说的话,尽管他们不想承认,但他们知道你是对的。 然而,有时候,以一种不显得傲慢或傲慢的方式与他们交谈是很困难的,尤其是当涉及到一些重要的事情时。没有...

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你不必在说“alexa”、“嘿siri”或“ok google”后停顿

...呃-莱克斯-呃”的声音,它知道要继续听,然后开始录下你说的话。从那里,语音数据被分析并转化为一个动作。 因为你的回声不断地处理它听到的每一个声音,它已经在听你说的每一句话了。CPU速度很快,所以在听您的语音命...

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...”或两者兼而有之。你喜欢哪一个。 从现在开始,每当你说“亚历山娜”时,你应该听到一个提示,当亚历山开始听。

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...成尽可能少的麻烦。它通过声音训练来学习你的声音。当你说“告诉我我的一天”或“我的购物清单上有什么”时,它可以给你定制的信息?“一个googlehome最多可以容纳6个人,这样你家里的每个人都可以共享一台设备。 从主...

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如何在windows10中打开“hey cortana”

...监听他们。但是,请记住,你的电脑实际上并没有注意到你说的任何话,除了这两个词的确切顺序:嘿,科尔塔纳。 通常Cortana会坐在你的任务栏上等待你点击她。当你第一次这样做的时候,她会问你的名字,这样她就可以对你...

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Mac电脑内置了语音听写功能,允许你说话而不是打字。这个功能更像是移动操作系统上的语音听写,而不像Windows中更复杂的语音识别功能。 osxmavericks包含一个“增强的听写”特性。它可以让你离线使用语音听写,并在说话时显...

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