谷歌首席执行官桑达尔·皮查伊(sundar pichai)为蒂姆尼特·盖布鲁(timnit gebru)的争议道歉,但没有为她被解雇道歉

谷歌首席执行官桑达尔·皮查伊(Sundar Pichai)周三在给员工的一封电子邮件中谈到了备受争议的人工智能伦理研究员蒂姆尼特·盖布鲁(Timnit Gebru)离职一事。他写道:“我们需要为一位杰出的黑人女性领导人,她有着巨大的才华,不幸离开了谷歌而承担责任。”。这封邮件的消息最早由Axios发布。...

谷歌首席执行官桑达尔·皮查伊(Sundar Pichai)周三在给员工的一封电子邮件中谈到了备受争议的人工智能伦理研究员蒂姆尼特·盖布鲁(Timnit Gebru)离职一事。他写道:“我们需要为一位杰出的黑人**领导人,她有着巨大的才华,不幸离开了谷歌而承担责任。”。这封邮件的消息最早由Axios发布。





上周,Gebru在推特上说,公司因为她发给Brain Women and Allians listserv的一封电子邮件而突然解雇了她。在邮件中,她对公司试图让她收回一篇关于大型语言处理模型风险的研究论文表示失望。

这封邮件引发了Gebru和googleresearch高层的对话。Gebru要求满足某些条件,以便她留在公司,包括知道谁要求收回她的论文的细节。其中一位经理梅根·卡乔利亚(Megan Kacholia)表示,公司无法满足这些条件,并先发制人地接受了格布鲁的辞职。





Hi everyone,

One of the things I’ve been most proud of this year is how Googlers from across the company came together to address our racial equity commitments. It’s hard, important work, and while we’re steadfast in our commitment to do better, we have a lot to learn and improve. An important piece of this is learning from our experiences like the departure of Dr. Timnit Gebru.

I’ve heard the reaction to Dr. Gebru’s departure loud and clear: it seeded doubts and led some in our community to question their place at Google. I want to say how sorry I am for that, and I accept the resp***ibility of working to restore your trust.

First - we need to assess the circumstances that led up to Dr. Gebru’s departure, examining where we could have improved and led a more respectful process. We will begin a review of what happened to identify all the points where we can learn — c***idering everything from de-escalation strategies to new processes we can put in place. Jeff and I have spoken and are fully committed to doing this. One of the best aspects of Google’s engineering culture is our sincere desire to understand where things go wrong and how we can improve.

Second - we need to accept resp***ibility for the fact that a prominent Black, female leader with immense talent left Google unhappily. This loss has had a ripple effect through some of our least represented communities, who saw themselves and some of their experiences reflected in Dr. Gebru’s. It was also keenly felt because Dr. Gebru is an expert in an important area of AI Ethics that we must continue to make progress on — progress that depends on our ability to ask ourselves challenging questi***.

It’s incredibly important to me that our Black, women, and underrepresented Googlers know that we value you and you do belong at Google. And the burden of pushing us to do better should not fall on your shoulders. We started a conversation together earlier this year when we announced a broad set of racial equity commitments to take a fresh look at all of our systems from hiring and leveling, to promotion and retention, and to address the need for leadership accountability across all of these steps. The events of the last week are a painful but important reminder of the progress we still need to make.

This is a top priority for me and Google leads, and I want to recommit to translating the energy that we’ve seen this year into real change as we move forward into 2021 and beyond.

— Sundar

  • 发表于 2021-04-17 01:44
  • 阅读 ( 276 )
  • 分类:互联网



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...本周的部分时间在家办公。《****》首次报道,谷歌首席执行官桑达尔·皮查伊(Sundar Pichai)周日向员工发送电子邮件,称计划在人们安全返回后测试弹性工作周。根据新计划,谷歌员工将在办公室工作三天,其余时间在家工作...

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