







Waze公司首席执行官诺姆·巴丁(Noam Bardin)在邮件中说,Waze公司将“重新考虑优先事项”,“我们决定将资源集中在为用户改进产品上,加快对技术基础设施的投资,并将销售和营销工作的重点重新放在少数高价值国家。”

该公司成立两年的拼车服务Waze Carpool也受到了影响。随着越来越多的人在家工作,越来越少的人使用Waze Carpool与同事或其他在类似路线上工作的邻居一起乘车。因此,Waze正在减少其独立拼车服务的人数。一位发言人说,今年早些时候,Waze有望在全球范围内完成每月100万次的拼车出行,而现在公司离这还差得远。





以下是Waze首席执行官Noam Bardin致员工的完整说明:

Dear Wazers,

With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many cities and countries have enforced travel restricti*** to curb the spread of the disease, so it’s no surprise that our users are driving less (or have stopped altogether), leading to a significant drop in kilometers driven (KMDs), Carpools, and Ad revenue.

This has forced us to rethink priorities and we’ve decided to focus our resources on product improvements for our users, accelerate our investments in technical infrastructure, and refocus our sales and marketing efforts on a **all number of high-value countries. These investments ensure the long-term success of Waze and that we exit this pandemic stronger than we entered it.

I have always strived to maintain a transparent culture at Waze, so I want to share with you that in order to continue and accelerate our investment in Engineering and other technical positi***, I have decided to close 30 roles in other parts of Waze. I’m sorry this email is coming over at such a late hour but I wanted to make sure we reached out to all impacted employees first.

At a high-level, these are the impacted areas:

Ads Sales Team: The Ads team will pare back and focus on the key markets that drive 93% of revenue and carry 95% of the KMDs we sell in. This means we will be closing the on-the-ground Sales offices in APAC (Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia) and **aller LATAM markets (Colombia, Argentina, Chile). We will continue servicing these countries via increased investments in Waze Local Starter, supported by our SMB teams in our main sales hubs.

Partnership Team: Uncertainty of back-to-work plans from our employer partners and with employees continuing to work from home means that we will be shrinking the Carpool Partnerships team. Our narrowed product focus also means we’ll reduce our product partnerships and private & public sector teams.

Marketing Team: The focus on fewer markets and adjustments in our partnership investments means that we will be reducing the size of the Marketing team.

Performance Marketing Team: We are making investments in Product to support our Growth efforts and are restructuring the Performance Marketing team to realign around these efforts.

Letting Wazers go is an extremely painful process for all of us. I want to make it clear that these reducti*** are being made due to the c***traints created by the pandemic and to support investments in our focus areas, and not because of anyone’s acti*** or performance.

The leaving Wazers were a critical part of our growth up to now and it is important that we take care of those leaving as best we can. Our goal is to try and help as much as possible and ease this process for them. We’ve done our best to support those affected with a severance package that includes:

Career Transition: The Google Internal Mobility teams have been working with us and will help all impacted employees search for opportunities within Google.

Outplacement Services: We will be offering outplacement services to all impacted employees from the date of the notice through six month after employment.

Financial: Given the circumstances of the year, we have worked closely with the internal HR teams to ensure that everyone has been taken care of through early 2021 and will be eligible for year-end bonuses.

Healthcare: We are giving each impacted employee as many continued benefits as possible, in accordance with local law.

I ask that we all help in any way we can and support our colleagues, both in highlighting internal roles at Google that we may know about and external opportunities we may be aware of.

I want to thank all of the impacted team members — Waze has become what it is because of your contributi***. These changes are happening due to a global pandemic, and none of this is your fault. We have no doubt that you will bring your talents to a new team and help them become even better, as you’ve done at Waze.

Thank you.


  • 发表于 2021-04-17 20:38
  • 阅读 ( 258 )
  • 分类:互联网



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