





Apple takes working conditi*** very, very seriously, and we have for a very long time. Whether the workers are in Europe or Asia or the United States, we care about every worker. I've spent a lot of time in factories personally, and not just as an executive." [A paper Mill in Alabama. Aluminum in Virginia] "So we are very closely connected to the c***truction process and we understand working conditi*** on a very granular level. I realize that supply chain is complex... and the issue surrounding this is complex. But our commitment is very simple. We believe that every worker has a right to a fair and safe work environment free of discrimination where they can earn competitive wages and they can voice their concerns freely. Apple suppliers must live up to this to do business with Apple.

"We also believe that education is the great equalizer. And that is, if people are provided the skills or knowledge, they can improve their lives. We've put a lot of effort [in providing education]." [Free classes and partnered with local colleges.] "More than 60,000 employees have attended these classes, which is pretty amazing when you think about it. if you could take all these employees and move them in one location, it would be a campus larger than Arizona State [the largest public university in the US]. Many of these workers go on to earn Associate's degrees. This is a very powerful stepping stone for people looking to advance careers and their lives.

"In terms of problems we're working to fix, you can read the details on our website, but I can tell you that no one in our industry is doing more to improving working conditi*** than Apple." [C***tantly auditing, looking for problems, finding problems, fixing problems. "[Reporting everything] because we believe transparency is so very important in this area. I am so incredibly proud of the work our teams are doing in this area. They focus on the most difficult problem and they stay with them until they fix them. They're truly a model for the industry.

"Let me give you some examples because I think this is so important and topical, both in large and **all. We think the use of underage labor is abhorrent. It's extremely rare in our supply chain, but our top priority is to eliminate it totally. We've done that with our final assembly and are working on down the supply chain. If we find a supplier that intentionally hires underage labor it's a firing offense. We don't let anyone cut corners on safety. There's a production process that can be made safer, we seek out the foremost authorities, foremost experts, and cut out a new standard, and take that and apply it to the supply chain. We focus on the details. If there's a fire extinguisher missing from the cafeteria, then that facility doesn't pass inspection until that fire extinguisher is in place.

"Continuing to focusing on the problems endemic to our industry like excessive overtime. Our code of conduct has a cap of 60 hours per work week, but we've c***istently found violati*** to this code over the course of our time. So the beginning of this year, we announced that we're determined to drive widespread change and we've begun to manage working hours at a very micro basis. An example, in January, we collected weekly data on over a half million workers in our supply chain, and we had 84 percent compliant. This is significantly improved from the past, but we can do better. And we're taking the unprecedented step of reporting this monthly on our website so that it's transparent to everyone what we're doing. As you probably know, the Fair Labor Association began a major audit at our request. We started working with the FLA ... and just in January, we were the first tech company ever admitted to their association. The audit they're conducting is probably the most detailed factory audit in the history of mass... in scale, in scope, and in transparency, and I am looking forward to seeing the results.

"We know that people have a very high expectation of Apple. We have an even higher expectation of ourselves. Our customers expect us to lead and we will continue to do so. We have the **artest and most innovative people on earth, and we put the same kind of effort and energy into supply resp***ibility as we do with our new product. That is what Apple is all about. "

  • 发表于 2021-04-21 08:30
  • 阅读 ( 170 )
  • 分类:互联网



...逊(Lisa Jackson)领导。 苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆•库克(timcook)今天在一段视频中说:“这一举措将挑战有色人种社区,尤其是黑人社区在机遇和尊严方面存在的系统性障碍。”。 库克说,这一举措将导致“几乎触...

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...“我们最关心的是构成苹果中国员工、合作伙伴、客户和供应商群体的人。” 苹果CEO蒂姆库克在一月底的最新财报电话会议上说,由于冠状病毒不确定性,苹果第二季度的收入范围已经超出了通常范围。尽管如此,收入范围似...

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...公司的要求,公平劳动协会(FLA)将开始对该公司的装配供应商进行审计,包括富士康在中国深圳和成都的工厂。第一批检查于本周一上午开始,由佛罗里达州总统奥雷特·范·赫登(Auret van Heerden)领导,地点位于深圳富士康城...

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蒂姆·库克不喜欢接受新闻采访。事实上,他很少在苹果事先计划好的发布会活动之外接受媒体采访。但他最近与彭博商业周刊(Bloomberg Businessweek)坐下来谈了很多话题,包括他担任苹果首席执行官的第一年,他的个人生活,以...

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