
SEC上个月裁定,公有无线运营商必须允许在其年度股东投票和Verizon的代理声明中包含有关网络中立性的决议— 本周刚刚出版— 确实如此。”互联网的开放(非歧视性)架构对我们经济和社会的繁荣至关重要股东要求公司公开承诺(不放弃或放弃任何与网络中立性相关的诉讼问题),自愿按照网络中立性原则运营其无线宽带网络。”...

SEC上个月裁定,公有无线运营商必须允许在其年度股东投票和Verizon的代理声明中包含有关网络中立性的决议— 本周刚刚出版— 确实如此。”互联网的开放(非歧视性)架构对我们经济和社会的繁荣至关重要股东要求公司公开承诺(不放弃或放弃任何与网络中立性相关的诉讼问题),自愿按照网络中立性原则运营其无线宽带网络。”



The Board of Directors strongly believes that by requiring the Company to "not privilege, degrade or prioritize any packet tran**itted over its wireless infrastructure based on its source, ownership or destination" this proposal will harm Verizon's ability to provide robust and secure wireless broadband service to its customers. The delivery of high-quality and safe wireless Internet access services is a highly complex, technical undertaking. The proponents appear to have no concept of the negative technical and operational ramificati*** of requiring purely "neutral" routing of Internet traffic. This proposal would substantially interfere with the technical operation of Verizon's wireless broadband network and have a wide-ranging and significant impact on Verizon's business and operati***. Among other things, the proposal would prevent Verizon from engaging in reasonable network management practices designed to address potential congestion, security and other wireless network problems and make the network more efficient and more widely available to all customers. The proposal would also prevent Verizon from giving priority to police, fire and military communicati*** over its wireless broadband network in the event of natural disasters or terrorist attacks.

Importantly, this very proposal was rejected by the FCC in its recently adopted rules addressing net neutrality issues. The FCC recognized that managing a broadband network in "non-neutral" ways was critical to ensuring network integrity, providing security capabilities and reducing congestion. It further concluded that wireless networks in particular present unique operational issues and expressly permitted providers to develop differentiated services that this proposal would prevent. The proposal disregards the FCC's conclusi*** about the importance of network management and would impede Verizon's ability to manage its networks and offer services to meet the needs of its customers.

Finally, Verizon is committed to maintaining an open and vibrant Internet. Verizon already complies with the FCC's net neutrality rules and voluntarily operates its wireless broadband networks in accordance with additional openness principles published on its website. The Board believes that the rigid operational requirements of this proposal will not further the "openness" of the Internet; to the contrary, it would expose Verizon's wireless broadband customers to reduced service quality and security.

For these reas***, the Board strongly opposes the proposal.

The Board of Directors recommends that you vote AGAINST this proposal.

Verizon name在其回复中检查了FCC,FCC未能像在有线服务上那样支持无线网络的网络中立性,著名的做法是在2010年使用Android作为其地位(或缺乏地位)的辩护。股东们在这里面临着一个有趣的困境:作为投资者,阻碍无线网络中无偏见的数据流可能是一项有利可图的冒险——特别是像VoLTE这样的服务将在明年上线——但作为客户,你只想以任何你选择的方式使用你的数据桶。

我们将密切关注这项措施是否在5月份通过— 如果真是这样的话,这可能标志着其他网络公司的股东们开创了一个全面的先例。


  • 发表于 2021-04-21 17:52
  • 阅读 ( 184 )
  • 分类:互联网



...歌钱包(现在的安卓支付系统)是新的,AT&T,Sprint和Verizon都阻止访问它。原因是什么?它与一个类似的应用程序竞争,他们都有股份。 2012年,Verizon阻止人们使用栓系应用程序。通过连接,您可以将**的数据连...

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...量都应得到平等对待。在网络中立的情况下,像Comcast和Verizon这样的互联网服务提供商(ISP)不能对某些类型的流量给予特殊处理(例如,Netflix或YouTube流的速度较慢,而他们自己的流服务的速度较快)。 ...

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  • 发布于 2021-04-16 08:48
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sec表示,at&t和其他公司必须让股东投票决定无线网络的中立性,这是beastie boys的mike d

...为全国著名讨论的主题——他们的提议要求at&T运营其无线网络,而不侵犯隐私权、降低身份,或者对通过其网络传输的任何数据包进行优先级排序。 AT&T认为,网络中立措施“将直接干扰其网络管理实践,并严...

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...4.1%的投票人反对该提案,该提案要求“At&T承诺运营其无线网络,而不具备特权、降级或优先处理任何流量的能力。” 美国电话电报公司(AT&T)的投票是在美国证交会(SEC)迫使其和其他公司允许与网络中立性...

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  • 发布于 2021-04-29 03:21
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