



"If viewing the article on their mobile devices, readers are presented with a formatted facsimile of the original content, and — though a **all link of citation is provided — readers are not compelled to seek out or visit the original site. This approach neither drives traffic to the appropriate place nor properly cites the author's work, and it violates the inherent goodwill required of such service providers."

该网站将这种行为描述为“等同于内容盗窃”,虽然我们不会走那么远,但可以肯定的是,对于一个一开始就致力于在出版商之间公平分配利润的组织来说,这并不是最好的解决方案。我们与Readability首席技术官Chris Dary讨论了这个问题,他告诉我们,这种行为是该服务早期的倒退:Readability最初被认为是一种简单的方法,可以在浏览器中重新格式化页面,使其更易于阅读。Dary说,内置的共享平台明确表示,希望通过Readability的“ReadNow”页面进行共享,而不是链接到原来的网站如果你不是有意的,你可能会分享原来的链接。”




When someone shares a link from Readability, something we've thought a lot about is the intent of that person when sharing through Readability. Much of our traffic comes from "Read Now" use, which is the explicit action, "I want to clean this article up so I can read it".

In that scenario, it makes a lot of sense to be able to share something that has the capability of showing a Readable view. If you didn't intend that, you'd probably share the original link.

There're two problems with this however:

1. We've now grown far beyond just plain old "Read Now", and the intent of the user has become less clear. So making that assumption is probably less accurate, now.

2. There's a technical limitation to this. The best way on the desktop to handle this is to show a read bar, like we currently do. The original site gets a page impression, the user gets a sense of what they're looking at, and they still have the option to click into the readable view if they'd like to. That's easy. When it gets difficult is on devices. Frames work poorly at best, and users don't know how to use them.

For the past few weeks we've been exploring our opti*** here. We've had intent to change this for a while, and we're still looking for something equivalent in mobile view to a readbar, that can provide the option of a reading view to users while still providing attribution to the source. We haven't found a solution yet.

It's a tough problem, but I want to be clear that we take this very seriously, and it's something we want to solve as elegantly as we try to solve everything else within our platform. We made an original choice to direct the user to the reading view on mobile devices because of our conception of user intent. Until we are able to come up with something more graceful for both the user and the publisher, we're now linking shared articles on devices directly to the publisher's site.

  • 发表于 2021-04-21 19:35
  • 阅读 ( 160 )
  • 分类:互联网



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