




US Patent No. 7,827,208 - this patent claims priority back to 2008 (granted 2010) and covers a method of generating a personalized story on a social network based on the user's acti*** and the common acti*** of other users. Facebook claims that Photostream, Recent Activity and Groups Activity features on Flickr infringe the patent.

US Patent No. 7,945,653 - this patent, identifying Mark Zuckerberg as the first listed inventor, claims priority back to 2008 (granted 2011) and covers a method of allowing a user to reject his or her identification in digital media posted by another user. Facebook claims that the People in Photos feature of Flickr infringes the patent.

US Patent No. 6,288,717 - this patent claims priority back to 1999 (granted 2001) and was just assigned over to Facebook three days ago. It covers a method of providing a user with selected, ranked and posted topics of interest on their page based on that user's identified interests. Facebook claims that Yahoo's home page infringes the patent.

US Patent No. 6,216,133 - this patent claims priority back to 1995 (granted 2001) and was originally filed by Philips Corp. The patent was assigned to Facebook in December 2011. The broadest claims cover a method of fetching information based on a user's past interaction patterns. Facebook alleges that My Yahoo, Yahoo Finance, Yahoo Sports, Yahoo Travel, Flickr, and various other Yahoo services infringe the patent.

US Patent No. 6,411,949 - this patent claims priority back to 1999 (granted 2002) and was also originally filed by Philips and assigned to Facebook last December. The patent covers a system for "enhancing content" by selecting and supplying media to a user based on the user's profile or preferences. Like the '133 patent, Facebook alleges that numerous Yahoo services infringe this patent.

US Patent No. 6,236,978 - this patent claims priority back to 1997 (granted 2001). The patent covers the creation of a user profile based on static factual information (e.g., sex, age, location, etc.) for the user and dynamic information based on transacti*** by the user (e.g., purchase preferences). Again, Facebook claims Flickr, Yahoo Finance, Yahoo Sports and other services infringe.

US Patent No. 7,603,331 - this patent claims priority back to 1997 (granted 2009) and covers a method of providing a user with dynamic recommendati*** based on historical data for the user. Flickr and the litany of other Yahoo services are listed again as infringing.

US Patent No. 8,103,611 - this patent claims priority back to 1995 (granted 2012) and covers providing a user with a recommendation based on "multidimensional data," using the Cartesian product of the dimensi***. This is a nerdy one, and continues the trend of alleging that nearly all of Yahoo's services infringe.

US Patent No. 8,005,896 - this patent claims priority back to 1998 (granted 2011) and was assigned over to Facebook in February. The patent covers the specific network procedures for allowing users to request and exchange content. Facebook alleges that Flickr infringes this patent.

US Patent No. 8,150,913 - this patent claims priority back to 1998 (granted 2012) and was also just assigned over to Facebook in February. The patent covers controlling access to user profile information on a network, and allowing users to individually grant other users access to interact with videos and photos.


  • 发表于 2021-04-21 20:31
  • 阅读 ( 187 )
  • 分类:互联网



...外,在一个并非巧合的情况下,索诺斯又对谷歌提起了一项专利诉讼,指控Nest和Chromecast系列产品侵犯了索诺斯的五项无线音频专利。Vergecast的工作人员讨论了正在进行的诉讼以及Sonos反击谷歌的独特立场。 您可以在这里或在您...

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索诺斯已经对谷歌提起了另一项专利诉讼,指控谷歌在整个Nest和Chromecast产品线侵犯了5项无线音频专利。此举发生在9月30日谷歌秋季硬件活动前夕,预计届时谷歌将宣布推出一款新的Chromecast和Nest智能扬声器以及新的像素**。 ...

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...诉索诺斯侵犯专利权。这起诉讼指控Sonos侵犯了谷歌的五项专利,涉及mesh网络、回声消除、DRM、内容通知和个性化搜索。 谷歌的诉讼似乎有几个目的。一个显然是用自己的专利来反诉Sonos。另一个原因是,谷歌表示,...

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三星在澳大利亚与苹果的竞争中,共有10款**遭到278项专利侵权指控,其中包括一些尚未在澳大利亚销售的机型,如Galaxy Tab 7.0。这些投诉目前涉及22项专利,使这一数字大大超过了苹果声称三星Galaxy Tab 10.1侵犯的原有三项专利,...

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  • 发布于 2021-04-21 14:20
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我们知道雅虎正准备对Facebook采取“正式行动”,指控其侵犯社交网络和在线广告专利,AllThingsD报道称,该公司今天扣动了扳机,对这家社交网络巨头提起诉讼。雅虎的声明如下: Yahoo! has invested substantial resources in r...

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...界的投资组合。 雅虎的投诉声称Facebook拥有10项专利,并将其分为五类:广告(4项专利)、用户隐私(2项专利)、用户定制(2项专利)、社交网络(1项专利)和信息(1项专利)。这是一个合理的划分,但没有必要...

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...)。 据彭博社报道,Facebook已经从IBM获得了750项专利,涵盖了各种“软件和网络”技术。在拥有强大专利组合的世界里,750项专利是一个相对较小的数字,但我们需要记住,Facebook目前拥有的美国专利不到60项。对于...

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  • 发布于 2021-04-21 17:43
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... 恩智浦声称,在本案中,各种黑莓产品侵犯了其六项专利。然而,与我们在移动设备专利战中逐渐习惯的一些专利诉讼不同,这些NXP专利在很大程度上是高度技术化和枯燥的。我们不会看到任何幻灯片解锁,滚动反弹或触...

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