



The government's charge is that Macmillan's CEO colluded with other CEO's in changing to the agency model. I am Macmillan's CEO and I made the decision to move Macmillan to the agency model. After days of thought and worry, I made the decision on January 22nd, 2010 a little after 4:00 AM, on an exercise bike in my basement. It remains the loneliest decision I have ever made, and I see no reason to go back on it now.



最新消息:企鹅集团董事长约翰·马金森(John Makinson)也发表了类似声明,并表示美国司法部的申诉“包含一些重大错误陈述和遗漏,我们期待有机会在法庭上予以纠正。”

A resp***ible company does not choose a path of litigation with US Government agencies without carefully weighing the implicati*** of that course of action. Nonetheless, countless hours discussing this issue with colleagues here at Penguin, as well as with our parent company, Pearson plc, have not led any of us to the view that we should settle this matter. Indeed, alone among the publishers party to the investigati*** that resulted in today’s announcements, we have held no settlement discussi*** with the DOJ or the states.

We have held strongly to this view for two, and only two, reas***. The first is that we have done nothing wrong. The decisi*** that we took, many them of them costly and difficult, were taken by Penguin alone.

We have had the opportunity to study the complaint released by the DOJ today and nothing in this lengthy document causes us to veer from that position. The document contains a number of material misstatements and omissi***, which we look forward to having the opportunity to correct in court.

The second, and equally powerful, reason for our decision to place this matter in the hands of a court is that we believed then, as we do now, that the agency model is the one that offers c***umers the prospect of an open and competitive market for e-books. We understood that the shift to agency would be very costly to Penguin and its shareholders in the short-term, but we reasoned that the prevention of a monopoly in the supply of e-books had to be in the best interests, not just of Penguin, but of c***umers, authors and booksellers as well.

We are of course in the business of making money for our shareholders, but our purpose as a company is to make entertaining and intelligent books for readers of all ages and tastes. We shall not achieve either of those objectives in the absence of competition or choice. The decision we took in January 2010 to move Penguin’s e-book business to agency pricing has been vindicated by the very rapid subsequent growth in the volume of e-books sold by agency publishers, and by the benefit to c***umers of the steep decline in the price of e-book readers that that has resulted from this open competition.

Any other decision would have been a disservice in the long term to our staff and our shareholders, but also to the writers, booklovers, retailers and agents whom we serve.

  • 发表于 2021-04-21 23:35
  • 阅读 ( 173 )
  • 分类:互联网



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