边缘收藏夹:adi robertson



Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodlines

The laughably bug-ridden Bloodlines is by no means a perfect game, especially as it increasingly throws my non-combat character into pitched battles towards the end. But as someone who's never played tabletop games, I feel like this is the first time I can really step outside myself playing an RPG character, instead of being bound by dialog choices that let me be either nauseatingly kind or horribly callous. I'm still pretty nice for a vampire, but the usual pressure towards courtesy is gone, given that half my dialog choices are bizarre non sequiturs. If I want to make someone think his food is actually maggots, well, my character is "incurably insane." I can do that.


Released in 1989, Society reminds me of body horror film Videodrome and of They Live, which also surmised that the rich are different from you and me because they are literally exploitative m***ters. What's really fascinating, though, is the fusion of teen comedy (complete with snobby villains, slapstick humor, and a pool party) with a surreal and terrifying climax. It's the kind of stridently ideological movie that uses its genre trappings as an integral part of the story, rather than simply tacking on context-free explosi*** and gunfights. Neill Blomkamp, take note.

Pimm’s Cup

It's painfully hot and sticky in New York, which means I'm drinking highballs for the next month or two. I tend towards cocktails with fresh lime or lemon, but after picking up a bottle of Pimm's No. 1, I can't get enough of feeling mildly posh. The Pimm's Cup is essentially the titular gin-based herbal liqueur, any sharp-flavored fizzy drink like Sprite or bitter lemon, and a slice of cucumber. I use ginger ale, which is delicious despite being (so I'm told) made far too sweet in America. For the curious, the number on Pimm's is not an affectation: five other versi*** have been created, each with a different base liquor.

Hermann Hesse — The Glass Bead Game

First, a confession: I have never read Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha. I am, in fact, such a philistine that I heard about his lesser-known novel The Glass Bead Game after describing The Player of Games to a more erudite friend. Hesse's book, written during the rise of the Nazis, takes place in an idealized future where good men reject politics and become scholars instead. That means playing the Glass Bead Game, in which one charts the course of civilization by building connecti*** between pieces of great art, music, or mathematics. Hesse writes the entire thing in a style that's purposely alien, since its futuristic narrators are uninterested in conflict or traditional story arcs, and he actually manages to pull it off without it being as boring as that sounds.

Lillian Faderman — Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers

One of my favorite courses in college introduced me to pre-Hiroshima radiation-based hair removal. That sounds strange – and it is – but the point was that it felt like a secret history, something that had gotten passed by in my normal studies of the past. I get the same feeling with Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers, which upends a lot of what I had assumed about social progress. I hadn't realized, for example, how much same-sex female love was tolerated in the 1920s and 1940s, only to become a pressing political issue in the decades that followed. Along the way, there are also great secti*** on Victorian romantic friendship, Harlem jazz culture, and 1950s pulp novels. My next stop is probably George Chauncey’s Gay New York, a similar read about gay male subcultures.

  • 发表于 2021-04-23 11:55
  • 阅读 ( 135 )
  • 分类:互联网



...票工作继续进行的同时,Verge的Nilay Patel、Dieter Bohn和Adi Robertson讨论了社交媒体平台在民主实践中采取了哪些措施来限制错误信息。 附加阅读: 观看费城伟大的人民现场计票 Facebook、Twitter采取措施限制总统的虚假选举主张 推...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 06:44
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以下是如何预购oculus quest 2

...了Quest 2,它是下一款不需要PC的独立VR耳机。我的同事Adi Robertson写了所有你需要知道的关于新Quest 2的东西,她甚至花了足够的时间来写一篇完整的评论。这款耳机现在可以在Oculus的网站上预定,10月13日开始购买。 Ocu...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 23:13
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前oculus独家维德不朽将在今年夏天前往playstation vr

...,并最终与之对抗。 《边缘》杂志的阿迪·罗伯逊(Adi Robertson)评论说,这个由编剧大卫·S·戈耶(David S.Goyer)撰写的故事被认为是《星球大战》(Star Wars)这部长篇大论的一部分,它的结局就像一个个人星球大战主题公园。...

  • 发布于 2021-04-19 06:12
  • 阅读 ( 143 )


... to prevent its customers from filing class action lawsuits — but as Adi Robertson explains, there's a way out. "Class action is the only way people will get their money back," says Public Justice attorney Paul Bland.
 Cyberpunk meets int...

  • 发布于 2021-04-24 10:10
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...括移动应用程序)(统称为“the Verge”)访问或使用Adi Robertson主演的《the Verge 90秒》,无论访问方式如何,您同意受这些使用条款(“使用条款”)的约束。这些使用条款影响您的合法权利和义务。如果您不同意受所有这些使...

  • 发布于 2021-04-24 21:00
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...废的佛莫。 本周我邀请了我的朋友兼同事Adi Robertson,一个生物黑客,来解释什么是生物黑客以及它是如何工作的。只要花一点时间和金钱,你就能比人类稍微先进一点。请尽量不要感染。 订阅什么是技术?在iTunes...

  • 发布于 2021-05-01 01:56
  • 阅读 ( 107 )


...我邀请了我的朋友,The Verge的资深记者阿迪·罗伯逊(Adi Robertson)参加这个节目。 订阅什么是技术?在iTunes上,在SoundCloud上收听,或者通过RSS订阅。一定要在Twitter上关注我们。你还可以找到整个收集什么是技术?故事就在互...

  • 发布于 2021-05-02 13:22
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我最近了解到,我的同事阿迪·罗伯逊(Adi Robertson)是一个古怪交通工具的粉丝。在我们去圣丹斯电影节的工作之旅中,她高兴地把我介绍给了缆车,这是一个装饰精美的小盒子,在铁轨上沿着悬崖边上下移动,就像一辆过山车...

  • 发布于 2021-05-03 16:53
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...Tasha Robinson对新片问世背后的科学研究,以及更多来自Adi Robertson对谷歌白日梦VR耳机的演变。

  • 发布于 2021-05-08 16:40
  • 阅读 ( 128 )


...可能会更加有趣。正如《边缘》杂志的阿迪·罗伯逊(Adi Robertson)在美国大选几天后写道的那样,“女仆的故事敢于说出敌人的名字。”

  • 发布于 2021-05-09 03:40
  • 阅读 ( 158 )