



In my past life I worked in the entertainment industry, and talking about films and filmmaking remains one of my most favorite things to do. This podcast by screenwriters John August (Big Fish) and Craig Mazin (The Hangover Part II) is my weekly fix. While it’s ostensibly aimed at film and TV writers, Scriptnotes is a great listen for anyone that’s interested in how movies are written and made. August is also one of the individuals behind Quote-Unquote Apps and Highland — a Markdown variant for screenplays — so the show often provides a healthy dose of tech perspective as well.

The Wishbringer stone

If you’re of a certain age, the name Infocom needs no introduction. Along with a 5.25-inch floppy disk, the company's masterful text-adventure games would include props, leaflets, and other detritus inside their packaging — and this tiny plastic rock is a replica of the titular stone from Wishbringer. At one point the rock glowed an eerie purple in the dark, and while that ability vanished long ago the stone itself has made it with me across four cities, 10 apartments, and over 20 years. How did it make the journey? Was it magic? Only the Wishbringer knows for sure.

The Builders and the Butchers — Salvation is a Deep Dark Well

I was first introduced to this Portland-based folk-rock band a couple of years ago, and Salvation hasn’t left my regular rotation since. I love their sound: Tom Waits by way of William Elliot Whitmore, with a singer that sounds like David Lowery stole Gordon Gano’s vocal cords. Melancholy, triumphant — and damn good to stamp your feet to.

Punch-Drunk Love

Paul Thomas Anderson is one of my favorite directors, and while I still find Magnolia his most impressive achievement, this is the film that’s closest to my heart. It’s uncomfortable and honest in ways we rarely see in movies, and Adam Sandler is hilarious enough to forgive a hundred That’s My Boys. (It also stars Emily Watson, which is all the reason you really need to run out and see it.) Pair it with Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and get ready to fall in love with love.

Breaking Bad

Friends have been singing the praises of this show and its pitch-black sense of humor for years. A month ago I finally dove in, and to all those that recommended it: you were right. Bryan Cranston’s c***tantly-evolving performance and the show’s narrative zigs and zags turn what could have been a one-off gimmick into an exploration of the darkness inside one (seemingly) mild-mannered suburban dad. After tearing through more than four seas***, I now find myself caught up... just as this year's episodes have come to an end. Is it 2013 yet?

  • 发表于 2021-04-24 00:39
  • 阅读 ( 168 )
  • 分类:互联网



...端口,在轨道实验室的外部形成一个小的圆形凸起。端口边缘的一系列夹具和机构将锁定在气闸上,确保气密密封。宇航员可以打开港口的舱门将物品储存在气闸中。 Nanoracks的首席创新官Mike Lewis在接受《边缘报》采访时说:“...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 22:44
  • 阅读 ( 147 )


...慨地让三人玩了四个新的WindowsPhone8X旗舰设备。接下来,布莱恩·毕晓普到传奇特效之家工业照明公司(Industrial Light&魔法学习,除其他外,绿巨人是如何来到屏幕上的复仇者的生活。

  • 发布于 2021-04-24 04:53
  • 阅读 ( 143 )



  • 发布于 2021-04-28 19:49
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  • 发布于 2021-04-28 23:53
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...3:30加入我们,参加Verge 2015年奥斯卡直播博客。资深记者布莱恩·毕晓普将在洛杉矶的奥斯卡新闻发布室进行现场报道,艾米莉·吉田将在Verge的纽约办公室聊天。期待着炙手可热的幕后八卦,犀利的好莱坞洞察力,以及科技博客...

  • 发布于 2021-04-29 02:33
  • 阅读 ( 89 )


...康的视角,而不是宣传漩涡的中心,我邀请了多年的影迷布莱恩·毕晓普(bryanbishop)来观看这部电影。我们讨论了几十年来科技是如何让导演乔治·卢卡斯(George Lucas)和一群忠实的影迷改变了现实电影的。

  • 发布于 2021-05-01 06:00
  • 阅读 ( 78 )



  • 发布于 2021-05-03 07:02
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 AMC总裁查理·科利尔(Charlie Collier)在一份...

  • 发布于 2021-05-04 06:06
  • 阅读 ( 113 )



  • 发布于 2021-05-04 21:54
  • 阅读 ( 129 )


几周前,我的朋友和同事布莱恩·毕晓普(Bryan Bishop)到拉斯维加斯参加了一个名为CinemaCon的华丽会议,电影制片厂和影院老板在会上讨论电影业的未来——一个不像过去那样可预测的未来。

  • 发布于 2021-05-04 22:13
  • 阅读 ( 95 )

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