如何:将谷歌日历同步到ios、android和windows phone






事实上,它无处不在,iOS、Android和Windows Phone都提供了集成的Exchange支持。在某些情况下,您只需输入电子邮件地址和密码即可访问公司的Exchange服务器,而其他人则需要输入自定义域和其他技术设置。通过致电您的IT部门或登录他们的网站提前收集这些设置,将使您在设置应用程序时免受很多挫折,因此我们建议您现在就这样做。


Connecting an iOS device to an Exchange account involves a minimal amount of setup, and the process has largely remained the same among different versi*** of iOS. To get started, simply:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Scroll down to “Mail, Contacts, Calendars”
  3. If you haven’t set up any accounts, select “Microsoft Exchange”
  4. If you already have at least one account set up, click “Add Account...”, then tap “Microsoft Exchange”
  5. Enter your email address, username, and password. Leave the “Domain” field blank if you don’t know it — it may not be necessary
  6. Enter any additional settings required to access your company’s server

Push “Next”, and if everything goes well you should be presented with a dialog asking you to pick which services you’d like to sync. With that done, go to the iOS Calendar app itself and tap on the “Calendars” icon in the top-left to choose which calendars to display in the app. You can keep your calendar tidy by selecting only the synced calendars you need to view.


In Android, setting up an Exchange account is just as easy, but there are some slight differences in the process depending on which version you’re running. First, open your app drawer, then tap on Settings:

  1. In Android 2.3 and 4.0, tap on the “Accounts & sync” menu item
  2. In Android 4.1, tap “Add Account” under the “Accounts” category
  3. Click “Corporate”
  4. Enter your email address and password
  5. The dialog may expand, asking for similar settings. If your company has specific server settings, this is where you’ll enter them. Provided that your username and password are correct, the default settings generally work fine
  6. Select which services to sync, then tap done

Within the Calendar app itself, tapping on the menu icon will bring up a dialog with the item Calendars to display. Tap that, then the boxes next to the calendars you want to display. If you’re managing multiple accounts, tapping “Calendars to sync” will bring up a complete list of accounts and available calendars.


To set up an Exchange account on Windows Phone, swipe to the app menu, then tap “Settings.”

  1. Scroll down to “email+accounts”
  2. Tap “add an account”
  3. Select “Outlook”
  4. Enter your email address and password
  5. If you’re prompted for more settings, enter them now
  6. Email, contacts, calendar, and tasks are enabled by default. If you’d like to deselect one of these, tap the account icon and choose which ones you’d like to sync

Once the account is added and synced, go to the Calendar app, then tap on the three dots to bring up the settings menu. Here you’ll be able to toggle which calendars you want to display.



其他移动操作系统将需要更多的设置,然后你才能轻松地切换日历和帐户。iOS和Windows Phone都需要两个步骤才能查看多个日历—第一步涉及iOS和Windows Phone的单独进程,而第二步是两者共享的。


Windows Phone

  1. Scroll right to the applicati*** menu
  2. Scroll down to “email+accounts”
  3. Tap “add an account”
  4. Enter your Gmail address and password
  5. Calendars sync by default, but you can control this by tapping on the account name after it’s had a chance to sync.


  1. Go to "Settings"
  2. Scroll down to “Mail, Contacts, Calendars”
  3. Tap “Add Account...”
  4. Select “Microsoft Exchange”
  5. Enter your Gmail address
  6. Leave the “Domain” field blank
  7. Enter your username and password
  8. Click Next
  9. A “Server” field will appear, enter m.google.com
  10. Toggle the Calendar switch to “On”


After your device has synced with Google at least once:

  1. Browse to http://m.google.com
  2. Log in
  3. Tap “Sync”
  4. You should see “iPhone” or “Windows Phone” under “Manage Devices”
  5. Select your device
  6. Select which calendars you’d like to sync
  7. Hit “Save”

Finally, restart your device or force it to sync manually. After syncing the previous changes, a multitude of colorful event items should appear in both Windows Phone and iOS calendar apps. Give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back — you can now access all of your calendars on your **artphone. Adding events to individual calendars is as easy as creating a new event, then designating which calendar to put it in.



  • 发表于 2021-04-24 05:49
  • 阅读 ( 255 )
  • 分类:互联网



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