
安卓手机曾经是为超级书呆子们准备的,他们乐于为定制牺牲简单,为纯粹的马力牺牲易用性。但现在你不必交易了——不管你是刚买了nexus4、galaxysiii、One X+,还是别的什么东西,你都在用一款能做你想做的一切,而且很时尚的手机。但是怎么处理呢?首先,你要下载Facebook和Instagram,把你的Google设置搞定。那就去找《愤怒的小鸟》《星球大战》和《神殿快跑》,当然。但是当你想把...

安卓**曾经是为超级书呆子们准备的,他们乐于为定制牺牲简单,为纯粹的马力牺牲易用性。但现在你不必交易了——不管你是刚买了nexus4、galaxysiii、One X+,还是别的什么东西,你都在用一款能做你想做的一切,而且很时尚的**。但是怎么处理呢?首先,你要下载Facebook和Instagram,把你的Google设置搞定。那就去找《愤怒的小鸟》《星球大战》和《神殿快跑》,当然。但是当你想把事情做完的时候呢?或者当你发现你讨厌默认的安卓键盘和浏览器时?或者你没猪可杀了?下一步该怎么办。


Mint aggregates all of your bank account, credit card, debt, and investment accounts into a single screen. It’s owned by Intuit, so you can be relatively sure that your information is safe — and having all your finances in a single view is incredibly convenient. The free Mint app for Android takes all that and puts it on your phone, so you can quickly see where your money’s going, and how much you have left to spend.


Google’s Chrome browser on the desktop has become the default for tech-savvy users, and the same should be true on your Android phone. Chrome for Android syncs your bookmarks and even your open tabs with your desktop browser, and it offers a really slick interface and perfect page rendering. It’s only available on Android 4 and up, and in some cases it’s slightly slower than the stock "Browser" app most Android phones ship with — but those are **all complaints.

Amazing Alex

Some of the most addictive mobile games can be a bit... mindless, but Amazing Alex is anything but. You're tasked with creating Rube Goldberg machines that help Alex clean his room, or move that pesky pile of textbooks. It's Rovio's second game after Angry Birds, and it's every bit as insanely engrossing — you'll get your $0.99 worth.

Swype / Swiftkey

The stock keyboard on most Android phones isn’t all that great — but the openness of the platform means there are plenty of keyboard alternatives to help make your typing faster and more accurate. Choosing one can be difficult, but each is worth a shot. Swype lets you drag your finger across the keys to type, while SwiftKey offers better auto-correction and prediction. There are other keyboards out there, but these two are our favorites.

Falcon Pro

Despite Twitter’s recent change to limit third party clients, there are still some new ones out there that we really like. The latest is Falcon Pro, a $0.99 app that combines some nice design with easy access to all the Twitter features we care about — especially lists. Unfortunately it doesn’t offer push notificati*** like the official Twitter client, but a quick pull-to-refresh gets your timelines in front of you.


Pocket has quickly become our favorite "Read it Later" service, letting you save articles offline to catch up on at your convenience. Pocket's free Android app offers a clean design and can automatically update itself with your new articles in the background. You can use Android’s "Share" feature from any web page to save the article to Pocket, or save them from your desktop — everything will be there when you need it.


Snapseed is an excellent, free photo editing app that goes well beyond the basic filters most people use in apps like Instagram. It takes a little work to learn the tap + slide way of interacting with your photos, but once you do you’ll be adjusting contrast, saturation, crops, and more in a way that feels native to your Android device. Now that Google itself owns the app, there’s Google+ integration and the promise of future development.

Eye in the Sky

Of the myriad weather apps for Android, Eye in the Sky is our current favorite thanks to a fresh design and easy-to-customize widgets. The free app is super-glanceable and feels "Android-native," which is to say it follows the "Holo" guidelines and lets you quick swipe left and right between views. If you just want to know if you need a jacket or an umbrella, Eye in the Sky can't be beat.

Rdio or Spotify

Google has finally begun offering the ability to match your music to its cloud in Google Music, but a music streaming service like Rdio or Spotify is still much more convenient. You will want to give both a try to see which one you prefer — Rdio does a slightly better job showing you your friends’ music, while Spotify has easier radio-style listening opti***. But whichever one you choose, you’ll be able to upgrade to a paid service for more features.

Flick Note

Even if you haven’t bought into the note-syncing solution based on Simplenote, the free Flick Note for Android is still worth the install. It’s a dead-simple and straightforward note-taking app, and is fast and easy-to-use. Of course, if you are a Simplenote user (and you should be), it syncs your notes automatically with your desktop and the web.

Light Flow

If there's a little LED light on the front of your Android devices, it's definitely being underutilized. For $2.49, Light Flow unlocks its full potential — you can customize the notification color and frequency on an app by app basis, so at a glance you can tell if that vibration meant you received a work email, a personal email, a Twitter mention, or a Google Talk messages and so on. The free version allows notificati*** from a select number of apps, while the paid version unlocks the whole list.


We love Clear on iOS because it's such a pretty and fun way to manage your tasks, and Any.DO brings much of the same to Android. Drag and drop your tasks around the free app to make sure you see what you need to do at a glance, and you can easily share tasks with friends and co-workers too. Any.DO is free, and available for a number of platforms, but it's most powerful on Android — you can turn missed calls into tasks automatically, sync with Google Tasks, and even set quick reminders for when you need to pick up the laundry.

  • 发表于 2021-04-24 21:57
  • 阅读 ( 204 )
  • 分类:互联网



...看到个性化的突出显示。该应用程序还将显示一个气泡与你的实时数据使用,你可以点击切换控制飞行。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-12 05:44
  • 阅读 ( 221 )


...但说到Android,你可以采取一个重要的步骤:确保你的**或平板电脑(或任何你正在使用的Android设备)是最新的。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-12 12:14
  • 阅读 ( 250 )


... 所以你刚带着你的安卓**回家,你需要设置一下。下面是要做的。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-14 22:21
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...界的新乐趣之一。取下玻璃纸,从盒子上取下盖子,打开你的原始设备。开机标志旋转在其所有多彩的荣耀,而**准备其新的操作系统。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-22 20:57
  • 阅读 ( 191 )


...用户操作并检索窗口内容。如果你认为这一切都是为了让你的**更快,这几乎是有道理的。 但这正是事情变得更糟的地方,因为现在特洛伊木马可以有效地模拟触摸。它会生成一个通知,看起来像是来自PayPal,敦促用户登录。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-04-04 03:45
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...户。但是,您**上的现有联系人不会与该帐户同步。这也适用于你可能通过雇主或学校拥有的外汇账户。 要检查帐户是否设置为同步其联系人,请打开“设置”应用程序,选择“邮件、联系人、日历”,然后轻触该帐户。如果正...

  • 发布于 2021-04-09 17:45
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  • 发布于 2021-04-16 08:51
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  • 发布于 2021-04-22 10:29
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微软的新安卓应用程序将试图说服你改用windows phone

...googleplay的AppComparison的描述是这样开始的:“你在考虑把你的Android设备换成Windows Phone吗?”

  • 发布于 2021-05-02 12:58
  • 阅读 ( 184 )



  • 发布于 2021-05-06 10:02
  • 阅读 ( 156 )

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