适用于新windows phone设备的最佳应用程序

如果你正在寻找Windows Phone 8应用程序,你可能是诺基亚Lumia 920或HTC Windows Phone 8X的新主人。也许是Verizon上的Lumia 822?不管你刚刚激活了什么,你现在需要一些应用程序。如果你有一部芬兰公司的手机,你已经有了Bing地图,一个很棒的日历,和一些漂亮的诺基亚应用程序,但是现在你需要一个方法来完成事情,一个半体面的Twitter应用程序,以及一...

如果你正在寻找Windows Phone 8应用程序,你可能是诺基亚Lumia 920或HTC Windows Phone 8X的新主人。也许是Verizon上的Lumia 822?不管你刚刚激活了什么,你现在需要一些应用程序。如果你有一部芬兰公司的**,你已经有了Bing地图,一个很棒的日历,和一些漂亮的诺基亚应用程序,但是现在你需要一个方法来完成事情,一个半体面的Twitter应用程序,以及一些游戏,当你不想如此惊人的生产力的时候。Windows Phone的生态系统可能很艰难,因为第三方应用程序通常比第一方应用程序好得多——以下是从现在到下一个假期期间你应该下载的第一批应用程序。


Rowi is unquestionably the best Twitter client currently available for Windows Phone users — and that includes Twitter's own official app. Rowi, a free download, is a bit like TweetDeck, allowing you to create columns full of searches and lists, and customize the Twitter UI to your heart's content. The app was recently updated for Windows Phone 8, and now features fast resume and support for new 720p devices.

Nextgen Reader

Like its desktop-based sibling and Windows 8, the $1.29 Nextgen Reader is the ideal Google Reader companion for Windows Phone. Its sparse, clean interface neatly matches Microsoft’s design, and it has plenty of support for Live Tiles too. Articles can be starred, shared, and read using the Instapaper, Google, or Readability mobilizer views. It's a simple but efficient RSS reader, which is exactly what you need when you're on the go.

Network Dashboard

Windows Phone doesn’t include quick toggles for settings like Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, but Network Dashboard adds that feature back into the equation for $0.99. You can pin Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Airplane Mode, and Mobile Network settings to the Start Screen, allowing you to quickly go and turn off these features to preserve battery life (or avoid the wrath of a flight attendant). Digging into settings every time you want to turn Wi-Fi on or disconnect your Bluetooth headphones is a pain, and Network Dashboard brings everything right back to your fingertips.


A Windows Phone device is a perfect companion to the Xbox in your living room, all thanks to SmartGlass. It allows you to control your c***ole using your phone, and for some content it will even act as a secondary display for interaction or information. It’s an impressive new feature from Microsoft, even though there’s not a large amount of support behind it just yet. Still, being able to navigate around the Xbox dashboard without a controller is great, and using your phone as a virtual keyboard while signing in to Xbox Live or entering your Wi-Fi password is worth the download all by itself.

4th and Mayor

Windows Phone has an official Foursquare app, but 4th and Mayor simplifies the experience in a big way, and to solid effect. The free app supports all the features you’d expect in Foursquare, like notificati*** and Live Tiles for frequent check-ins, and does it in a clean and easy way that fits nicely with the Windows Phone 8 style.


No, you can't play Letterpress on your Windows Phone device, but you'll make some people plenty jealous when you break out Wordament for a crazy two-minute battle. The free game's a bit like Boggle — you play against everyone else, trying to identify as many words as you can within the time limit. You can play across platforms and devices, so prepare for many sessi*** of two-minute chaos as you play.

Gmaps Pro

The built-in Windows Phone maps client is adequate, but it’s no match for Google’s service — and though Google doesn't have an official Maps app on the platform, you can still get all its features. Gmaps Pro offers everything you’d expect from Google Maps on Windows Phone: directi***, compass support, search, and even Street View. The $1.99 app is a lot more functional than the default Windows Phone experience, and we still think you can't beat Google when it comes to transit directi*** anyway.

Boxfiles for Dropbox

Until Dropbox provides an official Windows Phone client, Boxfiles for Dropbox is the best way to get quick access to your documents, music, videos, and pictures. You can view and edit your text files, and easily move files from SkyDrive directly to Dropbox. Upload opti*** are limited to just photos from the Windows Phone OS, but if you’re after basic access to Dropbox then this free app is the most functional client you’ll find on Windows Phone.


Instagram seems like a natural fit for Windows Phone, given the camera prowess of the Lumia 920 and others, but Windows Phone doesn’t have its own official client for the service just yet. Metrogram helps: it provides access to a stream of photos from your Instagram contacts, giving you a way to like, comment, share, and download photos. Unfortunately, there’s still no ability to take photos and publish them to Instagram just yet.

Battery Level for WP8

Battery Level couldn't be simpler. For $0.99 it just puts a Live Tile on your Start screen or lock screen, and shows how much battery you have left on your phone. Opening up the app provides information on how long the battery will last before it croaks, alongside a historic chart showing how quickly it’s been dropping or charging. The default battery level in Windows Phone 8 doesn’t display percentage levels, and this is a hugely useful way to make sure your phone doesn't die on you unexpectedly.


If you're a Reddit power-user, the mobile website simply won't cut it. Baconit brings the Windows 8 styling to Reddit, giving you a ridiculously fast, free, and simple way to browse through all the news, cat GIFs, weird AMAs, and niche subreddits you could possibly want. Commenting and sharing is easy, as is getting lost down the brutally adorable rabbit hole that is r/aww.

  • 发表于 2021-04-24 21:57
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...但它可以帮助教育和组织你。如果你在期待,这些智能**应用程序将教会你,让你的生活更轻松。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-20 19:11
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...执行快速求和、转换、获取汇率以及搜索Evernote等第三方应用程序。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-26 00:11
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skype for windows phone测试版已发布,完整版将于4月发布

...Skype联系人进行音频和视频通话。Skype用户还可以通过该应用程序拨打固定电话和**。微软已经认证了许多Skype Windows Phone设备,包括诺基亚Lumia 710、Lumia 800、HTC TITAN、HTC雷达、三星Focus S和三星Focus Flash,在这些特定的**上提供了“...

  • 发布于 2021-04-21 11:42
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诺基亚阅读windows phone实用图片和视频

...亚今天在2012年世界移动大会上宣布了其最新的Windows Phone应用程序,我们有机会进一步了解它的工作原理。Nokia Reading不久将作为一款免费应用程序发布,适用于所有四款Lumia Windows Phone设备,最初可以访问电子书商店。诺基亚计...

  • 发布于 2021-04-21 11:45
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诺基亚恢复windows phone update tracker,但仅适用于lumia 800

...一款设备的不同变体数量之多。它还显示了运营商在推动应用程序更新方面所起的作用— 两个网络可能提供完全相同的**,虽然一个网络已经向其客户提供了更新,但诺基亚正在等待另一个网络的批准。

  • 发布于 2021-04-21 19:30
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现在需要windows phone 7.5才能访问市场、更新应用程序

...统更新到Windows Phone 7.5才能访问Windows Phone Marketplace、更新应用程序或下载新应用程序。就在几天前,微软就警告过我们这一转变,但去年秋天,这一更新被推向了大多数Windows Phone用户。很可能你已经在运行Mango了,但是那些仍然...

  • 发布于 2021-04-22 09:36
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适用于windows phone的纽约时报应用程序更新了新外观,支持实时互动程序

...些时候上线的更新,Windows Phone设备上的****(newyork Times)应用程序有了新的外观和一些新的功能。新版本的应用程序包括重新设计的外观和改进的性能,但读者也可以享受附加功能,如将文章保存到云中以便在多个设备上阅读。...

  • 发布于 2021-04-22 18:50
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...也将为microSD卡带来真正的支持,微软表示,为7.5开发的应用程序将不需要为新的分辨率进行重构。 此外,InternetExplorer10将内置到操作系统中,其呈现引擎将镜像桌面版本。微软还将允许该平台的本机代码开发,这意味着由于Dire...

  • 发布于 2021-04-22 20:01
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欢迎使用windows phone home为切换器提供应用程序建议

...使向Windows Live生态系统的过渡更容易,并帮助您找到新的应用程序来替换那些与您将要离开的围墙花园相关的应用程序。该应用程序由Mark/Space开发,并由Quixey的应用程序发现服务提供支持,是Windows和OSX的免费下载。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-04-24 00:42
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...软准备推出新的音乐订阅服务的同时,微软还将推出新的应用程序来管理和同步WindowsPhone8设备。接近微软WIndows Phone计划的消息人士透露了一款针对WIndows Phone 8设备的WIndows 8配套应用的外观和感觉。 这个应用程序是一...

  • 发布于 2021-04-24 00:53
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