


  • Feature

    Wow this is doge

    Meet the dog behind doge's most famous face, an eight-year-old Shiba named Kabosu that lives in Japan. Kabosu may be undeniably cute, but her path to fame — from an animal shelter, to a blog, to the internet at large — is quite the lucky one nonetheless.

  • Report

    The Year in Review: the biggest stories of 2013

    2013 was a wild ride. Come look back at the year's biggest stories with us, from the most important news, to the biggest letdowns, to the hottest new tech.

  • Report

    The lost secrets of webOS

    webOS could have had a gorgeous future. Take a look at the devices and designs that HP was hard at work on before its much-loved (but little-used) mobile OS was all but put to rest.

  • Report

    Is DNA ****ysis stuck in the past?

    Most DNA evidence collected from crime scenes gets neglected, but new lab techniques mean that could start to change. It might lead to more convicti*** and more exonerati***, but first law enforcement will have to jump onboard.

  • Editorial

    Welcome to the Age of the Upgrade

    Modern technology is about far more than just yearly upgrades. As 2014 kicks off, Verge editor-in-chief Joshua Topolsky looks over our relati***hip with tech, writing that our c***tant demand for something newer and better has only caused us to dream bigger. Better yet: those dreams are becoming real.

  • Report

    Why don’t economists like Bitcoin?

    Bitcoin's c***tant price fluctuati*** have economists skeptical of its potential as a legitimate currency. But even this instability may be no match for Bitcoin's resiliency — so long as its users are willing to keep trading.

  • Interview

    'Unmanned' director Robert Greenwald on how America embraced drone warfare

    Robert Greenwald has made a series of documentaries about America's recent wars. His latest, Unmanned, focuses on the shift to drone warfare. We spoke with him about how drones have become acceptable, why the military chooses to use them, and whether we'll ever have a serious conversation about such machines' often-troubling usage.

  • Report

    The incandescent light bulb isn't dead

    Your favorite light bulbs aren't going away because of a so-called 'light bulb ban' — they're just getting a little bit more expensive up front. With an energy-c***cious law in effect this year, c***umers are going to have start making a choice: buy more expensive lightbulbs, or use up less energy.

  • Report

    Power play: why your electric bill may be changing soon

    Americans' electricity use is dropping, and it could mean big changes for what power companies do to make money. States like California have already taken the lead, incentivizing power companies to make their customers use less energy — rather than buy more.

  • Preview

    CES 2014: The Verge preview

    Each year, members of the c***umer electronics industry converge in Las Vegas to show off everything that they've been working on. From 4K TVs to wearables to connected cars, it'll all be there. Here's what you can expect to see starting Monday (and here's where you'll find all the news).

  • 发表于 2021-04-24 23:43
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  • 发布于 2021-04-30 18:03
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  • 发布于 2021-05-03 20:23
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  • 发布于 2021-05-04 00:33
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  • 发布于 2021-05-05 06:12
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  • 发布于 2021-05-07 13:06
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  • 发布于 2021-05-08 16:32
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...黑色星期五和网络星期一的交易,黑色星期五的亮点是DJI无人机和三星电视的折扣,而网络星期一将是苹果12.9英寸iPad Pro的大减价。 这些交易目前还没有在eBay的网站上直播,但以下是该公司迄今为止在“黑色星期五”和“网络...

  • 发布于 2021-05-08 18:18
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...边境保护局正在研究一种更机动的边境监控方式:消费者无人机。该机构目前正在征求小型无人机系统的建议,类似于DJI和Parrot**的消费类无人机,将由美国边境巡逻人员部署在该领域。 在去年夏天的一份承包商招标...

  • 发布于 2021-05-10 15:08
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  • 发布于 2021-05-10 21:11
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  • 发布于 2021-05-11 21:26
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